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Results (1701 - 1800 of 2591)

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8787 Context menu skips first child of td confirmed Bug Normal

With following code div properties don't show up in context menu when right clicking on image

				<div class="test">
					<img alt="a" src="" /></div>

In addition selection path updates to reflect image has been selected. In #8445 without the div this doesn't happen. It would seem dialog.getSelectedElement() skips first child of td.

				<img alt="Silva.jpg" src="/images/Silva.jpg" style="width: 100px; height: 133px;" /></td>
#8785 There is no option like CKEDITOR.config.forcePasteFromWord confirmed New Feature Normal

People are trying to force the filtering provided by the "Paste from Word" feature, however there is no such configuration option:

It would be nice to introduce it, the alternative right now looks like that:

#8768 CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.uiElement.setValue(value, noChangeEvent) does not respect the noChangeEvent parameter confirmed Bug Normal

I'm creating a custom dialog where I'm setting the value of a text area

var el = dialog.getContentElement('tab1','description');


Will always detect that the value of the element has changed. Per the documentation the noChangeEvent parameter should either trigger the change event or not. It seems to be firing the event regardless

#8761 Better support for pasting from Open Office confirmed New Feature Normal

Based on I'm opening feature request for better support for pasting from Open Office which is also very popular editor.

If you have a look at two test case files any try them you will see that: Lists are pasted as single level and tables are always pasted with colgroup even if it is empty (maybe that's the beauty of OO).

When pasting tables I have also noticed that it ignores thicker borders for cells.

#8760 BR tags get removed when switching from source and back. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Set
    config.fillEmptyBlocks = false;
    config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR;
  2. Pase the below in source mode and switch to wysiwyg
    <div style="text-align:justify;">
    test line 1</div>
    <div style="text-align:justify;">
    test line 2</div>
  3. Put caret behind test line 1^ and press enter two times
  4. Switch to source and wyswig two times

Results: because there is no &nbsp; tag behind <br /> tag, the br tags are removed.

Reproducible in all browsers from CKEditor 3.5

#8759 Add the possibility to remove a context menu item at a certain listener assigned Sa'ar Zac Elias New Feature Normal

During work, I've encountered a situation in which I need to remove the div options from the context menu in a specfic condition (while leaving it intact in any other situation). This is currently impossible - one can remove an option for the entire instance, and not just that one time.
My suggestion is to allow it with null assignment:

return { editdiv : null };
#8749 Passing data into a shared dialog review Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo New Feature Normal

It is sometimes useful to be able to pass data to a shared dialog. For example, I have a datepicker dialog and a treeview selector dialog, both of which are invoked from several other dialogs. The getDialogValue function in the docprops dialog enables a shared dialog to be invoked, and provides a callback for e.g. passing the result to the parent dialog. However, there is no clean way to pass data - for example, the current value of an element in the parent dialog or options.

Here's how this can be achieved.

In plugins/docprops/dialogs/docprops.js:

Add a third argument to getDialogValue:

function getDialogValue( dialogName, callback, data )

Pass the data in the invocation of execCommand:

editor.execCommand( dialogName, data );

Change the following line to be generic (not just for colorDialog):

if ( editor._.storedDialogs[dialogName] )

In plugins/dialog/plugin.js

Add a data argument to show:

show : function(data)

Pass the data in the show event: 'show', data );

Add a data argument to exec:

exec : function(editor, data)

Pass the data in the invocation of openDialog: function() { editor.openDialog( this.dialogName, null, data ) }, 0, this )

And in openDialog itself:

openDialog : function( dialogName, callback, data )

And in the inline invocation of show:;

The data can be in any form, but I usually pass it as name-value pairs - for example, for the datepicker:

    'inputDate' : inputDate,
    'dateFormat' : editor.config.dateFormat 
#8748 Unable to apply any inline style to text inside first block element inside td when there is a comment before confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce paste in the below code: 1.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
	<head><!-- Facebook sharing information tags -->
		<meta content=" " property="og:title">
	<body leftmargin="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" offset="0" topmargin="0">
		<table border="0" cellpadding="20" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
					<td valign="top"><!--Begin Module Standard Content-->
							<h1 class="h1">Heading 1</h1>
							<h2 class="h2">Heading 2</h2>
							mollis a.
  1. Try to apply font-size or font color to text in heading one
  2. Because of the comment above there will be no change and result will look like
    <span id="cke_bm_111S" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span>Heading 1<span id="cke_bm_111E" style="display: none;">&nbsp;</span></h1>
#8743 IE9: in ENTER_BR table/smiley/form is inserted under br tag confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to replicate the problem

  1. Enter the word "TESTING" without the quotes into CKEditor.
  2. Place cursor before T and press the Enter key. (The word TESTING will be on the 2nd line with a blank line on top).
  3. Place the cursor on the blank line on top of the word Testing.
  4. Click on the table button. The table dialog will appear.
  5. Click on the OK button on the table dialog.

Result: table/smiley/form are always inserted under br

Issue has been reproducible in IE9 only from CKEditor 3.5.3 rev [6624]

#8734 Chrome doesn’t recognize lists from MS Word 2010 confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open attached sample file
  2. Copy contents
  3. Paste it using CRTL+V or "paste from word" dialog

Unordered list is pasted as set of paragraphs.

This issue has been reproducible in Chrome only from CKEditor 3.0.

NOTE: In CKEditor 3.5.3 rev [6616] new handling of lists pasted from Word was introduced. From this revision CKEditor has started recognizing ordered lists in most cases.

The attached file list_test.docx contains working ordered list. There are however ways to insert baddly formatted ordered list:

  1. Please see list_test2.docx. I'm not sure what it depends on. In my test I have always started new document, indented elements before typing and one time it worked, one time it didn't
  1. Use MS Word 2010 for creating multilevel lists. Please see attached jing file.
#8724 Draw a table with plug-in (one-click table) confirmed New Feature Normal

Ticket REF: 7320-RYDC-2204

Would be nice to have a plug-in available to draw tables like in Office Word.

The Main advantage of using this way with standard height and width is, user may not be confused to insert the table. With the current plug-in have great and more features , but may leads to confuse the user also.

#8723 in chrome, span with class attribute removed when merging blocks on delete/backspace confirmed Bug Normal
  • set the enter mode to P or DIV
  • set some style, for example bold to add span with class='bold'
  • clean all text from the edited area
  • press enter (<p><br></p> will be added)
  • switch to bold
  • write some text (you will have <p><br></p><p><span class='bold'>aa</span></p>)
  • go to the 1st line
  • press delete

the expected result is that you'll get <p><span class='bold'>aa</span></p>

but instead you get <p>aa</p>

I understand that this is a webkit bug, but unfortunately I guess that when they will fix the issue it will be with inline style instead of a class.. thanks

#8717 Mobile Safari - Cursor remains after switching between wysiwyg mode and text mode confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Goto
  2. Tap on 'Little'
  3. Press the source button.
#8716 Better indication of required fields confirmed Bug Normal

Labels for all required fields on our dialogs should have an astrisk(*) and instructions for identifying required fields should be clearly labeled at the beginning of the form.

This is a failure of Accessibility Checkpoint 1.3.1

This is clearly documented in Examples of Success Criterion for 1.3.1

See links here..

#8715 Problems with changing text of a link - some unification is needed confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open replacebycode sample
  2. Double click on link - a popup will open. Click OK on the popup. The link should be still selected. Another way to do it is to simply select the link with a mouse but there are some differences.
  3. Start typing to change text of a link

Expected Result:
New text gets linked.

