Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of TicketTestsLifeCycle

Feb 13, 2014, 1:51:24 PM (11 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński



  • TicketTestsLifeCycle

    v4 v5  
    1313  b. Other resolutions: {{{pending}}}, {{{invalid}}}, {{{duplicate}}}, {{{wontfix}}}, and {{{worksforme}}}. Stop here. Feedback may be provided by the reporter later.
    1414 4. Ticket Tests created:
    15   a. A dedicated test branch is created for the ticket. All added and changed tests will end up in that branch. The branch name pattern is {{{t/<Ticket Number>}}}.
     15  a. A dedicated test branch is created for the ticket. All added and changed tests will end up in that branch. The branch name pattern is `t/<Ticket Number>`.
    1616  b. Ticket tests must reflect the exact steps to reproduce the ticket issue, not tests for the root of the problem. Design tests may be created on very rare cases (usually when reporting API issues).
    1717  c. It may happen that it is not possible to create automated tests for some tickets. In that case a manual test is required.
    2020 5. Analysis phase. (Status {{{accepted}}})
    2121  a. New tests could appear in this phase -- either ticket tests or design tests. All of them must end up in the ticket test branch.
    22  6. A patch is provided:
     22 6. A patch is provided in `t/<TicketNumber>` branch:
    2323  a. All new tests must PASS with it.
    2424  b. Status: {{{review}}}.
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