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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#11478 fixed Can't use jQuery Object as option-property with the jQuery Adapter Artur Delura Encaitar

You can't use jQuery objects as options when using the adapter:

$( '#editable' ).ckeditor( function() { 
    /* Callback function code. */ 
    uiColor : '#9AB8F3', 
    test: $('body') //Results into  a Uncaught TypeError: Illegal constructor
}); // Use CKEDITOR.inline().

I was upgrading from 3.6 to 4.3 when I got this problem. I used those jQuery objects in my company's plugins. For more info, see:

In the attached file is a with one 'bugged' example -> jquery_object.html

#11621 fixed Less extreme paste as plain text - keep semantic but strip styles Artur Delura Piotrek Koszuliński

In the current situation we have the ACF and forcePasteAsPlainText (forcePAPT). The ACF works perfectly unless following happen:

  1. Editor has so many features enabled (e.g. fonts and colors) that it does not filter pasted content as precisely as user would want.
  2. Developer decided to disable ACF because of complexity of content which is going to be edited.
  3. Developer makes a decision that paste content should be filtered more strictly than content being edited. In this case he can use forcePAPT, but this option is too strict for many cases. For example one may want to preserve semantic, but no styling. See e.g. #11619.

The proposed solution is to replace forcePAPT with a separate ACF instance, which can be configured independently from the main one. We could have some presets available, like "semantic" preset which would allow HTML tags and some semantic attributes and "plaintext" preset which would allow only paragraphs and line breaks.

Note: these presets do not have to be correlated with editor features like main ACF is, because main ACF would be still applied to the inserted content.

#11753 fixed CheckDirty is true after clicking a widget, but getData() returns the same Artur Delura Joel

In Chrome33 and IE9, the checkDirty() method returns true after a widget drag handle has appeared, even though nothing has changed.

  1. Open Developers console
  2. Go to
  3. Run CKEDITOR.instances.editor3.checkDirty(); in console

--> returns false

  1. Run var d1 = CKEDITOR.instances.editor3.getData(); in console
  2. Click on the apollo picture in the 3rd editor, but do not move it.
  3. Run CKEDITOR.instances.editor3.checkDirty(); in console

--> returns true

  1. Run var d2 = CKEDITOR.instances.editor3.getData(); in console
  2. run d1 === d2 in console

--> returns true

I know this is a battle between getData() vs getSnapshot() vs _.previousValue, but as far as I can see, it is unexpected behaviour. Shouldn't checkDirty() work with getData() especially when there are widgets involved?

Switching to source mode and back does not help.

Bonus: In Chrome CKEDITOR.instances.editor4.checkDirty(); is always true after page has loaded.

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