Actual Result:

  • Webkit and Blink - Only first letter gets linked (CKEditor 3.0).
  • IE - text gets linked but till the first space (IMO this is correct)
  • Firefox - If you select the whole link with a mouse - text typed even with spaces will get linked. If you doule click on a link and start typing link will be lost. This is because #8195 bug.

There are definetely problems in Safari, Opera and Chrome which should be fixed. As for Firefox - it will probably hard to make it work as other browsers.

NOTE: There is also a feature request for adding new text filed "Link Text" in Link Dialog #7154. It may solve the above issues but when implementing this feature one should take this ticket into account.

#8712 CKEditor.NET 3.6.1: ASP.NET MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback=true does not work for links after update panel if CKEditor is present on page review kaga Bug Normal

In ASP.NET there is a page directive to enforce scroll position after (either full or partial) postback. Scroll position is wrong if postback is triggered by a link button that is located aftern an update panel and if there is a CKEditor.NET control on the page. If you remove the CKEditor.NET control, scroll position is correctly after postback.

To Reproduce, create web site with ckedior in subdirectory, reference to CKEDitor.NET control and create a srolltest.aspx page with the following content. Display the page, scroll to the botton of the page and hit the link. Postback will be done and scroll position is wrong after postback. Repeat the test after removing the CKEDITOR.NET control from the aspx and scroll position will be ok.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="scrolltest.aspx.cs" Inherits="scrolltest"
    MaintainScrollPositionOnPostback="true" %>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnablePartialRendering="true">
    <CKEditor:CKEditorControl ID="TextBox1" Text='y' runat="server" Width="800" PasteFromWordCleanupFile="true"
        PasteFromWordNumberedHeadingToList="True" PasteFromWordPromptCleanup="True" PasteFromWordRemoveFontStyles="True">
        <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
        <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">DoPostback 1</asp:LinkButton><br />
        <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
        <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
        <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton4" runat="server">psotback before upd-panel</asp:LinkButton>
        <asp:UpdatePanel ID="up" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
                <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server">Async Postback im Upd.Panel</asp:LinkButton>
        <asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton3" runat="server">DoPostback-after-up-panel 1</asp:LinkButton>
        <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
        Kurz vor Ende Form</h2>
    <asp:LinkButton ID="lb" runat="server">DoPostback-after-up-panel 2</asp:LinkButton>
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new Bug Normal

With iOS on iPad:

  1. Open the a page with CKEditor and other standard text fields (the API sample is ok for it).
  1. Tap inside a standard text field to enable editing on it.
  1. Tap inside CKEditor to enable editing on it.

Bug: Editing will be enabled in the editor (it's possible to type), but no caret will be displayed.

#8695 Reset fonts confirmed Bug Normal
  1. All browsers
  2. Steps to reproduce:
  • choose font style ( "bold" for example)
  • type something
  • then press Enter twice
  • then move on the previous line, using mouse

Result: Bold font was reset Expected result: If any font style was chosen, it keeps still while typing. Screens are attached

#8694 IE: copy/paste problem in pre tag confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce :

  1. Go the , clear the content
  2. Go to Source view
  3. Paste or Type the following code:
    This is test number one
    This is test number two
    This is another test
  4. Go back to Design view
  5. Select word ^number^ on the first line, press Ctrl+C (copy)
  6. Select ^This^ on the second line , press Ctrl+V (overwriting 'This' with 'number')

Expected behavior:
The copied text should replace the contents ( 'This' should be replaced with 'number' )

Actual behavior:
Part of the original content is still visible.

Issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.1 in all versions of IE.

#8690 Trim trailing whitespace when creating elements confirmed Bug Normal

Under Windows, if I double-click on a word, the space after the word is also selected. If I then click on a button to add an underline, bold, link, etc. that trailing space will become underlined, part of the link, etc.

Normally, links, etc. should end at the end of the word.

Proposed solution: When creating a new element from a selection, trim trailing whitespace and re-add that space on the outside of the closing tag.

I tried to write a patch, but I am not familiar enough with the code base and was unable to find that place where new elements are created.

#8686 Bold, Italic, Underline plugins not detecting formatting using style element confirmed Bug Normal

I have a document which is using style elements for bold, italics and underlines. eg:<span style="font-weight:bold">bold</span><span style="text-decoration:underline">underline</span>. I am not able to undo the styles using 'bold' and 'Italic' plugins. The issue is also with other plugins like 'underline' and 'strike through'

#8677 cke_disabled class is not added to the span for a disabled dialog button confirmed Bug Normal

The dialogui plugin defines a disable function for CKEDITOR.ui.dialog.button objects.

 * Disables the button.
 * @example
disable : function()
	this._.disabled = true;
	this.getElement().addClass( 'cke_disabled' );

This function adds the cke_disabled class to this.getElement() which corresponds to the a tag for the button. Therefore the a tag can be styled using this class when the button is disabled. However, the cke_disabled class is not added to the span tag which displays the label for the button (see the attached screen capture). Therefore, there is no way to style the text for disabled buttons.

The disable function should be updated to also add the cke_disabled class to the span tag. Perhaps doing something like this:

disable : function()
	this._.disabled = true;
	this.getElement().addClass( 'cke_disabled' );
	if(this.getElement().getChildCount() > 0 && this.getElement().getChild(0).getName() == 'span'){

The enable function would need to be updated accordingly to remove the cke_disabled class from the span when the button is enabled again.

#8670 dom.node#getAddress returns different addresses for detached trees in IE7&8 than in normal browsers confirmed Bug Normal

This test passes in browsers like Fx and Chrome, but fails in IE7&8.

var root = newElement( 'span' ),
	child1 = newElement( 'span' ),
	child2 = newElement( 'span' );

child1.appendTo( root );
child2.appendTo( root );

assert.isTrue( child2.getAddress(), [ 1 ] ) ); // in IE7&8 - [ 0, 1 ]
assert.isTrue( root.getAddress(), [ ] ) ); // in IE7&8 - [ 0 ]
#8669 Chrome, Line breaking when font size is changed confirmed Bug Normal

Chrome Reproducible steps:

  1. Open editor
  2. Write something
  3. Change fontsize
  4. Keep typing
  5. Change colour
  6. Type more
  7. Change background colour
  8. Type more
  9. Press enter

Expected: Text with different font sizes are kept on same line. Actual: The text from point 7 and onwards is placed on new line

#8667 [Webkit] Enter works incorrectly into PRE blocks confirmed Bug Normal
  • Open editor and clear all content
  • Apply Formatted paragraph format
  • Type some chars and hit Shift+Enter or Enter

Outcome: cursor jumps to the start of the current line and new line is added before this one.

#8666 Wrong rowspan after vertically splitting and merging back cells confirmed Bug Normal

Add a table using the default options:

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px">

The split the first cell vertically (starting from CKEditor 4.5.0 Horizontally - #8024):

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px">
			<td rowspan="2">

Then merge the first cell down:

<table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width: 500px">
			<td rowspan="2">
			<td rowspan="2">

It should revert to the original layout, i.e. the first set of html pasted, but instead the first row ends up with four table cells, and the second row ends up with just two.

