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Results (901 - 1000 of 2501)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Milestone Component
#9046 IE9: linking a word doesn't work right when line ends with BR. confirmed Bug Core : Selection
#9048 Code javascript in ckEditor confirmed Bug Core : Parser
#9053 Pasting texts from Apple Mail into CKEditor using safari only paste the first paragraph confirmed Bug General
#9054 Error when using with extjs on IE9 confirmed Bug General
#9066 IE can´t remove line between tables confirmed Bug General
#9070 Right klick destroys the list format confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#9073 ImageUpload callback can not be called cross-domain. confirmed Bug File Browser
#9078 Keyboard shortcut for º (degree symbol) is not working on Mac confirmed Bug Core : Keystrokes
#9090 IE: Editing link changes link text confirmed Bug General
#9093 Enter command is broken (different behavior between browsers) confirmed Bug General
#9095 SCAYT adds bad characters confirmed Bug UI : Spell Checker
#9098 FF: Can't apply styles after removing line confirmed Bug General
#9104 IE Compat view: Cursor missing when we apply Right alignment with out focus in editor body confirmed Bug General
#9106 FF, WinXP, JAWS: Can't use arrows in Smiley or Special Chars Dialogs when opened for second time confirmed Bug Accessibility
#9108 Paragraph inserted after block containers should be controlled by CKEditor confirmed New Feature General
#9111 Anchor displayed as inline-block in IE confirmed Bug General
#9123 outdent RLT list item with subsequent LTR item confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#9124 Insert pagebreak in list item confirmed Bug General
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9126 IE8 Quirks - iframe elements goes beyond dialog confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9130 Selection is wrong when using collapsed styles confirmed Bug General
#9139 [IE8 Quirks] Find and Replace with selected text confirmed Bug General
#9143 Cut/Copy buttons do not go enabled when selection is made under the contents confirmed Bug General
#9146 Webkit: Link selection is incosistent confirmed Bug General
#9153 IE8 - crash when replace text with textfield, text area, and radio button. confirmed Bug General
#9154 cell properties are applied to all children confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#9156 Browser Difference: removing paragraph between two lists is inconsistent confirmed Bug General
#9157 About dialog: no hover effect for the Cancel button. confirmed Bug General
#9159 pasting a table in IE8 and Chrome all cells inherits indent from a paragraph confirmed Bug Core : Pasting
#9161 [IE]: SCAYT affecting IsDirty confirmed Bug UI : Spell Checker
#9173 Bulleted list properties context option is missing/unnecessary confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#9174 Styles applied to inner table are also applied to outer cell. confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#9176 [Webkit] Double-Clicked word and Backspace does not delete word confirmed Bug Core : Keystrokes
#9177 Selection Field dialog box fails to work after switching to Source mode. confirmed Bug General
#9178 Setting the selected option in Selection Field doesn't work properly. confirmed Bug General
#9182 Indent does not recognize correct margin when expressed other than px confirmed Bug General
#9189 Changing Table Headers from both to First Column not working confirmed Bug General
#9193 dont use "-moz-border-radius" use "border-radius" or also use border-radius confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#9197 IE: Selecting, applying styles or merging empty table cells in IE seems to be impossible confirmed New Feature Core : Tables
#9199 filebrowser throws element is undefined because fails to correctly check what attachFileBrowser is looking at confirmed Bug File Browser
#9203 <br> inside <body> tag crashes CKEditor confirmed Bug Core : Parser
#9211 Editor content replaced with a link's destination page when the editor is in readonly mode confirmed Bug Core : Read-only
#9227 OnTextChanged event required for CKEditor ASP.NET control doesn't fire confirmed Bug Server : ASP.Net
#9237 [Webkits] [CKE 3.x 4.x] Incorrect handling of ctrl+a in specific cases confirmed Bug General
#9254 [Webkits] Checkbox is rendered on the right of cursor confirmed Bug General
#9259 [IE] Click on disabled menu item confirmed Bug General
#9266 [IE9, Inline] Toolbar is lost when clicking fast after a dialog is closed. confirmed Bug General
#9272 Enter key does not work in textareas anymore confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9280 Provide a plugin that will replace code entered in source with fake image in wysiwyg confirmed New Feature General
