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Results (801 - 900 of 2591)

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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#10483 Incorrectly focused editable after switching between modes confirmed Bug Normal

Follow up of #10438.

  1. Download framed_focus.html sample from #10438.
  2. Focus editor.
  3. Switch to source mode and back to wysiwyg mode.
  4. Check that CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.focusManager.hasFocus returns true.
  5. Try to blur editor by clicking outside it. No EDITOR#BLUR is logged, focus manager still thinks that editor is focused.

This ticket is required to close #10439.

#10497 Empty lines are removed in enter mode BR - continuation confirmed Bug Normal

This is continuation of

Seems ticket isn't fully fixed. Problem can be reproduced in every browser.

To reproduce:

  1. Set enter mode to BR
  2. Clear editor contents and paste below code:
    <br />
    <br />
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
    <br />
    <br />
    <hr />
  3. Switch to WYSIWYG and then to source:
    <table border="1" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" style="width:500px">
    <hr />

Result: As you can see two BR's were changed into single &nbsp;.
If you were writing an article, created table and wanted to make some space above it then on page save you would end up with single &nbsp; which wasn't intended.

NOTE: This is happening if you use one or two BR's. If you use three BR's then result is "br br nbsp". Assuming that last Br has to be changed into nbsp, should it be "br nbsp" when two BR's are used?

It seems ticket #10146 hasn’t been fully fixed thus this one should be closed and the former reopened.
I have just found that if you paste above code into editor, behaviour will be different in IE. All other browsers change two BR’s into &nbsp; but IE does it in "one by one" style – it removes br and on second switch it turns last br into &nbsp;

#10499 [Webkit] Content gone while copying via context menu with keyboard. confirmed Bug Normal

In latest Chrome:

  1. Open replacebycode sample.
  2. CTRL+A
  3. SHIFT+F10
  4. Select "Copy"
  5. Hit Enter to close the alert.
  6. Editor is empty.

Since v3.

#10502 [FF]Right click on some elements causes Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open editor (Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name from Sample).
  2. Left-click on image (i.e. apollo image). You will see 8 dots to resize image.
  3. Right click on one of these dots.

Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType' (line 25)

It seem to be connected with: #9881, #9612

#10511 [Chrome] Shift+F10 opens editor and browser native context menu. confirmed Bug Normal

In latest Chrome 27 when you open editor menu with Shift+F10 browser menu also opens. If you try this outside of editor browser menu opens which means that Chrome is using Shift+F10 as shortcut for its native menu.

To reproduce:

  • Open replacebycode sample.
  • CTRL+A
  • SHIFT+F10

Result both menus are opened.

When you have two menus opened press Esc and native one will close. This can be used as workaround but we should block this native menu somehow and make sure that we don’t block it for good as users can turn off editor menu (there is such config option) and use browser native one

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.0 in both CKE 3.x and 4.x.

#10527 IE8 - Link not preserved on double-click in inline editor. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open IE8 browser and massive inline creation sample.
  2. Click image icon in the toolbar.
  3. Enter some image url in the URL text box (e.g.
  4. Click Link tab
  5. Enter some url like and click "OK" button
  6. Now image when is added in the editor, double-click the image so the link dialog opens.

Results: Now there are two issues.

  1. Link URL text box is empty.
  2. If I try to enter some URL and press "OK", JS error is thrown:

Message: SCRIPT5007: Unable to get value of the property 'collapsed': object is null or undefined
Line: 1208 URI: /ckeditor4/plugins/link/dialogs/link.js

Problem can be reproduced in IE8 only in inline mode only from CKEditor 4.0 beta

#10536 API imporevements confirmed Bug Normal

I'd like to gather in this ticket some API improvements we could make. Of course most of them are not obvious, so they can be controversial. Also, in every case backward compatibility should be ensured.

  1. CKEDITOR.htmlParser -> CKEDITOR.parser
  2. htmlParser.fragment.fromHtml -> htmlParser.parse - this method creates fragments, but also elements (depending on arguments).
  3. editable.attachListener
    • Firstly, its name isn't clear and I don't see a chance to make it clear. Therefore I'd rename it to equally unclear editable.on2. Similarly to bookmarks and bookmarks2.
    • Secondly, it is always used with contentDom event. Therefore we can introduce editor.on2 being a combination of both. This should simplify our code, but also would make it simpler to explain that to others. This method would executed listener immediately if editor already has initialized editable and would always register contentDom listener that adds this event again.
  4. We can change some get* and set* methods to their simpler versions (*). E.g.: getParent, getFirst, getLast, getPrevious, getNext, getName, getChild, getSelection, getDocument, getRanges, getAttributes, setAttributes, etc. It's for making code easier to write and shorter (in terms of lines length). It won't save a significant number of kbytes (I've made a static analysis and saved ~1% in gzipped package after making even more changes).
  5. Editor#instanceReady to #ready (#9911).
  6. listener#removeListener to #remove.
  7. ?
#10555 It is not possible to catch key event when deleting list confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Setup editor
    var editor = CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' );
    			editor.on( 'pluginsLoaded', function( evt )
    				editor.on( 'contentDom', function( e )
    					var editable = editor.editable();
    					var doc = editor.document;
    					var wasKeyboardAlreadyUsed = false;
    					editable.attachListener( doc, 'keydown', function( event ) 
  2. Open page and insert list into editor
  3. Select whole list with mouse and press delete or backspace.

Result: key event isn't caught.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0.

This issue was reported on our support channel.

#10557 [IE8] Delete creates unordered list from ordered list confirmed Bug Normal
  1. In IE8 open editor with below code
  2. Make the following selection (you get best result with shift+right arrow)
  3. Press delete key

Result: Ordered list gets changed into unordered one.