#8661 Copy paste table does not retain table width - style attribute in not copied confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create a table (default values are fine)
  2. Place the cursor in the first cell and click/drag to highlight the rest of the table
  3. Paste the table in the editor

Expected result: The pasted table retains the width of the copied table

Actual result: The pasted table appears very small and has the minimum column width possible (screenshot attached)

Workaround: Copy the table by placing the cursor outside of the table when highlighting it. The table pastes properly this way.

The problem is reproducible on the application.

#8654 entering character sometimes creates spurious newline in firefox confirmed Bug Normal

On Firefox 8 on Windows 7:

steps to reproduce:

  1. go to demo page
  2. edit source and change it to "<p></p>"
  3. stop editing source
  4. focus on editor using the tab key (do not click on the editor)
  5. type a single character

Expected: Just the character should be typed.

Actual: A newline spontaneously appears before the character, moving the character down.

#8652 Upload controls not available in Safari, in RTL mode review Sa'ar Zac Elias Bug Normal

When using CKEditor in Safari, or even Chrome on OSX, And using the Hebrew layout- Open a link dialog, go to the upload page - There's no upload button available in the file upload control. This is a very high priority bug - because clients cannot upload files.

#8646 CKEditor 3.x vertical scroll bar is hang/not working on Firefox browser confirmed Bug Normal


We are using 3.x version of CKEditor in our project and when set large data to the editor (1 MB - 2 MB) data, the vertical scroll bar is stopped working. This issue is coming on Firfox and this is working fine for IE browser. For large data, when try to scroll after load it sometimes make the browser also crashing some times.

Really would appreciate if any work around or patch for this issue? Please guide us kindly.

Note: We have a valid license for the CKEditor.

Thank You, Siju Thomas.

#8645 Copy/paste problem with chrome into table cells confirmed Bug Normal

Juste create a table, type space into one of the cells and paste some text with carriage return into it. The text is pasted into the next cell.

If you're in the last cell of the table, the text is pasted just after the table.

This is reproducible with CKEditor demo

#8640 htmlParser not recognizing empty comments confirmed Bug Normal
var counter = 0,
	parser = new CKEDITOR.htmlParser();

parser.onComment = function( comment )
		counter += 1;

parser.parse( '<!---->' );
assert.areSame( 1, counter ); // error (actual: 0)
#8636 Editing Absolute positioned DIVs in Firefox and IE is problematic confirmed Bug Normal

When using Mozilla Firefox (or at least version 9.0.1), when a DIV with absolute positioning is not the first thing you click inside the editor, then it becomes uneditable.

Paste this inside a CKEditor to re-create:

<div>1. Click me</div>
<div style="position:absolute;">2. now try to edit me</div>

I note that this works as expected in competing editors such as TinyMCE.

#8635 htmlParser not recognizing self closing tags without space before /> confirmed Bug Normal
parser.onTagOpen = function( tagName, attributes, selfClosing )
		assert.isTrue( selfClosing ); // error
		assert.areSame( tagName, 'br' ); // error (actual: 'br/')

parser.parse( '<br/>' );

Now this issue is only theoretical - all browsers are returning space before /> (or no self closing tags at all). But this can change in the future.

#8621 WYSIWYG focus fails on Opera Mobile and Kindle Silk browsers confirmed Bug Normal

Descriptive summary: Unable to set 'focus' within the WYSIWYG editor on devices using Opera Mobile. Same issue also affects the default browser on Kindle devices (Silk).

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Download/install the Opera Mobile emulator:
  2. Go to, and try to set focus/cursor within WYSIWYG editor (this fails - see attached file Image_1_WYSIWYG_Editor_NoFocus.JPG).
  3. Click the 'Source' button of the editor (this succeeds - see attached file Image_2_Source_Editor_FocusOK.JPG).

Browser name and OS: Opera mobile / multiple OS

#8620 Chrome: left arrow jumps location after using style commands confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. type random text
  2. Press Ctrl+B to start bolding, or click the toolbar button
  3. type random text
  4. Press Ctrl+B to stop bolding, or click the toolbar button
  5. type random text
  6. Press the left-arrow once.

EXPECTED: the insertion point moves one character to the left

ACTUAL: the insertion point jumps to one character before the end of the bold text

#8614 Could you add line height option for ckediter. confirmed New Feature Normal

Could you add line height option for ckediter. some time ,we nend adjust line height between lines.So I hope, It can support line height adjust option.

#8612 DocProps plugin incorrect case handling of META element names - code could be more flexible. confirmed New Feature Normal

docprops.js creates a hash table of meta elements, keyed by the name converted to lower case. However, there are several cases of tests such as:

name in hash

which fail if the meta element name is not all in lower case. Fix is to replace several occurrences of the above with:

name.toLowerCase() in hash

Also in setupMeta:

result = ( name.toLowerCase() in hash ) ? hash[ name.toLowerCase() ].getAttribute( 'content' ) || '' : '';

The below description summarizes first 11 comments.

@Nickholt has extended docProps dialog with extra meta tags values. He copied the code that we use for standard values like ‘author‘ and to his surprise it didn’t work for attributes with values like meta name="THIS.Is.An.Upper.Case.Meta.Name. so he used toLowerCase() Method on name attribute.

Our code works and custom code is completely different story which makes this request rather invalid but I thought that perhaps we could make our code more flexible. Who knows if there won’t be a browser or a mobile tool that needs this change to display documents correctly.

Just a thought but perhaps fixing #8668 which to me may related will also fix this one.

#8597 CKEditor.NET 3.6.2 editor not displayed after postback (RadAjaxPanel) confirmed Task Normal

This is using ajax but not the MS update panel, I am using the Telerik RadAjaxPanel.

I have added a check to see if it is a RadAjaxPanel and it works now.


if (con.GetType() == updatePanel || con.GetType().FullName == "Telerik.Web.UI.RadAjaxPanel")
#8589 Safari & Chrome : Copying & Pasting first table row with headers & some cells with rowspan > 1 not working confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Insert a table with First Row as Headers and default values for Rows & Columns.
  1. Enter c & d as the values for the cells in the first row.
  1. Split the last cell in the first row vertically.
  1. See that rowspan=2 applied to all the cells except last cell in first row.
  1. Keep cursor in first table cell & select the row by clicking on tr tag in elements path bar.
  1. See that first row is selected. Use Ctrl+C to copy the row
  1. Move the cursor to a different table row and use Ctrl+V to paste the content.

Issue: Table row data is pasted as text into a single cell

#8584 Support Content Security Policy confirmed New Feature Normal

Content Security Policy is a W3D draft aiming to prevent the exploitation of XSS vulnerabilities. It prevents the execution of JavaScript that is directly embedded into HTML code via an inline script element, on-attributes and javascript:-urls. Only external javascript files from a whitelisted domain are executed.

CSP is supported by Firefox since version 4.0 and by the current development versions of webkit. Event the Internet Explorer 10 preview has basic support for CSP.

The main usecsae of CKEditor is to allow users to edit HTML code, which causes a non zero risk of XSS vulnerabilities in either CKEditor itself or the surrounding website. CSP support would be very helpful to mitigate these risks.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a website which uses CKEditor
  2. Add the following HTTP-Response header. In PHP this is done using the "header" function: X-Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'
  3. Open the page in Firefox > 4.0

Expected Result

CKEditor should work, assuming that it was installed on the same domain as the webpage.

The Firebug extension for Firefox is very helpful because it will list all the violations of the CSP.

#8579 Chrome Bug while pasting html confirmed Bug Normal

This is similar to ticket #8514 , but I have a way to reproduce it.

