Opened 15 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
#4863 closed Bug (fixed)
Kama skin: IFrame created in iframedialog plugin doesn't stretch to 100% height in FF3.5
Reported by: | Pekka Gaiser | Owned by: | Minh Nguyen |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | CKEditor 3.3 |
Component: | UI : Dialogs | Version: | SVN (CKEditor) - OLD |
Keywords: | Confirmed Firefox Review+ | Cc: |
Description ¶
When creating a new plugin that utilizes the iframedialog plugin, you have to pass a Pixel width and height:
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('dialog_name',{ requires: ['iframedialog'], init:function(a){ CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe('dialog_name', 'Smiley', this.path+'lister.php',550,300, function(){/*oniframeload*/}) // etc. etc.
iframedialog will assign those values to the dialog only and not to the iframe. The iframe gets assigned 100% width and height in the final source code.
In the kama skin, but not in the office2003 and v2 skins, this will lead to the iframe being only 160 Pixels tall in Firefox 3.5. It works as expected in Internet Explorer 8.
A fix that worked for me in Firefox 3.5 was to modify plugins/iframedialog/plugin.js and set a fixed width to the iframe:
CKEDITOR.dialog.addIframe = function( name, title, src, width, height, onContentLoad ) { var element = { type : 'iframe', src : src, width : '100%', height : height // CHANGED };
The attached screen shot is using a customized template but checked with the original kama template as well.
Feel free to contact me on follow-up questions.
Thanks for providing this awesome product.

Change History (23)
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | CKScreenshot.PNG added |
comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | iframedialog firefox height removed |
Milestone: | → CKEditor 3.3 |
comment:3 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Confirmed Firefox added |
Version: | → SVN (CKEditor) |
Confirmed with FF only.
comment:5 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review added; Confirmed Firefox removed |
comment:6 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Confirmed Firefox Review? added; Review removed |
comment:7 Changed 15 years ago by
Owner: | set to Minh Nguyen |
Status: | new → assigned |
comment:8 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review+ added; Review? removed |
comment:9 Changed 15 years ago by
Milestone: | CKEditor 3.3 → CKEditor 3.2 |
Move to 3.2 since this bug not only affect iframe dialog plugin, but all dialogs' height in Firefox:
Firefox, Win7
Reproducing Procedures
- Open any page sample, then open the 'Link' dialog;
- Inspect the layout height of dialog contents element (td.cke_dialog_contents) with Firebug;
- Actual Result: The layouted height is 208;
- Expected Result: The layout height should be identical to defined minimum height, which is 230.
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | 4863.patch added |
comment:10 Changed 15 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
comment:12 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review- added; Review+ removed |
Milestone: | CKEditor 3.2 → CKEditor 3.3 |
Resolution: | fixed |
Status: | closed → reopened |
comment:13 Changed 15 years ago by
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | 4863_2.patch added |
comment:14 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review? added; Review- removed |
New patch for IE quirks mode. This solution was a bit problem with smiley plugin, but this patch also fixed it.
comment:15 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review- added; Review? removed |
Cong, that's a nice hack[[BR]] We should try to keep layout hacks inside CSS files and comment out the culprit.
Changed 15 years ago by
Attachment: | 4863_3.patch added |
comment:16 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review? added; Review- removed |
comment:17 Changed 15 years ago by
Keywords: | Review+ added; Review? removed |
comment:19 Changed 15 years ago by
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | reopened → closed |
Refixed with [5248].

Screenshot of iframe in FF3.5