Opened 12 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

#10107 closed Bug (fixed)

[Android] Problems with copy and paste

Reported by: Anna Tomanek Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.0
Keywords: Android Cc:


Tested on Samsung Galaxy S, Android 4.2.1 (Jelly Bean), CKEditor samples for the Standard preset, replacebycode and inline samples.

Stock browser, iframe mode

Cut and Copy buttons in the toolbar are inactive even after a word is selected. However, it appears that the buttons become active after some action with the browser interface is performed, like opening the copy-paste toolbar or sliding the phone status bar.

When the buttons are active and are selected, both trigger the "your browser security settings don't permit..." messages. Using Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+X is obviously not possible in this context.

It should be possible to use the browser native copy-paste bar that opens at the top. However, "Cut" does not perform cutting, but instead it copies the selection to clipboard (just like "Copy" does). It can then be pasted either with native browser "Paste" operation (shows on hold) or with the CKEditor Paste dialog window open from the toolbar.

Stock browser, inline mode

In inline mode the inactive-active issue also occurs. Native browser "Cut" operation seems to work OK in that it cuts the text, although the cursor is then placed inside the next word instead. Copying through native toolbar works correctly. Pasting works as in the iframe mode.

Chrome 18.0.1025469, iframe and inline mode

Cut and Copy become active once a selection is made. They are both blocked by the "your browser security settings don't permit..." messages. Using Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+X is obviously not possible in this context.

Cutting and copying through native browser toolbar works correctly, although the cursor is lost after performing these operations. However, it seems quite tricky to paste the text back -- holding sometimes opens the browser "Paste" command, sometimes the CKEditor context menu with "Paste". In the latter case this in turn opens the Paste dialog window. It is quite difficult to paste into at as it keeps moving out of the viewport and holding inside the text field just opens the virtual keyboard, moves the window and changes zoom level; the Paste command does not always show.

Another problem is that the pasted text seems to have a different font size. The format is still "Normal", but the font is considerably bigger.

Firefox 19, iframe and inline mode

Cut and Copy become active once a selection is made. They are both blocked by the "your browser security settings don't permit..." messages. Using Ctrl+C/ Ctrl+X is obviously not possible in this context.

Holding the selection opens the editor context menu but just for a short moment, it closes immediately and the text is deselected instantly. It is thus impossible to cut or copy text.

Pasting seems to be impossible, too, as when the editor Paste dialog window opens, nothing happens when holding inside the text field, the Paste command/ tooltip does not show.

Attachments (8)

Android-4.2.1-stock-selection-inactive.png (77.9 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-stock-browser-native.png (63.6 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-stock-cut-copies.png (84.8 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Browser cut operation copies to clipboard instead
Android-4.2.1-stock-inline-inactive.png (67.8 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-stock-inline-cutting-cursor.png (71.1 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-chrome-active-buttons.png (99.2 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-chrome-cut.png (99.4 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.
Android-4.2.1-chrome-paste.png (96.0 KB) - added by Anna Tomanek 12 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (12)

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Browser cut operation copies to clipboard instead

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Anna Tomanek

Status: newconfirmed

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

#11618 was marked as duplicate.

Description from that ticket:

Copy some text on the Android (tap and hold until blue text selection arrows appear). Select & copy.
Open modal text edit. Tap and hold EXPECT: Android "Paste" object appears - tap it to paste ACTUAL: Android "Paste" object appears very briefly - no time to tap

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Piotr Jasiun

Related: #10590.

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: fixed
Status: confirmedclosed

From what I have checked in CKEditor 4.6.1 it is possible cut/copy text and no security restriction occurs. Also paste native menu no longer shows just for a brief moment but it stays.

The only problem I have got is that when you select range of text, cut/copy icons are not enabled. This issue has been reported in #10590.

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