OS: Windows 7 SP1 Browser: Chrome 15.0.874.121

Paste the following HTML into a file on your machine:

Testing testing
<a href="test.html">link</a>
What's going on here?

In one tab in Chrome open the HTML file above.

In another tab in Chrome go to .

Copy everything from the first tab to ckeditor in the second tab. Only the first line will appear, even though you expect all of the text to be there.

I am confident this is happening because of a misbehaving webkit shim in . Just search for "bogusSpan".

You could also see this behavior with the following html:

Testing testing
What's going on here?
#8576 Editor stays on page if removed quickly enough in AJAX sample which results in two editors on one page confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Put ajax2.html in _samples folder
  2. Open it in a browser.
  3. Click Create Instance button.

You will have two editors on page but only one can be hidden/shown.

In ajax2.html I have added this code.

<script type="text/javascript">

Perhaps this is not very common scenario:) but it is also possible to reproduce it manually. If you click Create and Destroy buttons quickly enough you will get two editors as well (See two_editors.swf).

#8574 Change contents of richcombo after init confirmed New Feature Normal

I think richcombo plugin needs to be extended to support changing its contents after init has been run. This will enable developers to clientside refresh the list without loading the entire page where the editor is.

I have successfully done this with a bit of a hack in my own plugin that uses richcombo. In my code, I have a plugin that adds other plugins in the richcombo - e.g. insert link, insert image etc. This list may change due to userinput and it happens clientside.

How I solved it: (see

Some code: in the init function in ui.addRichCombo:

init: function () {
                var rebuildList =, this); // bind the buildList function with this scope
                rebuildList(); // call once to do first build of list
                $(editor).bind('rebuildList', rebuildList); // bind with jquery so we can call it later

then outside scope, define the buildList function:

var buildListHasRunOnce = 0;
        var buildList = function () {
            if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
                // Remove the old unordered list from the dom.
                // This is just to cleanup the old list within the iframe
                // Note that this removes all uls... if there are more than one editor on page, we have to be more specific on what to remove. In my production ready code, I target one of the lis, and find its ul parent and remove that instead of shotgunning all uls like in this example
                // reset list
                this._.items = {};
                this._.list._.items = {};
            for (var i in yourListOfItems) {
                var item = yourListOfItems[i];
                // do your add calls
                this.add(, 'something here as html', item.text);
            if (buildListHasRunOnce) {
                // Force CKEditor to commit the html it generates through this.add
                this._.committed = 0; // We have to set to false in order to trigger a complete commit()
            buildListHasRunOnce = 1;

I´m thinking that it should be at least possible to

  1. Get a handle on the richCombo object when you add it with editor.ui.addRichCombo
  2. Be possible to call clearRichCombo


  1. Add function remove
  2. Make it possible to call add after init. Currently you can, but it crashes the richCombos mark/unmarkall functions

Kind regards, Amund

#8570 setReadOnly in combination with getSnapshot throws an error in IE confirmed Bug Normal

If you call setReadOnly and getSnapshot synchronously, an Error is thrown in IE (7-9, not tested in 10PP)


  1. Go to
  2. Open the IE development tools
  3. Into the console, type in one line CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setReadOnly(true); CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSnapshot();
  4. Hit enter
  5. An error occurs.

Working variation:

  1. Reload page
  2. Type into the console CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.setReadOnly(true);
  3. Hit enter
  4. Type CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.getSnapshot();
  5. Hit enter
  6. No error occurs

A workaround is to set readOnly first and do the rest of the work in a timeout.

#8561 Unexpected lists get created when selecting nested divs confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Start with the following content:
      <div>Line 1</div>
      <div>Line 2</div>
  2. In WYSIWYG, select both lines:
      <div>^Line 1</div>
      <div>Line 2^</div>
  3. Copy using ctrl+c and paste (ctrl+v) at the end of Line 1:
      <div>Line 1^</div>
      <div>Line 2</div>
  4. The result is something like:
    	Line 1<br />
    		Line 1</div>
    		Line 2</div>
    	Line 2</div>
  5. Select all four lines and create a list.

Result: multiple lists are created from the selection

Expected: a single list is created with all four lines

Note: The expected behavior is derived from two things. The first is that the content appears to be flat from the user's point of view and selecting it should result in a flat list. And secondly, when a similar test case is attempted using the native browser execCommand('InsertOrderedList') call, the list that is created is a single list with four items.

#8554 Safari: Collapse toolbar and Font and Size will be reset confirmed Bug Normal

Safari, chrome

  1. Set cursor in Text area, Set font=Verdana (from drop-down list), set size = 26
  2. Click "Collapse toolbar" button
  3. Start typing

Actual: style settings (Font,size) are reset Expected: Specified settings should work

#8552 Spaces lost on copying during editing confirmed Bug Normal


(a) the Authority;

(b) the Commissioners;

(c) the OFT; and

(d) in relation to credit unions in Northern

and copy it into - ensure there are six spaces after each closing bracket. Then copy the same text within the demo and paste it back into the demo page - five of the six spaces disappear''''' This is very frustrating. Using IE9 and Windows7 64-bit and CKEditor 3.6.2 (revision 7275)

#8551 Browser hangs with with certain combination html (meta/link) and 'enterMode' confirmed Bug Normal

On the demo page initialize a new ckeditor with the following enter-mode:

CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; CKEDITOR.appendTo('demoInside', { height: 300 });

Go to 'source' view and type:


Click again on 'source' mode to go back to normal mode (WYSIWYG). The browser now hangs.

It only seems to happen with a table nested in another table in combination with 2 'link' or 'meta' tags or a combination.

The problem seems to occur in fragment.js in the 'while (1)' loop.

Although it might not be correct html to have 'meta' or 'link' tags in the body part, a lot of our clients are using reports/templates with this kind of code for certain (historical) reasons and now suddenly run into this problem since we have switched from FCKEDITOR to CKEDITOR. Please make it backwards compatible.

#8550 [ALL] inconsistent cursor about table confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open ckeditor at trunk in ie (ie6 or native ie8) and switch to source mode
  2. input the following source:
<table border="0" style="width: 100px" title="tbdescguide">

3.switch to wysiwyg mode and click the point in pic1(see attachment) the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) , then click the point in pic1 again (see attachment) the cursor is after table ! (it's always what i want , see pic3)


same click same cursor position (after table , see pic3)

actual result:

first click the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) ,second click the cursor is after table (see pic3)

PS : i also provide a patch in attachment , it will solve this problem , but i do not know its side effect.

#8549 [IE, Webkit] can not delete selected text in table contents confirmed Bug Normal
Description ckeditor at trunk in ie (ie6 or native ie8) and switch to source mode 2.input the following source:

<table border="0" style="width: 100%" title="tbdescguide">
  1. switch to wysiwyg mode and select text "12345678" or "2345678" or "5678" using mouse (here you can note :user's selection is changed automatically , for details you should see pics in the attachment )
  1. press backspace button

expect :

selected text removed

actual result:

selected text still remains ,but selection gone and cursor goes to the start position of the original selection.

PS: you can not ctrl-x or ctrl-v for that selected text too, maybe the selection is broken when it is changed automatically in step 3 .

PS2: tinymce has the same problem , maybe it's a stubborn bug for ie not for editor.