Problem can somewhat be reproduced from CKE 3.0 (orphan li elements were left) but this particular TC where one list is changed into another can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.4.2 in both CKE 3.x and 4.x.

#10568 Focus space configuration for magicline. confirmed New Feature Normal

A new configuration option should be introduced to restrict magicline focus spaces to some user-selected subset like:

config.magicline_triggers = {hr:1,div:1};

Ticket extracted form the pull request.

#10584 IE8 throws error on delete confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Open CKEditor demo
  2. Click before ^Appollo
  3. Press delete and hold it.

Result JS error is thrown.

Message: Invalid argument
Line : 295
URI: /ckeditor4/core/dom/node.js

Problem can be reproduced in both branches CKE 3.x and 4.x. I was able to reproduce it from CKEditor 3.3.

Bug History:
Invalid argument has been thrown from CKEditor 3.3. but it was thrown by different parts of code

  • 3.3 - 3.6 - /cke3.6/_source/core/dom/text.js; Line 62;
  • 3.6.1 - 4.1.2 - /cke3.6.3/ckeditor/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js; Line: 911 and|or /cke3.6.6/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/node.js; Line: 234.
  • I was not able to get right repository - in source version first error is thrown even in CKE 3.6.2 while in release code till 3.6.1.

Possible reason:

It has turned out in my tests that simple space between image and Apollo word is to blame. If I have removed this space there was no error.

<h1><img alt="Saturn V carrying Apollo 11" class="right" src="assets/sample.jpg" /> Apollo 11</h1>

In CKEditor 4.x this image is aligned to the right and it doesn't look like source of the problem but in older versions there is something extra happening which may prove what I have written.

Copy sample code from CKE 4.x to 3.x - till version 3.3 When you removed image space was left and no error occurred. From CKE 3.3 removing image removes also this space.

#10594 Error when replacing element with <br> in HTML filter confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open attached sample.
  2. Switch to source mode.
  3. Error is thrown.
#10595 Wrong caret position after ENTER on list item with sub-list confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Load this HTML:
  1. Place the caret after "x".
  2. ENTER

Current results:

The new list item will be properly created, but the caret will be blinking right before "x".

Expected results:

The caret should be blinking in the new empty list item.

#10597 Event sample confirmed Task Normal

There should be a sample to show how events works and which event is fired in which case. I think that it should be a list of events and the editor and every time the event if fired a right event on the list should blink.

#10606 Inline form textarea using jQuery adapter confirmed New Feature Normal

It should be possible to replace textarea with inline editor using jQuery adapter.

Now jQuery adapter check what is the type of element and if it is textarea it use replace otherwise it use inline so it is not possible do use inline on textartea.

In my opinion the best solution is to create additional configuration option with will be parsed by the adapter i.e.:

$( 'textarea' ).ckeditor( {
   creator: inline
} );

should create editor using inline function.

#10607 Remove "indentlist" require from "list" confirmed Bug Normal

This is a followup for ticket:10599#comment:3.

Ideally, the "list" plugin should not require "indentlist".

The problem is that there is a execCommand( 'outdent' ) call in the list plugin code, which makes this require necessary.

Additionally, we have removed some tests with (edbb565 @tests), because they were not compatible with this require. If we fix this, we should revert those tests back.

#10616 IE11 numbers lists from zero IN COMPATIBILITY MODE confirmed Bug Normal

Insert ordered list into editor or open page with list in IE11 compatibility mode. Numbers start from 0.

#10617 [IE]: BIDI button breaks toolbar when in compatibility mode confirmed Bug Normal
  • Open e.g. replacebycode sample in IE8-11 in compatibility mode or in IE7
  • Press BIDI button

Result: some toolbar buttons get very long.

This happens in IE7 by default and in other IEs when they are set in compatibility mode.

#10627 Removing form element removes whole paragraph confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Insert textfiled into paragraph
  2. You will notice there is little space before textfiled and blinking cursor.


  1. If you press delete whole paragraph will be deleted - BUG.
  2. If you press left arrow (so that cursor disappears) and then press Backspace only text field will be removed - can be used as temporary workaround.
  3. Delete doesn't remove whole paragraph but requires to be pressed twice in order remove textfiled.

This problem can be reproduced in Safari 6 (Mac) and Chrome 28 from CKEditor 3.3.

Before this version there was no tiny space before textfiled and removing worked ok.

#10628 Samples for basics makes no sense confirmed Task Normal

When you open samples in basics preset some (most) of them does not work properly (as described). In example:

  • Toolbar Configuration: there is long list of toolbarGroups and everything what user see are 9 buttons (,
  • ENTER Key Configuration: DIV mode doesn't work,
  • Using CKEditor JavaScript API: "set editor content" doesn't set expected content (no H2 tag),
  • Replace DIV with CKEditor on the Fly: when you start editing any part, the header is changed to standard text so the content is modified event if you do nothing,
  • Data Filtering and Features Activation: this sample does not make much sense at all,
  • Inline Editing by Code: content looks terrible (there should be different content),
  • Full Page Editing: how I can use it (check it) in basics preset?

This is only small list for basic preset and there could be similar problems for standard. I think that for a user who just want to check how basics editor works all of this things look like bugs.

#10636 Error thrown when in/outdenting inside of a list element (caret in a paragraph) confirmed Bug Normal

  • When outdenting:
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'getParent' of null 
  • When indenting: Nothing happens, in previous version margin-left added to the outer list.
#10641 Find considers elements with display: none confirmed Bug Normal

Extracted from the question on SO.