#9290 Loading CKEditor in readOnly mode breaks the undo/redo toolbar buttons confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#9294 IE: Inserting Cell Before or After not working if the table has only one cell confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#9295 Font Size and Bold/Italic/Underline create multiple spans confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#9306 Reusable removeFormat command confirmed New Feature General
#9308 duplicate no-repeat value for background-repeat in Table dialog confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#9320 Editor does not autogrow after entering content in Maximize mode confirmed Bug General
#9322 CKEditor should recognize fields like checkboxes pasted from word. confirmed New Feature Plugin : Paste from Word
#9329 IE: Focus lost when editor's horizontal or vertical scroll bar is scrolled confirmed Bug General
#9336 Automatically generated toolbar duplicates items that are included in a toolbar menu confirmed Bug General
#9340 Import of bulleted list from MS Word fails when the bullets are styled confirmed Bug Plugin : Paste from Word
#9349 Custom style with anchor element fails confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#9357 Empty 'a href' confuses CKEditor confirmed Bug General
#9374 Opera: Editor displays off-screen in autogrow sample in maximize mode confirmed Bug General
#9391 Inline editing: editor in iframe doesn't react on parent page scroll confirmed Bug General
#9394 IE9/IE10: [regression?] table cell selection lost when clicking outside the editor confirmed Bug Core : Selection
#9400 Magicline out of the editable confirmed Olek Nowodziński Task General
#9403 Popup plugin should return the handler confirmed Task General
#9405 Object style from the styles combo not visible in the styles combo confirmed Bug Core : Styles
#9406 Anchor dialog should be extended to allow entering/editing text confirmed New Feature UI : Dialogs
#9410 An issue applying rowspan for the last column of a table confirmed Bug Core : Tables
#9413 Handle text pasted by drag&drop confirmed Bug Core : Pasting
#9414 Browser hangs and crashes when editing some valid HTML combination confirmed Bug General
#9418 Fake element must have at least two &nbsp; inside or it gets removed. confirmed Bug Core : Parser
#9419 Icons localization confirmed New Feature UI : Language
#9421 The background of dialog tabs looks bad with dark UI color confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9425 [IE] Unnecessary vertical scrollbar in UI Color dialog confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9429 [FF] Enter pressed in ENTER_BR mode disables copy/cut/paste buttons confirmed Bug Core : Pasting
#9433 [FF] "Browse Server" popup appears behind browser window confirmed Bug UI : Dialogs
#9437 Button for commenting/uncommenting part of source confirmed New Feature UI : Source View
#9438 [IE]: Formatting Normal (Div) removes empty table cells. confirmed Bug General
#9457 HTML5 support on parser confirmed Bug Core : Parser
#9458 Inline editing does not render iframes confirmed New Feature General
#9471 Config option for enter key not copying attributes and styles of original paragraph confirmed New Feature General
#9476 CKEDITOR.dialog#disableButton not working confirmed Bug General
#9489 [Inline] UI Color styles are leaking between instances confirmed Bug UI : Skins
#9498 [Release] textfield-rtl icon is missing in release version confirmed Bug UI : Skins
#9501 Find selection throws error on cut in IE6-8 confirmed Bug General
#9513 IE10: some cursor problems while working with tables. confirmed Bug General
#9519 Unable to exit from pre block in some cases confirmed Bug General
#9520 Shorter way for node's type check confirmed Bug Performance
#9545 [IE7] Black page mask flicks when opening dialog confirmed Bug UI : Skins
#9550 Format selector/dropdown is too small when using norwegian language confirmed Bug UI : Toolbar
#9558 Allow Additional Line Break In Source View confirmed New Feature UI : Source View
#9560 CKE 3.x and 4.x - Undefined table width gets reset to default confirmed Bug General
#9565 in IE, incorrect enter key behavior with block element in a list item confirmed Bug Core : Lists
#9579 [Opera] Extra BR added when load a single HR confirmed Bug General
#9590 Optimize the browser specific css confirmed New Feature Project : CKBuilder
#9591 Smiley dialog - is the dark background for smileys really needed? confirmed Bug General
#9595 Builder must define CKEDITOR.lang.languages confirmed Bug General
#9607 Resizer cursor shape not adapted to config.resize_dir confirmed Bug UI : Skins
#9611 Tab key based navigation is broken inside specialchar dialog confirmed Bug Accessibility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
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