#8548 Cursor position on FF4+ different from FF 3.6 & other browsers confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open API Sample.
  1. Place cursor at end of content in CK Editor.
  1. Press "Set Editor Contents" button.
  1. Press Shift+Tab twice & move focus back to content area in CK Editor.

Issue: On FF 7 cursor shows up at the end of content area.

On all other browsers (FF 3.6, IE(6,7,8,9), Opera & Safari) cursor shows at the beginning of content area.

#8543 YouTube plugin confirmed New Feature Normal

I have written a YouTube plugin Ref: RE: Form submission from: Contact Us - [9883-OTKM-0306] [2a836e4d]

Frederico asked me to open a ticket and attach the plugin.

#8541 Wrong selection after deleted last character after contenteditable span confirmed Bug Normal
<title>CKEditor Sample</title>
<p> abcd<span contenteditable="false">XXX</span>e<p>

For above sample, in CKeditor 3.6.2, the cursor is move to the front of span after I clicked backspace and delete 'e' that after the span. Why is that? How can I change the code to correct it? Thanks.

#8536 Safari/ Chrome: Default Alignment not shown for the text in editor. confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Open any sample and keep cursor in editor body.

Expected Result: Align Left & Text direction from left to right icons should be highlighted in the toolbar.

Actual Result: Only Text direction from left to right icon is highlighted & default Alignment Align Left icon not highlighted in the toolbar

  1. Click on Text direction from right to left icon.

Expected Result: Align Right & Text direction from right to left icons should be highlighted in the toolbar.

Actual Result: Only Text direction from right to left icon is highlighted & default Alignment Align Right icon not highlighted in the toolbar

#8533 Carriage return disappears confirmed Bug Normal

In source mode, enter this code :

<br />
It's a test.

In wysiwyg mode, justify the words 'Its a test'. The br tag disappears. config.enterMode is set to CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR

#8532 ckeditor in IE local intranet does not work well with internet zone Active Scripting security is disabled confirmed Bug Normal

I was told by the helpdesk to open a ticket here with regards to an issue concerning ckeditor running over IE in an intranet environment. The full correspondence, attachments and findings are details here:

Here is the summary of things: A *Local Intranet* app using ckeditor renders the ckeditor correctly but all the plugin buttons are not responsive, if the internet (not local intranet) has Active Scripting set to disabled. This is an IE issue and not a ckeditor issue, but it can be dealt with. The thing is that in IE if the internet security zone's Active Scripting is disabled, it seems like innerHTML (which is used by ckeditor to render the editor) produces the correct html but does not bind any events required to activate the buttons, such as onmouseup.

The workaround to this is simple (and is detailed in the original helpdesk ticket).

P.S. The above security settings is not a custom settings but the default settings for IE in Windows servers. For example, if you install Win 2008, IE security settings by default are set to Enable Active Scripting in Local Intranet, but Disabled Active Scripting in Internet zone. This allows running local scripts with the exception of events in innerHTML. I was not aware of this limitation in IE prior to using ckeditor and I will be more than happy if my conclusions are incorrect.

#8526 [Webkit] Unlink Highlighted Object leaves empty Anchor confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open CKEditor demo in Webkit Browser
  2. Insert a link using the link button.
  3. Highlight the link.
  4. Press the unlink button.

Observe that is removed but inspecting the source of the editor show that an empty <a></a> has been left at the end of the previous link pointing to where the previous link was pointed.

#8525 Not possible to edit selected element confirmed Bug Normal

Given the following sample html

<p>Select this: <a href="" style="display: inline-block"
><img alt="smiley" height="20" src="../plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.gif" 
title="smiley" width="20" /></a>.</p>

in IE (tested 8 & 9), select the image & link, use the context menu and both the options to edit the link and image appear correctly, but using any option will bring up a dialog as if nothing was selected.

If instead of using the context menu the toolbar is used then it works correctly, as well as double clicking.

The problem seems to be that after closing the context menu the selection isn't restored properly.

I haven't tried to look at previous versions to check the behavior there.

#8522 Safari: Flash content not visible in page preview. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Flash Dialog
  2. Paste in URL ( or
  3. Clik OK.
  4. Click on Page Preview button.

Result: Flash content is not visible. You have to click on a flash content to see it.

Reproducible from CKEditor 3.0

#8521 IE: Pictures are not visible in preview for Flash Dialog confirmed Bug Normal

Wehn you insert URL to a picture in Flash Dialog it will not show in preview (see test.png).

Test URL:

#8518 Text around editor highlights during resize event confirmed Bug Normal

Bug reported by @mrfr0g

We've determined that during the resize event on the editor, the text around the editor is allowed to be selected. In some cases, this would cause large blocks of text to be selected and appear as gray or blue (depending on focus).

  1. Configure CKEDITOR to only allow vertical resizing

config.resize_dir = 'vertical';

  1. Create an editor with a paragraph of text below it.
  2. Resize the editor vertically, then move your mouse horizontally.

The text below the editor should be selected.

Thes can get selected in IE9, Chromw and Safari. This has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.4.3

#8517 Selection Field content is broken in firefox when clicked on left , right justification plugins. confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

1.Click on Selection Field plugin and add some values. 2.After adding the content to the editor, select the 'selection field' click on the 'right align'.

  1. You will observe that the Selection Field is broken.

Note: This happens in firefox.

#8516 Introduce Html ordered list 1.1, 1.2 (also when pasting from MS Word) confirmed New Feature Normal

Descriptive summary : Copy-Pasting content from MS Word 2007 to the newly downloaded CKEditor 3.X causes the following issue:

  1. The multi-layered bullet points do not appear correctly.
  2. The MS Word style "Title" has an underline which is not pasted into the editor.

Steps to reproduce : Copy content from the attached word file to the online demo.

Browser name and OS : We have installed the editor on a Virtual Machine:

  1. computer configuration: Intel Pentium
  2. OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 - SP2

Client 1:

  1. computer configuration: Intel core i5
  2. OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (x32)
  3. Browser name and version: IE9

Client 1:

  1. computer configuration: Intel core i5
  2. OS: Windows 7 Ultimate (x64)
  3. Browser name and version: IE8

Screenshot : attached

Sample data : attached

Please see comment:4

#8507 Invalid width of CKEditor when width is set to 100% confirmed Bug Normal

Setting width to 100% have quite an unpredictable result. When setting width of the editor to 100% user would expect the editor to take all the available space when rendering the interface.

The result is different however, the editor takes 100% + extra 12px.

In templates, where overflowing content is hidden, it is causing that CKEditor is cut off on the right side.

Happens only when using the Kama skin. Confirmed in IE8, Firefox, Chrome, Opera.

#8502 we can't shift+Tab out of the editor if there is no focusable element before the editor confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

Open Replace by Class sample.

Use Tab key to navigate in to the editor.

Now Press Shift + Tab.

Expected Result: Focus should go back to browser since there is no focusable element before the editor.

Actual Result: Focus/Cursor still remain in the editor

This is an Accessibility Issue

#8498 First word in webspelchecker not automatic selected in IE9 confirmed Bug Normal

When opening the spellchecking dialog the first suggested word is not automaticly selected in IE9, you have to click it before the suggestions show at the bottom of the dialog. This is not the case in other browsers (IE8, FF, Chrome).

#8490 Ability to customize the contents of the a11yhelp dialog. confirmed New Feature Normal

We can customize CKEditor to not display the collapse toolbar icon or the element path bar. However there is no way to remove the instructions for these features from the a11yhelp dialog.