When searching for some text, editor also considers invisible elements. It looks strange when the dialog suggests something was found but nothing is highlighted.

We could at least provide some configuration option to bypass this strange behavior or basically fix it.

#10645 Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. confirmed Bug Normal

Preview tab in DocProps plugin is missing utf-8 meta tag. Because of this all non-latin characters are wrongly displayed.

#10655 TAB leaves the editable when cannot indent anything confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open editor in std preset.
  2. Create list.
  3. "Mistakenly" press tab in the first element.
  4. Focus is gone.

If we handle tab in all other lists' elements, then it should be blocked in the first one and in all other places where tab does nothing. It cannot be so inconsistent, because this is confusing and irritating. Either tab leaves editable or it indents lists/blocks. Not both at the same time.

This could be configurable by keystrokes - by default tab is added as a keystroke executing 'indent' command. If someone needs it for leaving editable, then he can reset this keystroke. Or the opposite - tab by default can be used for navigation, but it's behaviour can be changed by setting a keystroke.

And yes, there's no good solution ;|.

#10657 Config.removeButtons isn't mentioned in Toolbar configuration guide assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal



#10660 Menu Button may be missing default mode confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Please insert attached file into plugins folder
  2. On sample page please specify
    toolbar_Basic : [['Accept' ]]
  3. Open sample, open menu button and click any option.

Problem: button gets disabled.

This is happening because plugin doesn't use modes: { wysiwyg: 1 }, (If you set it there is no problem). When I was looking through code of button.js plugin I haven't found any lines that sets modes, only lines that use mode property.
This is quite different from command.js which for example set default mode.

I believe that either there should be default mode for menu button or this property should be made required.

Problem can be reproduced in both CKEditor 4.x and 3.x

#10679 IE complains if "@" is used right after comment start confirmed Bug Normal

Problem was described on forum:

CKEditor uses conditional compilation to determine whether it is ran on IE. If CKEditor's source file is followed (even indirectly) by:




IE will parse this comment as a CC statement (although, I have no idea why :|) causing a very likely syntax error.

Possible workarounds:

  • load CKEditor source after script with such comment,
  • do not use @ right after comment start (space is enough).
#10697 CKBuilder: add a flag to mark parts of code needed in release version for tests confirmed New Feature Normal

We might need a special support for marking parts of code that are needed for testing and should be removed in release version. In short, they should be left in "test release" version.

Sample code:

		// Expose for tests.
		getNestedEditable: getNestedEditable,

		createEditableFilter: createEditableFilter

#10712 Editor.insertElement will insert passed element into every range in the selection confirmed Bug Normal

This is a FF's only issue. Currently (and this is a state from 3.0) Editor.insertElement will take passed element, clone it multiple times and insert into every range. This is a surprising behaviour, because we lose control over inserted element - we keep the reference only to one of them.

Correct behaviour IMO would be to clean all ranges and insert element only to the first (or last?) of them.

While working on this ticket it would be worth to review and correct insertHtml which does not clean other ranges when doing insertion.

#10734 icon strip generated in local builder includes all the icons confirmed Bug Normal

The icons.png generated by the local version of CKBuilder includes all the images instead of just the used icons like the online version does.

Go to and download the Basic package. Now use the included build-config.js in a local version of CKEditor and use the script

Compare both icons.png files and you'll see that instead of 7Kb it's 17Kb and includes all the plugins.

#10737 UI languages sample should show some BiDi features confirmed Task Normal

Hey guys, The UI languages sample aims to show that the editor could be used in an RTL environment. While the basic goal of this sample is indeed reached (the UI does show up in Hebrew), it's worth showing some of the appropriate BiDi features CKEditor has to offer. When one changes the UI language in the sample, he might expect to try and write something using the chosen language. Currently, if the language is changed to (e.g.) Hebrew, the cursor stays on the left and the text is actually written as LTR. This could be solved either by changing the default writing direction on this sample accordingly, or at least by providing LTR/RTL and alignment buttons on the toolbar. P.S - "Try "arabic" or "hebrew" to check RTL support:" - Arabic and Hebrew should be capitalized (proper nouns). Just my two cents :)

#10745 [FF&Inline] Cells selection is lost when merging cells confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open inlinebycode sample.
  2. Select two cells.
  3. Right click -> cells -> merge cells.
  4. Nothing happened - only left cell is selected. In the error console the following is reported:
    TypeError: e.getDocument is not a function

To debug add if ( !isDetect ) debugger; statement at the beginning of mergeCells function. See that when this function is called the selection is already broken, so only one cell is returned from getSelectedCells.

Note: mergeCells is called with isDetect flag when opening ctx menu and at this point selection is correct.

#10748 Prevent save event instead of submit confirmed Task Normal

Working on #10689 I realized that this part of code works magicly:

// #8031 If textarea had required attribute and editor is empty fire 'required' event and if
// it was cancelled, prevent submitting the form.
if ( editor._.required && !element.getValue() && 'required' ) === false ) {
	// When user press save button event (evt) is undefined (see save plugin).
	// This method works because it throws error so originalSubmit won't be called.
	// Also because of hack there is try-cache in save plugin so error won't be shown.;

It should be fixed using save event instead of submit.

#10749 [Webkit/Blink] Loading URL with a # causes page to scroll confirmed Bug Normal

Open: or samples/datafiltering.html#

See that page is scrolled down.

Reported on:

#10765 Broken form submit with inline-textarea confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Create a form with submit button.
  2. Create several inline-textarea instances within the form.
  3. Submit the form.

