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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#9661 fixed javascript:void(0) Invalid Value for Link Href Artur Delura TomNM

Is javascript:void(0) intended to be an invalid value for the link dialog? My view is that it should be allowed in the href field. It was formerly with FCKeditor.

You can reproduce in the

  1. Paste <a href="javascript:void(0);">test</a> in source mode.
  2. Go to Wysiwyg.
  3. Edit link, and just try to save. You'll get "invalid value".

So, again, I believe there should be a way to allow this to support this method.

Thanks, Tom

#10030 fixed IE8 "Unspecified Error ckeditor.js, line 63 character 296" on CKEditor 4 load Artur Delura Tony Payne

I updated from CKEditor 3 to 4, updated the custom config, plugins etc, and everything seems to work ok, except that sometimes when the editor instance loads I get this error "Unspecified Error ckeditor.js, line 63 character 296". The section of ckeditor.js on line 63 that is highlighted by IE8 debugger is:

return new CKEDITOR.dom.element(this.$.activeElement)

This is sporadic, doesn't happen every time, and never used to happen with CKEditor3. I can load a page and editor content loads correctly, save the content, reload the page, and then I get the error, even though the content to include in the textarea has not changed (it's stored in an SQL table).

As far as I am aware this is only happening in IE8 (I am running XP Pro with SP3). I can't replicate on FF or Chrome.

Attached is:

(a) The code on the page that activates the editor

(b) The editor content that is being loaded

(c) The custom config.

#10867 fixed Inconsistent use of decodeURI in image dialog Artur Delura Frode Danielsen

A previous ticket (#5256) concerned the use of decodeURI for the image "src" attribute in the image dialog. The ticket was resolved by removing the use of decodeURI here, to be consistent with how it is not used in the link dialog.

decodeURI is still used for the "href" attribute of the link for an image though. This can cause similar problems as in #5256. It also causes problems when trying to use a link that has been encoded in a different character set than the page of CKEditor (ie. ISO-8859-1 versus UTF-8). The character encoding of a link is related to the site the link refers to, and not necessarily the site it is linked from, and thus CKEditor can't make assumptions about it.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the image dialog for an image on a page with UTF-8 as charset
  2. Paste the following ISO-8859-1 URI as the link address:
  3. Click "OK"
  4. Result: JavaScript URIError

Browser: Safari 6.0.5 OS: Mac OS X 10.8.4

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