It would be great if we could customize the a11yhelp contents to match the set of features that are available in different instances of the editor.

#8485 SCAYT selection bug confirmed Bug Normal

Go to the demo in IE9 and enable SCAYT. Now try using your mouse to highlight a line of text. After a few characters/words it will stop and bug out. It also bugs out using shift + arrow keys to highlight.

Also reports of this happening in ff, but I haven't been able to reproduce that one.

This bug can be reproduced only when user uses backward selection. And no problem with forward selection.

#8482 DispHTMLUnknownElement with invalid code confirmed Bug Normal

By selecting a dom range who contains invalid Html tags, IE causes an error in the error function at the line 201 of the element.js:

this.$.appendChild( node.$ );

In the case value contains an invalid tag, fe.: <foo>some content</foo>, the "this.$" is an instance of DispHTMLUnknownElement who doesn't implements the appendChild function.

the error is caused by the, this.createBookmark(); line 1636 plugins/selection/plugin.js, clone.insertNode( startNode ); line 528 /core/dom/range.js

We are currently experiencing this issue with IE 8 and 9, we haven't tried with prior version of the software.

#8481 switching between source and wysiwyg introduces gratuitous white space confirmed Bug Normal

Certain html snippets introduce extra white space on each switch between source and wysiwyg.

In 6.0.472.63 (59945) Built on Debian 6.0.2, running on Debian 6.0.3, Iceweasel/3.5.16 (like Firefox/3.5.16), and recent versions of Safari the attached snippet exhibits the problem in at least 3.6.2 and the nightly build as of 2011-10-27.

The behavior is somewhat different (less desireable?) with fullPage : true than without.

In both cases each round trip wysiwyg->source->wysiwyg introduces a <p>&nbsp;</p> fragment.

#8476 Adding an anchor deletes the character to the right of anchor confirmed Bug Normal

On entering an anchor at the start of a paragraph, the text or character to the right of the inserted anchor is deleted. This occurs in IE8.0.7601.17514 but not in Firefox 7.0.1, using Windows 7.

#8473 JS error will cause CKEDITOR instances to not update their data to the iframe. confirmed Bug Normal

We are using mutliple CKEDITOR instances on one page. We hide and display them by killing sections of the page and later repopulating them. Because we kill the CKEDITOR HTML before the final getData processing was finished it left the CKEDITOR in a state where getData and setData would not update the iframe contents.

I have attached the file with the fix that we added.

In /_source/plugins/editingblock/plugin.js line 47. You get the data from the editor. If an exception happens in the getData code then isHandlingData doesn't get set to false. After that the iframe contents become impossible to update. This will effect all other CKEDITOR instances on the screen.

We just added an empty try catch so as to ensure that regardless of errors that happen isHandlingData will always get reset to false. Thus not effecting the usability of any other CKEDITOR instance.

We did the same at line 74.

To reproduce: In our case, we would call editor.destroy() and remove the ckeditor instance from the screen. Destroy would fire an event that would later try to access the contentDocument of the iframe. That would throw the error because it no longer existed on the screen. We also had an blur event set to the editor that would grab the data.

Anyway I hope this helps.

#8471 Webkit: When Copy/Paste Table Cell It Gets Pasted in next Column confirmed Bug Normal
  1. insert default table
  2. in first cell, enter ddd
  3. Select whole cell (See selection.png)
  4. press ctrl+c
  5. Place cursor at the end of text ddd^
  6. press ctrl+v

Result: A cell is pasted into first cell in second column (See result.png)
Expected: A cell is pasted into first cell in first column

Issue reproducible in Webkit from CKEditor 3.0

#8470 existing link can not be modified confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open ckeditor at trunk and switch to source mode
  1. input
1<a href=''>2</a>3
  1. switch to wysiswyg mode and select all text
  1. set link to
  1. switch to source mode again

expect :

<a href=''>123</a> (same with tinymce)

actual result :

<a href="">1</a><a href="">2</a><a href="">3</a>

ps :

i attach a ugly patch for this problem ( i think it's a bug) , hope for a better solution

#8469 Id attribute get lost confirmed Bug Normal

Paste this code in source mode (config.enterMode is set to CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR):

<div id="body">

In wysiwyg mode, push enter after foo and click on one of the bullet buttons. Back to source mode, the ul tag is outside the div element.

Expected result :

<div id="body">

Actual result :

<div id="body">
#8467 <p> belongs with <br> at the end of list cause javascript error - nodeValue.length is null confirmed Bug Normal

Below steps can reproduce the error.

  1. Paste the following content
	<br />

  1. put the cursor position at the last line, e.g. cursor between d and e
  1. press left arrow key to walk through several lines from last line to the unordered list.
  1. javascript error occurs once the cursor position hit the unordered list content.

ps: the pattern unordered list + <p><br> causes this nodeValue.length error.

#8466 Customized filebrowser button is not open dialog for file selection confirmed Bug Normal

System configuration:

  • Mac OS X Lion (10.7.2)
  • Safari 5.1.1 (7534.51.22) OR Firefox 7.0.1 OR Google Schrome 14.0.835.202 (ALL AFFECTED)
  • CKEditor 3.6.2 OR CKEditor NightyBuild (BOTH AFFECTED)

1) Open _samples/fullpage.html

2) On line 64, after:

CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1',
                fullPage : true,
                extraPlugins : 'docprops'

Add following code for customizing Insert Image dialog:

CKEDITOR.on('dialogDefinition', function(ev)
        var dialogName =;
        var dialogDefinition =;
        var editor = ev.editor;

        if (dialogName == 'image') 
                var linkTab = dialogDefinition.getContents('Link');
                var browse = linkTab.get('browse');
                var hbox = 
                        id : 'hboxBrowseButtons',
                        type : 'hbox',
                        padding: 2,
                        children :
                                        type : 'button',
                                        label : 'Select from site documents',
                                        id : 'site_documents',
                                        filebrowser :
                                                action : 'Browse',
                                                target : 'Link:txtUrl',
                                                url : '/some/documents/browser/url'

                linkTab.add(hbox, 'cmbTarget');

3) Save it and load _samples/fullpage.html in browser.

4) Click "Insert Image" button, click "Link" tab and then click "Select from site documents" button - and it DO NOTHING and no errors reporting by browser!

But if I then edit _samples/fullpage.html on line 10 and replace

	<script type="text/javascript" src="../ckeditor.js"></script>


	<script type="text/javascript" src="../ckeditor_source.js"></script>

and repeat steps 3 and 4, then ALL working fine!

What is the bug?

#8462 Unnecessary paragraph gets created when trying to join two paragraphs using backspace confirmed Webkit Bug Normal

Issue reproducible in Webkit from CKEditor 3.0

  1. Paste in the following code
    	Line 1<br />
    	Line 2<br />
    	Line 3<br />
    	Line 4</p>
  2. Put cursor behind Line 2^ and press ENTER
  3. You will get
    	Line 1<br />
    	Line 2</p>
    	<br />
    	Line 3<br />
    	Line 4</p>
  4. Put the cursor in front of ^Line 3 and press BACKSPACE two times to delete br and 'join two paragraphs'

Result when switching to source in Webkit:

	Line 1<br />
	Line 2Line 3</p>
	Line 4</p>

while in other browsers:

	Line 1<br />
	Line 2Line 3<br />
	Line 4</p>

#8458 Ctrl + B can't work in this situation and javascript error is prompted confirmed Bug Normal

I've tried on both ckeditor3.6.1, 3.6.2 demo page and the api.html example downloaded from the webpage. below steps can reproduce the bug - use the api.html page for testing:

  1. Type several lines in the input area.
  2. e.g.

line 1
line 2
line 3
line 4

  1. Select All or Ctrl + A
  2. Ctrl + B to bold them all
  3. press enter several new line at the beginning of the passage, that's mean below in source view:
    	<strong>line 1</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 2</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 3</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 4</strong></p>
  4. Copy the text inside the "insert Text" box in api.html page, that's mean:

" First line with some leading whitespaces.