Then what happens:

  • In Chrome, for each instance, an error is thrown:
    An invalid form control with name='editor1' is not focusable.
    • A funny note: when instances have some startup data, there's no error.
  • In Firefox, the "Please fill out this field" tip is displayed even if some text was typed inside the instances.
    • A funny note: If there's startup data, submit goes fine.
  • In IE9, everything is fine, page submitted, data retrieved.
    • A funny note: There's nothing funny about IE and that makes me worry.
#10766 [Webkit] Irresistible content when pasting into entirely selected editable confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode
  2. Set the following HTML:
    <p>Hello world!</p>
    <p style="text-align:right"><a href="#">Wooo! I&#39;m so sticky!</a></p>
  3. Select the paragraph:
    <p>[Hello world!]</p>
  4. C-c
  5. C-a
  6. C-v
  7. Switch to Source and back to WYSIWYG.

Note there's an unwanted paragraph aligned to the right at the end of editable:

<p>Hello world!</p>
<p style="text-align:right">&nbsp;</p>

Now remove the link from the original content and repeat all the steps. Use the following startup data:

<p>Hello world!</p>
<p style="text-align:right">Yay! I&#39;m not so sticky anymore!</p>

Result is just perfect:

<p>Hello world!</p>
#10767 Webkit removes whole table confirmed Bug Normal

To reproduce:

  1. Insert table 1X2 (1 row and two columns)
  2. Double (or even triple) click inside table so that whole cell gest selected (You have to see selection in table cell).
  3. Right-click on selected cell and choose Column->Delete Column.

Result: Whole table gets deleted.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.0.1 in Chrome and Safari only.

#10785 Editor content's stylesheet is removed from document after another editor's editable is reattached confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open widgetquote sample from #9764.
  2. Switch between modes twice in first editor.
  3. See that widget lost its styles in second (inline) editor.


  1. Open datafiltering sample from master and find in dev tools last stylesheet (with data-cke-temp attr) in host page's head.
  2. Switch between modes twice.
  3. Stylesheet was removed...

Problem is somewhere here:

It seems that framed editor (wysiwygarea or sourcearea) does not increase stylesheet_ref, but it decreases it. Or that order of detach and new editable's setup is incorrect.

#10788 [Safari] Pressing ESC when in opened color platte/combo moves focus to editable. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. In latest Safari (6.0.5) open replacebyclass.html
  2. Fn+Alt+F10 to focus the toolbar.
  3. Using TAB, go to font color toolbar (or any combo).
  4. SPACE to enter the palette (or the combo), navigate with arrows.
  5. ESC.

Expected: focus goes back to color button in the toolbar so it's possible to select a different toolbar (TAB) or a different button (arrows). This is the behaviour of Chrome.

Actual: focus goes to editable. Need to use the keystroke again to focus it.

#10794 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Toolbar for RTL languages looks bad confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Remove DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) from "User Interface Globalization" sample (samples/uilanguages.html).
  2. Open sample in IE 10.
  3. Change language to Arabic.

Result: toolbar has wrong styles (see attachment).

4.2.1 is first version with IE 10 QM support.

#10795 [IE10 Quirks Mode]Not code formating in source mode confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Remove DOCTYPE declaration (<!DOCTYPE html>) from "Replace Textareas by Class Name" sample (samples/replacebyclass.html).
  2. Open sample in IE 10.
  3. Switch to source mode.

Result: no code formatting (see attachment).

4.2.1 is first version with IE 10 QM support.

#10796 [IE] Text selection to end of caption causes JS error confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.0 until master
issue not found in though

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. using "Templates" button from toolbar, insert template "Text and table" (replacing current content)
  3. click "Table title" in order to edit it
  4. press Home key
  5. press Shift+End key

Expected result:
Table caption text should be selected.

Current result:
Caret does not move, no text is selected. Javascript exception is thrown.

js error:
SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error.
selection.js, line 800 character 5

additional info:
if caption has multiple lines, issue occurs only in last line.

#10816 Mention in the ACF rules documentation that div[*] does not allow styles and classes confirmed Task Normal

#10817 Implement a time widget confirmed New Feature Normal

During works on #9764 we implemented simple time widget. It's not ready to be included in official release yet, so we're extracting it to this ticket.

#10818 Implement a captioned quote widget confirmed New Feature Normal

During works on #9764 we implemented simple captioned quote widget. It's not ready to be included in official release yet, so we're extracting it to this ticket.

#10819 [iOS] Hitting return will cause all text below cursor to delete new Bug Normal

Hitting return enough times in a CKEditor field will cause all text below cursor to delete, and will continue to delete text below cursor when pressing return. This is also reproducible using the demo you have online following these steps:

  • Go to on an ipad:
  • Click into CKEditor several lines into text (around Broadcasting and quotes). Hit return 10 or more times.
  • Result: Text below initial point is removed and hitting return further deletes any text added.
#10820 [iOS] Calling insertText switches CKEditor into "Read Only" mode new Bug Normal

After using the CKEditor function insertText on an editor that already contains text, the CKEditor seems to go into a "Read Only" type mode.

Text can be read and selected but no typing is allowed. This can happen after insertText is used once, but happens more frequently when it is used several times.

#10824 Languages plugin - can't nest language markup confirmed Bug Normal

Issue is reproducable with Chrome/31.0.1627.0, Firefox 23.0, MSIE10

We're unable to nest multiple spans using languages plugin

  1. open any sample with CKEditor languages plugin enabled (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. Replace content with following HTML: <p>This is sample code.</p>
  3. Select sample substring and apply French language (by clicking chinese icon at toolbar, and selecting proper lang).
  4. Select is sample code substring and apply Spanish language.

