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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14257 [Blink] Pasting from MS Word leaves <![endif]--> confirmed Bug Normal
#16849 Cannot use Paste From Word on numbered lists with parens around number/letter confirmed Bug Normal
#8734 Chrome doesn’t recognize lists from MS Word 2010 confirmed Bug Normal
#9322 CKEditor should recognize fields like checkboxes pasted from word. confirmed New Feature Normal
#14923 Copy paste from word does not retain font size for first <li> tag confirmed Bug Normal
#11486 Create a new test system for Paste from Word review Frederico Caldeira Knabben New Feature Must have (possibly next milestone)
#16743 [Edge] PFW generic tests confirmed Bug Must have (possibly next milestone)
#16872 [Edge][PFW] Multi number markers lists not pasted correctly confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#7954 Editing pasted Numbered list with different Start Value not working properly confirmed Bug Normal
#7835 [FF] Word metadata not cleaned when pasting from word without cleanup confirmed Bug Normal
#16833 IE11 malformed list pasted from Word assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16829 [IE11] Missing text justification in some cases when content is pasted from Word confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#7950 [IE] Text pasted differently than in other browsers reopened Bug Normal
#8186 If copied MS-Word text contains a text box, then text does not display correctly in the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#9340 Import of bulleted list from MS Word fails when the bullets are styled confirmed Bug Normal
#16990 Inconsistent Paste From Word Behavior confirmed Bug Normal
#7484 Indented text copied from Word is not displaying properly when pasted into the editor confirmed Bug Normal
#12908 Merge Paste and Paste From Word buttons confirmed Task Normal
#12654 Once Paste from Word - always Paste from Word confirmed Bug Normal
#8009 Paste From Word creates <a> tags with no attributes wherever contents are "highlighted" by Comments confirmed Bug Normal
#16897 Paste From Word: Font family not copied over multiple paragraphs with non-standard font new Bug Normal
#16716 Paste from Word support in MS Edge assigned Tade0 New Feature Normal
#13148 Pate from Word empty list issue confirmed Bug Normal
#13651 Unable to paste unicode characters confirmed Bug Normal
#13021 Word Filter should transform mso-bidi-font-family into font-family confirmed New Feature Normal
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