Second line of text preceded by two line breaks."

  1. paste the copied content in front of the bolded first line. After pasted the passage should be like this:
    	<strong><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp; First line with some leading whitespaces.</strong></strong></p>
    	<strong><strong>Second line of text preceded by two line breaks.</strong></strong></p>
    	<strong>line 1</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 2</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 3</strong></p>
    	<strong>line 4</strong></p>
  1. select content from ^with'' to..... line 2^, so several lines are selected.
  1. now press Ctrl + B for several times, javascript error prompted with the following message:

message: 'null' is null or not an object line: 32 character: 544 source code: 0

  1. if no javascript error prompted, try to select several lines again, the most important thing is to select the text across the pasted content from insertText textarea to the middle of the rest passage. And then press Ctrl+B
  1. ctrl+b would n't work and javascript error prompted eventually.

ps: Platform - windows XP sp3 Browsers - IE8 version - ckeditor3.6.1, 3.6.2


  1. line number and character of the javascript error in step 9 changed sometimes
  2. during the reproduce process, don't switch to source mode.
  3. for text only contain one line to be pasted in step 6, may not got the same problem
#8453 Linebreak after image in Opera brings image down confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Enter some text on one line.
  2. Insert a smilie at the end of the text.
  3. Move caret after the smilies.
  4. Press Enter.

Image is brought down to the next line. Happens with ENTER_BR and ENTER_P

#8448 CSS errors in FF 7.01 using CKEditor 3.6.2 confirmed Bug Normal

There are som CSS problems when using CKEditor with FireFox 7.01. I use CKEditor 3.6.2. I don't have an english version of FF - so my FF errors are in Danish:

[12:03:41.373] Forventede farve, men fandt 'auto'.  Forventede farve, men fandt '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Forventede 'end of value' men fandt '-webkit-focus-ring-color'.  Fejl i fortolkningen af værdien for 'outline'.  Erklæring droppet. @ http://localhost/components/ckeditor/_source/skins/kama/mainui.css:100
[12:03:41.379] Fejl i fortolkningen af værdien for 'filter'.  Erklæring droppet. @ http://localhost/components/ckeditor/_source/skins/kama/toolbar.css:149
[12:03:41.453] Fejl i fortolkningen af værdien for 'filter'.  Erklæring droppet. @ http://localhost/components/ckeditor/_source/skins/kama/menu.css:55
[12:03:41.511] Fejl i fortolkningen af værdien for 'filter'.  Erklæring droppet. @ http://localhost/components/ckeditor/_source/skins/kama/richcombo.css:65

But all in all the "filter" declaration is a problem - it cannot interpret the value - so the error reads: "declaration dropped"...(toolbar.css line 149, menu.css line 55 and richcombo.css line 65)

Also the interpretation of the value for "outline" doesn't work. Here it expects to find a color but finds: 'auto' or '-webkit-focus-ring-color'... (mainui.css line 100)

It is quite annoying that these messages fill up when you are debugging

#8446 IE8 - Unable to place cursor after image confirmed Bug Normal

Go to CKE demo. Ctrl-A/Ctrl-X Insert an image. Click on the image. Now attempt to place the cursor after the image to the right or bottom. You are unable to, and at this point, one cannot add anything after the image.

The same thing happens for iframes which uses image fake element.

#8445 dialog.getSelectedElement() returns wrong element when element selected is within a table for 3.6.2, Firefox confirmed Bug Normal

Observable for instance for a single image inside a table cell. The bug seems to be caused by the selected element being set to be the containing table element even though for instance the double-click event does get the correct element passed as its .data.element.

For a document containing something like (only):

				<img alt="Silva.jpg" src="/images/Silva.jpg" style="width: 100px; height: 133px;" /></td>

reproduce the bug by double-clicking on the image. The image dialog opens, but is not initialized with the image data.

In general,

  1. right-clicking the image will not show the image context-menu;
  2. double-clicking the image will open the image dialog, but will not initialize the dialog correctly;
  3. clicking the image toolbar icon with the image selected will open the image dialog but uninitialized.
  4. Please also note that when you click on image - the elements path shows only body table. If you will try to click on border you will get body table tbody tr td. It is not possible to get img element there.
#8441 Selection not updating when moving from left -> right confirmed Bug Normal

The editor.on( 'selectionChange' ) is not called when text is selected with the mouse moving from left to right when using Chrome v14.0.

This can be veryfied in the nightly build:

In order to replicate the bug place the cursor in between the bold text "sample text" and the link "CKEditor". Now drag the selection towards the left. Notice how the enabling of the bold action-button in the toolbar shifts to TRISTATE_ON and then to TRISTATE_OFF when past the bold text.

If the same is done from left to right (starting with the cursor to the left of the bold text and then dragging the selection towards the right then the bold action-button is not affected?!?

#8428 Copyright header missing from specialchar\lang\en.js confirmed Bug Normal

The specialchar\lang\en.js file does not contain any copyright information in the 3.6.2 release.

#8426 Strings for specialchar plugin added directly to editor.lang instead of editor.lang.specialChar confirmed Bug Normal

The strings for the special characters dialog are available directly on the editor.lang object when the editor is loaded in a new language. They should be inside the editor.lang.specialChar object.

To Reproduce:

  1. Add the attached fr.js (pseudo translation file) to the specialchar/lang directory and change the value of availableLangs in specialchar\plugin.js to:
availableLangs : { en:1, fr:1 },
  1. Open ui_languages.html in a browser.
  2. Click into the editor and open the special characters dialog. Close the dialog.
  3. Inspect the editor.lang object in the DOM. editor.lang.specialChar will contain all the strings for the specialchar plugin.
  4. Now change the language to French and inspect the editor.lang object in the DOM again.

Problem: All the strings for the specialchars plugin are now available directly on the editor.lang object. Note that these are the strings in English. When the special characters dialog is opened again, the editor.lang.specialChar object is correctly updated with the pseudo French strings.

specialchar\plugin.js does extend the editor.lang.specialChar object with the string values. editor.lang.specialChar, plugin.langEntries[ langCode ] );

However the CKEDITOR.plugins.load function in core\editor.js always extends the editor.lang object. editor.lang, plugin.langEntries[ lang ] );

This works correctly for the a11yhelp plugin because the strings in a11yhelp\lang\xx.js are specified within the accessibilityHelp group. Perhaps the special characters lang files also need to group the strings like this?

#8425 IE8 IE9: Selection Defect with contentEditable = "false" and unselectable = "on" confirmed Bug Normal

This issue was reported on our support channel (Topic: selection defect)

  1. Download and copy defect.html to samples folder
  2. Open editor and select "[This is div one and it simulates]"
  3. Right-click outside selection but in the same line E.g. area wher^e
  4. Repeat step three. this time click in are^a where

IN IE8 selection stays.
In IE9 selection shows for a moment on right-click and than disappears. To be more specific selection stays but the blue background disappears (what proves step 5).