Expected result:
Produced source code: <p>This <span dir="ltr" lang="es">is <span dir="ltr" lang="fr">sample</span> code</span>.</p>

Current result:
Paragraph with nested spans: <p>This <span dir="ltr" lang="es">is sample code</span>.</p>

additional info:

  1. Currently spans are created with object being passed to CKEDITOR.editor.applyStyle()
#10834 Image2: The caption should not allow <p> and <br> (disable ENTER) confirmed Bug Normal

Referring to:

#10847 [FF] Incorrect cursor position on Backspace confirmed Bug Normal

To Reproduce:

  1. Type some text and press Enter key
  2. Hit Backspace
  3. New empty paragraph removed & cursor goes back to end of the first paragraph
  4. Press spacebar or type some text

Problem: Cursor moves to next line

#10872 Unexpected bold when breaking a line after Removing Format on collapsed selection confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Use replacebycode sample.
  2. Set HTML
    <p><b>Apollo 11</b> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans.</p>
  3. Set caret so it is still bold
    Apollo 11^ was…
  4. Click remove format.
  5. Type a few words.
  6. ENTER.
  7. For unknown reason, typing bold in the new line:
    <p><b>Apollo 11</b> cow says moo</p>
    <p><b>...</b> was the spaceflight that landed the first humans.</p>

I'm able to reproduce it since in Chrome, Firefox and Safari (Mac).

#10885 Broken path to an anchor when CKEditor is located in a directory with a space confirmed Bug Normal

Kudos to Anna and Olek.

When there is an anchor in the content, CKEditor requests the following image: /ckcke_contents_ltr0421/full/plugins/link/images/anchor.png?t=D8AD, assuming that CKEditor is located in "/ck 421/full/"on the server.

Note the weird path in the URL: /ckcke_contents_ltr0421/

Confirmed in 4.2.1 and 4.3 Beta. Did not check earlier versions.

#10909 Link to in!/guide/dev_api_changes confirmed Task Normal
#10928 Pulled quotes widget confirmed New Feature Normal
#10932 Allow all (reasonable) elements as widgets' nested editables confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently nested editables can be only initialized on elements included in the CKEDITO.dtd.$editable hash which includes those which should be "safe". However, it would be nice to increase number of allowed elements, especially with inline ones.

The workaround for now, if someone wants to try other elements, is to extend CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable object has early as possible.

#10942 Image2: Introduce a proper visual indicator of selected resizable image confirmed Bug Normal

Following the discussion suggesting that we may may want to improve UX by putting some kind of an outline to the image, I open this ticket for research purposes and general brainstorming.

#10944 Remove the selection observer in widget system assigned Piotrek Koszuliński Task Normal

Currently we're observing selection changes to be able to mark widgets as selected (selected != focused). This code is tricky and unnecessary.

#10946 [FF] Cursor stuck in widget confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open Firefox,
  2. go to
  3. put cursor after a widget (ex. after "is an example of an inline equation"),
  4. press and hold left arrow button on your keyboard,

You can not move cursor before widget. This bug could be reproduce with any inline widget.

#10952 Various issues when choosing inactive option in context menu confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebyclass sample.
  2. Place caret in table cell.
  3. Press "option key" or click right mouse button to open context menu.
  4. Using keyboard navigate to Cell -> Merge cells (which is disabled).
  5. Press enter or click that option.

General problem - nothing should happen IMO when choosing disabled option.

Browser specific:

  • IE: focus is completely lost - I'm unable to close the context menu or navigate in it.
  • Chrome: focus is lost (at least I think so, because none option is focused), but everything still works.
#10970 [IE] Not able to remove row in inline confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open IE10 or IE9
  2. Go to inlinebycode.html sample
  3. Go to templates.
  4. Select 'Text and Table' template and insert in.
  5. Right click on table cell and select Row -> Delete Rows
SCRIPT16389: Incorrect function.
inlinebycode.html, line 46 character 5
#10974 Add support for inline nested editables confirmed New Feature Normal

Currently widget may have only block editables. Support for inline ones would be interesting.

Note: there's a workaround if one wants to initialize inline editable - CKEDITOR.dtd.$editable has to be extended with name of that element.

Includes: #10973

#10988 [FF] Widgets: Caret goes outside of contenteditable on home/end keys confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.3 (didn't check earlier) until major

Firefox exclusive: pressing home/end key can put caret outside widget.

  1. open any sample with image2 plugin (i.e. plugins/image2/samples/image2.html)
  2. put caret inside first image caption
  3. CTRL + a to select all
  4. click on remove formatting button
  5. press home key

Expected result:
Caret should collapse at the begining of previous selection.

Current result:
Caret goes outside of widget.

additional info:

  1. When pressed home it places itself right before figure[class="caption"].
#10989 [Webkit/Blink] Widgets and content after them disappear when pargraphs are merged using backspace confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open mathjax sample.
  2. Set data to: <p>foo</p><p>bar <span class="math-tex">\(\TeX\)</span> bom</p>
  3. Place caret at the beginning of 2nd line.
  4. Press backspace. Widget and "bom" disappear.
#10993 Delete columns when rows are splitted confirmed Bug Normal
  • Insert table (3x3)
  • Split left-middle cell horizontally
  • Try to delete last column

Column is being removed but console error occurs.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'ownerDocument' of undefined

#11010 Fix memory leaks caused by CKEDITOR.filter.instances storing nested editables' filters forever confirmed Bug Normal

Every nested editable which has allowed content rules defined has its filter instance. These instances are stored in nested editable instances, which most likely are correctly garbage collected. But filter instances are also stored in CKEDITOR.filter.instances and they are kept there forever.