  1. Additionally in IE9. Left-click out side of editor. Text will look like it is unselected. Now move the cursor on the part of text that "was selected", grab it with left-click and try to move it in the same line.

Result: It is possible to move the text because it's selection had stayed.

Issue has been reproducible in IE8 and IE9 from CKEditor 3.2.1

#8418 do feature detection of paste event support before simulating a paste event confirmed Bug Normal

I think this code might end up confusing you when Opera one day supports 'paste' events:

I suggest adding some additional feature detection - perhaps

if ( CKEDITOR.env.opera && ! ('ClipboardEvent' in window) )

or something like that.. There is no rush, paste event is high priority but probably won't happen for Opera 12 unfortunately.

#8416 IE: toolbar buttons don't respect cursor location. confirmed Bug Normal

This bug is related to #7796 where @fredck mentioned how browser sees element boundaries comment:4 and that current cursor location should be reflected by what the user sees on a toolbar comment:8.

To reproduce:

  1. Switch to source and paste in the following code
    		<b>HELLO World</b><br />
    		<br />
  2. Switch to source
  3. Click to the right of the "Hello World" but on the same height of this line - so that the cursor appear right after "Hello World"
  4. See that in IE8 and IE9 toolbar button "Bold" is IN MOST CASES not turned on
  5. Start typing or paste some text using CRTL+V or paste button (right-click to activate context menu turns on the bold button so pasting from context menu works)

Result: text is written/pasted in bold.

Issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.0 in IE8 and IE9.

#8412 Opera: insertElement() not working as expected for inline elements confirmed Bug Normal

When inserting multiple elements into the editor in Opera, the elements are sometimes added in the incorrect order. This only seems to occur when one of the elements being added is an inline element.

To reproduce:

  1. Save the attached file into the _samples directory and open it in Opera.
  2. Click the 'Insert Elements' button. This should add an empty image to the editor, followed by a paragraph of text.

Problem: The Paragraph of text is sometimes added to the editor before the image.

This problem only occurs when inserting elements into an empty editor and it occurs roughly every 2nd time.

The attached sample uses the following code:

temp.setHtml('<img src=""/><p>Text goes here</p>');

However if the img tag is replaced by other inline elements like <span> or <a>, the problem also occurs. We cannot reproduce the issue when using block level elements like <p> or <div> instead of the <img> tag though.

#8411 Losing formatting on backspace confirmed Bug Normal

No special setup, can be seen on sample files that come with the download.

  • Open one of the demos
  • Delete the default demo text
  • Type any text
  • Hit Return a few times to allow some space
  • Type some more text and give it formatting "Heading X"
  • Go to the beginning of the line
  • Hit backspace
  • The line with "Heading X" format is back to normal
#8406 StyleSheetParser and Fullpage confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently if FullPage=true then no style sheets are loaded via ContentsCss and hence the styles drop down isn't populated with the styles available for the page.

Ideally the stylesheetparser should load all the external styles sheets referenced in the html if fullpage=true

#8405 'mode' event documentation needs minor correction assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal

The CKEditor event 'mode' documentation

This is the link provided in the release v3.6.2 notes.

A new event parameter was added by ticket #7931 (New event afterSetMode) The documentation currently says: {String} e.previousMode

The previous mode of the editor.

This is incorrect, it should be {String}

The previous mode of the editor.

I couldn't find a way to request documentation changes and there doesn't seem to be a TRACS component, so I've tagged this under General.

#8402 SSI-style HTML comments inside href attributes are broken when Source button is clicked confirmed Bug Normal

SSI-style HTML comments such as <!--#echo var='DOCUMENT_NAME' --> become broken when the Source button is clicked.


Using the CKEditor demo site, click the Source button and add that comment to the first link:

<a href="<!--#echo var='DOCUMENT_NAME' -->" title="Fairy tale">fairy tale</a>

Then click Source to view the content in the normal editor mode. When you click Source again, the link becomes this:

<a href="{C}<!--#echo var='DOCUMENT_NAME' -->" title="Fairy tale">fairy tale</a>

Note the {C} that has been added. In fact, every time the source is viewed, another {C} is added:

<a href="{C}{C}<!--#echo var='DOCUMENT_NAME' -->" title="Fairy tale">fairy tale</a>
<a href="{C}{C}{C}<!--#echo var='DOCUMENT_NAME' -->" title="Fairy tale">fairy tale</a>

and so on.

#8398 customConfig applied to second instance of CKEditor may apply to both or only one editor. confirmed Bug Normal

This issue was reported on our support channel (Multiple instances configuration problem).

Custom cofnig file.

CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config )
{ = 'office2003'; 
 config.startupMode = 'source'; 

Settings on HTML page:


CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' ,  {customConfig : 'myconfig.js' });
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2');

This applies only to the first editor.


CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor2',  {customConfig : 'myconfig.js' } ); 

This applies either to one or both editors

To reproduce:

  1. Modify replacebycode sample page and JS file
  2. Clear browsers cache
  3. Load replacebycode page

In Firefox. At start only second instance gets updated but if you press CRTL+F5 couple of times quickly options will be applied to both editors

In IE. Simple CRTL+F5 will do. You will get toggling effect. One CRTL+F5 updates both editors and the other only one.

In Webkit and Opera both editors are updated most of the time. Only once I have managed to get state where only one editor was changed – it took a lot of CRTL+F5 of F5 to get it.

Issue has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.1 as I didn’t manage to get customConfig to apply any changes in earlier versions.

#8388 CTRL-V Paste with Opera going to top of editor confirmed Bug Normal

Seems that this bug is so obvious that it should already be reported but I did not find anything with "opera" and "paste".

Tested at:

First, copy some text so that when you use CTRL+V, you can paste it. I used "text" to paste with CTRL+V. Using ENTER_P mode, enter the following text using Shift+enter or using ENTER_BR mode (what we use).


Place you cursor after the "c", press CTRL+V. Note that it works properly.


Now move the cursor to after "b" and press CTRL+V. Note that the text gets pasted at the top of the editor.



Should be:


Same thing happens if you move the cursor to after the "a".

#8386 IE: When copying and pasting a table, an empty <p> is appended on output confirmed Bug Normal

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open CKEDITOR.
  2. Create a table.
  3. Highlight the table with "Select All" button and click "Copy" icon.
  4. Click "New Page" icon.
  5. Click "Paste" icon.
  6. Click "Source" -> HTML source is displayed, there is "<p> &nbsp;</p>".
  7. Click "Source" -> HTML page is displayed, line break is inserted before the table.

Bug is present since 3.4.2 i believe.

#8385 Problem when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor confirmed Bug Normal

Script error is displayed when switching between multiple instances of ckeditor in IE7.

Steps to reproduce: 1.create multiple ck-editor instances on the other ckeditor instances other than the current one in focus.

Expected Result: Editor should be displayed Actual Result: Script error is displayed

"C.getSelection() is null or not an object"

#8382 [IE] PageUp and PageDown not working confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce the defect:

  1. Enter content in CK Editor that spans multiple pages.
  1. Press PageUp button.

Expected Result: Cursor in editor body moves one page up.

Actual Result: Cursor goes to start of page content.

  1. Press PageDown button.

Expected Result: Cursor in editor body moves one page down.

Actual Result: Cursor goes to end of page content.

Tested against IE8, IE9 & IE10

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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