We could have filter.destroy() method removing instance from the instances hash and doing other cleanup if necessary. Then we could destroy filters when destroying widgets.

#11022 [Webkit&Blink] Nested editable does not get focus in certain situations confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open Chrome,
  2. Open New Image plugin sample,
  3. Click on nested editable ("Roll out of Saturn V"),
  4. Click on browser url bar,
  5. Click again on nested editable.


  • editable has focus (blue outline), only accepted options are available.


  • editable haven't got focus (no blue outline), all buttons are available.
#11023 Blocks and objects names should be taken from DTD in core/style.js confirmed Task Normal

There are list of blocks and objects names defined in core/style.js. CKEDITOR.dtd should be reused there.

#11034 IframeDialog has very small content in CKEditor 4 continued. confirmed Bug Normal

This is the continuation of ticket #10610.

There are two methods of adding iframedialog to editor:

  1. CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe method which is used when you only want to have iframe in dialog. The height of iframe (or rather wrapping div) was fixed in #10610.
  1. There is also possibility to add iframe to dialog (sample code below).This method is used when you want to have something more in dialog except for iframe. Furthermore this method isn't fixed by #10610. It works when you define width and height in pixels but doesn't when you define % for iframe dimentions.
    ontents :
                                 id : 'iframe',
                                 label : 'some label...',
                                 expand : true,
                                 elements :
                                             type : 'iframe',                                       

To summarize: adding iframe as contents and setting height to 100% will result in small iframe.

Why this is happening: Div surrounding iframe has height auto and all elements inside it (when you define % for iframe) are % so the wrapping div will never get dialog height in this case.
Please go to: ckeditor4\plugins\dialog\plugin.js
Line 1039
In CKE 4.x this line is style: || 'width: 100%;' while in 3.x this was style: || 'width: 100%;height:100%;'. Bringing back height fixes this issue.

Ticket #10610 didn't involve fixing dialog plugin but iframedialog plugin. As discussed with @fredck, fix from #10610 did its job in 50%. It should be checked why doesn't it work for second case and if something can be done about it.

I’m attaching sample plugin for testing.

#11035 Deleting one of two subsequent spaces should leave normal space confirmed Bug Normal

Extracted from: #11024. Related to: #9929.

There's WebKit&Blink bug:

If it won't be fixed in browsers we should take care of this when we'll be implementing custom delete/backspace support.

So "&nbsp; " and " &nbsp;" should result in normal space after deleting any of them.

#11037 No link&unlink option in context menu opened on widget assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Normal
  1. Open MathJax sample.
  2. Select some text containing widget (or just widget).
  3. Create link.
  4. Right click widget.
  5. There are no link and unlink options in context menu.
#11038 [IE] Click on MathJax/Image widget wrapped with link causes location change confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open MathJax sample.
  2. Select some text containing widget (or just widget).
  3. Create link.
  4. Click widget - after a while page is redirected.

Reproduced on IE9, but most likely concerns also other IEs.

#11039 [Webkit/Blink] Link created in nested editable is not being selected confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Place caret in nested editable.
  3. Create link.
  4. Caret is moved the the beginning of main editable.
#11055 Image2 is not focused after pasting confirmed Bug Normal

Seleciton is placed inside nested editable. Instead, widget should be focused.

#11059 Widget reinitialization procedure should be redesigned confirmed Task Normal

Widget reinit/recreate procedure should be rethought.

There's no way currently to reinitialize in a lightweight manner widget to which we lost references. It has to pass through entire process of setting attributes, classes, data, etc. What we need is only - rebinding listeners and initial widget#data.

#11060 [IE11+] Selection is not placed right above the cursor when clicking below body confirmed Bug Normal

Follow up for #10906.

When clicking below body, selection should be placed right above the cursor. Now it's placed in the last position or at the beginning.

#11062 [IE9,10] Scrolling while dragging freezes browser window confirmed Bug Normal
  • open Image2 plugin (plugins/image2/samples/image2.html),
  • edit one of images to remove caption (reproducible only for inline widgets)
  • drag image,
  • use scroll on your mouse.

Mouse pointer change and browser does not response.

#11094 [IE8] Editor loses focus when moving focus from nested editable to widget confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open attached sample.
  2. Place caret in nested editable.
  3. Click widget.

Toolbar disappears.

#11095 [IE8] Copying single widget does not work when using toolbar button confirmed Bug Normal

Follow up for #11082.

  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Select widget.
  3. Click copy/cut button and accept security alert.

There's a big chance that selection was lost and widget wasn't copied.

#11111 Range.enlarge test failing in Safari 7.0 and Chrome 37 confirmed Bug Normal

Test /dt/core/dom/range/enlarge.html#test_enlarge_element12 fails in latest Safari 7.0 that comes with OSX 10.9. It's also reproducible in Chrome 37 (see #12221).

The root of the problem is the following condition:

In this case sibling is empty <b></b> (<p>Test <i><b></b>[Enlarge]</i></p>). Unlike previous versions, Safari 7 considers sibling.$.offsetWidth to be 1 at that point, while in other browsers it is 0. So the conclusion is that empty elements may have some width, which seems to be a regression in browser's engine.

That particular test fails since CKeditor 4.0 in Safari 7 which makes it clear that we're facing Safari regression.

Related bug in Chrome: #12221.

#11112 [Chrome] Copy + apply list + change list type -> break inline wdget confirmed Bug Normal
  1. open Chrome.
  2. open "Mathematical Formulas" sample.
  3. Select any widget.
  4. Copy (Ctrl+C).
  5. Click in the middle of the first paragraph.
  6. Paste widget (Ctrl+V).
  7. Apply numbered list on this paragraph.
  8. Change paragraph type to bulleted list.


<span tabindex="-1" contenteditable="false" data-cke-widget-wrapper="1" data-cke-filter="off" class="cke_widget_wrapper cke_widget_inline cke_widget_selected" data-cke-display-name="math" data-cke-widget-id="6">
	<span class="math-tex cke_widget_element" data-cke-survive="1" data-cke-widget-data="{&quot;math&quot;:&quot;\\(k\\)&quot;}" data-cke-widget-keep-attr="0" data-widget="mathjax" style="display: inline-block;">
		<iframe style="border: 0px; width: 12px; height: 19px; display: inline; vertical-align: middle;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe>
		<iframe style="border: 0px; width: 12px; height: 19px; display: inline; vertical-align: middle;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="javascript:void(0)"></iframe>
	<img src="%3D%3D" class="cke_reset cke_widget_mask">
	<span class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler_container" style="background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.498039); background-image: url(; top: -15px; left: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">
		<img class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler" data-cke-widget-drag-handler="1" src="%3D%3D" width="15" title="Click and drag to move" height="15" draggable="true">
	<img src="%3D%3D" class="cke_reset cke_widget_mask">
	<span class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler_container" style="background-color: rgba(220, 220, 220, 0.498039); background-image: url(; top: -15px; left: 0px; background-position: initial initial; background-repeat: initial initial;">
		<img class="cke_reset cke_widget_drag_handler" data-cke-widget-drag-handler="1" src="%3D%3D" width="15" title="Click and drag to move" height="15" draggable="true">

The same happens with placehoder plugin.

#11113 [IE] Elementspath does not display valid path for first click after selectall confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.0 until major

This issue also appears in widgets content editables.

  1. open any sample with CKEditor (i.e. samples/replacebyclass.html)
  2. use following source:
    <p>dsadasd <a href="http://aasd">asdsd</a> dassd</p>
  3. switch back to wysiwyg mode
  4. ctrl+a (select all)
  5. click once inside link text, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd as^dsd dassd

Expected result:
Following elementspath: body p a

Current result:
Elementspath without a element: body p

Second case:
Steps 1-4 as in case above

  1. click once text after link, to place caret as follows:
    dsadasd asdsd das^sd

... and now elementspath shows body p a but it should not.

additional info:

  1. issue does not appear after first click
  2. issue was not present in (tested with ie10), but please, double check me here
  3. present in IE9, IE10, IE11 - i didnt check ie8
#11114 Unable to access context menu with menu key when widget is focused confirmed Bug Normal
  1. samples/plugins/image2/image2.html
  2. Focus widget.
  3. Press menu key.
  4. Nothing happens.

Both right-click and CTRL+SHIFT+F10 work as expected.

#11115 Widgets are not filtered by ACF when pasting confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Copy image2.
  2. Paste it in the figcaption.

Image2 will be pasted, as well as all other widgets. Normal content is filtered though.

Related issues:
#11117 - Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup

#11117 Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup confirmed Bug Normal

Widget editables - does not prevent from dropping unsuportted markup

since: 4.3 until major

Currently you are able to drop fancy html markup inside content editable. That allows you to put headers, quotes etc. It's caused by browsers builtin drag'n'drop support.

  1. open any image2 sample (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. make following selection
    [Broadcasting and quotes
    Broadcast on live TV to a world-wide audience, Armstrong stepped onto the lunar surface and described the event as:
    One small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.]

like on that image

  1. drag it into image widgets content editable

Expected result:
Dragging should be either blocked or stripped.

Current result:
All the markup is placed within editable.

Related issues:
#11115 - Widgets are not filtered by ACF when pasting

#11118 Widgets drag handler is marked in selection when it's not visible confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.3 until major

Atm selection looks buggy when you have widget in it. Browser marks also dragging handler, which is not visible. Changing its styles in that way, so it will gain display: none while widget is not hovered/focused.

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. simply make selection which will contain (something more than just) widget (image2 widget i.e.)

Expected result:
Drag handler shouldn't be visible.

Current result:
You can see that selection for drag handler is made.

#11122 [IE] Widgets exception after native context menu + widget blur confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.3 until major

  1. open sample with image2 plugin (/samples/plugins/image2/image2.html)
  2. ctrl + right click (will open native context menu)
  3. left click on any text within editor

Expected result:
No exception should be thrown.

Current result:
Following exception:

SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'focus' of undefined or null reference 
plugin.js, line 19 character 437


'e' is null or not an object  plugin.js?t=DA89, line 19 character 437
#11141 [IE8-10] Focus is lost when undoing to empty inline blockless editor confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open inline all.
  2. Focus blockless editor (e.g. 1st one), select all, delete.
  3. Type sth and undo.
  4. Focus is lost.
#11154 Cannot disable list in blockque confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open browser (tested with Chrome and IE11).
  2. Open "Replace Textarea Elements by Class Name" sample (samples/replacebyclass.html).
  3. Set this content in editor:
  4. Switch to WYSIWYG mode and select [bb cc].
  5. Press "Insert/Remove numbered list" button.

List is not removed and in console you should see:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'indent' of undefined 
#11156 Increase the default width of Font Size combo confirmed New Feature Normal

Note: this is a separate issue than #6162

When I test CKEditor in language other than English, the Size combo looks really ugly. Only two letters, or even one letter (in case of e.g. Japanese language) is displayed as a label for it. It's hard to understand what's there.

It's a little bit hard for me to agree that a solution for it is to ask anyone using non-English interface to manipulate CSS styles in order to have a nice-looking toolbar. Such basic functionality should be rather provided out of the box.

At the same time, we have 3 combos already with the same width: 60px, instead of 30px. If we changed the size of the "Size" combo to unify it with the rest, the problem with meaningless label would be solved.

Current width:

Proposed width:

#11158 [IE10@Win8] Dnd of inline widgets throw an exception in Win8 confirmed Bug Normal

since: 4.3 until major


  1. open sample with placeholder plugin (/plugins/placeholder/samples/placeholder.html)
  2. drag placeholder using handler anywhere

Expected result:
Placeholder should be moved to new position.

Current result:
Exceptions is being thrown:

SCRIPT16389: Unspecified error. 
plugin.js, line 1692 character 4

and widget is not moved

additional info:

  1. It occurs only in Windows 8 environment
  2. we've confirmed it in 2 ie10 versions: 10.0.9200.16721 and 10.0.9200.16660
#11162 "Ctrl + A" and then "Del" works differently in FF and Chrome confirmed Bug Normal

Take the Apollo sample, select all and delete it. In Chrome the <h1> element is left in wysiwyg area, while in Firefox there is a <p> element, as one would expect.

Ctrl+A + Del for me is like a "New Page" functionality, when it is not available in a toolbar. I just want to erase whatever I wrote and start from scratch.

#11185 Zero-width space entity gets doubled confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Set below in config.js
    config.entities = true;
    config.entities_processNumerical = true;
  2. Go to editor, switch to source and paste below
  3. Switch to WYSIWYG and switch to source:

Entity gets doubled.

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 3.0 but I'm setting 4.0 as this is most likely going to be fixed in CKE 4.x.

#11187 Audio tag needs fake element what should result in new plugin. confirmed New Feature Normal
  1. Turn off ACF (allowedContent:true)
  2. Load sample, switch to source and paste below:
    <audio controls>
      <source src="" type="audio/ogg">
      <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
      Your browser does not support the audio element.
  3. Switch to wysiwyg and right-click on audio element.

Result: JS error is thrown:
Error: Permission denied to access property 'nodeType'
Line : 998
URI: core/selection.js

Despite error I think whole plugin with placeholder (fake element) is missing here

#11190 Updated missing meta information for language files confirmed Task Normal

Meta information can be found in dev/langtool/meta. It is used by CKEditor Translation Center (@ Transifex) to provide hints for translators ("Developer note").

#11194 Notification about new version in About dialog confirmed New Feature Normal


Very often people don't realize that that our product is getting stable and richer. Users would benefit from updating CKEditor and, with a simple notification, we would let them know that "CKEditor lives".

The notification displayed in About dialog could look like that:

The newer version of CKEditor (<a>A.B.C</a>) is available (<a>Changelog</a>).

Technical background

When the About dialog is opened, a file is downloaded from It contains the latest version number and date, which is compared to the current version. If different, the dialog shows a message with a link to the download page.

#11199 [Image2, ACF] Content of figcaption remain once the tag is stripped out in a widget confirmed Bug Normal

Problem: If user explicitly disallows figcaption in ACF, figures are upcasted but the contents of (just stripped out) figcaption remain as a plain, non-editable paragraph within widget's body.

Expected: Once figcaption is disallowed, its contents should be removed from the widget. Such widget should be upcasted either to an inline widget or a block widget without caption (to be decided).

#11212 [FF] It is impossible to exit styled list with Enter Key. confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode.html sample
  2. Clear page with New Page button and click on one of list buttons to insert list
  3. Type "test1", Hit Enter, "test2", Hit Enter, "test3" and then stop
  4. Press Ctrl+A to select all text
  5. Select font-size 16px from Size dropdown
  6. Click behind 3 in test3 to change selection (You need to press Enter in such way that selection changes but cursor is still in span)
  7. Press Enter, press Enter and so on

Result: Items get created and you can't leave the list that way.


  1. This TC won't show errors with list pasted into source
  2. This is reproducible only in Firefox from CKEditor 4.0
#11221 Incorrect result of table/list deletion confirmed Bug Normal
  1. Open replacebycode sample.
  2. Using mouse select entire list ('Command module ... on the Moon').
  3. Press backspace/delete.
  4. Selection is placed between two paragraphs, directly in body (you can see that on elements path).

This is caused by poor implementation in editable.js. See also

It's a part of bigger task - complete custom backspace/delete handling.

#11234 IE 11 doesn't like links with display:inline-block confirmed Bug Normal

It's hard to debug, but a simple fix should be enough:

With IE 11, load for example

make sure to disable ACF for our tests, in the console: CKEDITOR.instances.editor1.filter.disabled=true

Then insert this "innocent" HTML <a style="display:inline-block">x</a> with the button available (using the console for this call seems to work fine, might be related to document focus)

IE11 throws an error in the scrollIntoView

to avoid it, it seems that it could be enough to check that type exists:

if ( this.type && this.type != CKEDITOR.SELECTION_NONE )

I just hope that you're able to reproduce it because I've spent most of this evening trying to find out what's wrong with IE11

#11239 Dialog submit/cancel actions do not verify whether dialog is still opened confirmed Bug Low
  1. Click "New Page".
  2. Click the table icon.
  3. Without any change, hit ENTER to insert the table.

Two tables are inserted.

Confirmed in IE9, IE10 and Firefox (randomly) on Windows. I was not able to reproduce it on Mac.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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