Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#10751 closed Bug (invalid)

If (/") characters exists in the HTML image tag in source content, CKEditor is not rendering the content properly

Reported by: Engg Team Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.6.2
Keywords: Cc:


There is an (/") characters exists in the source HTML content and we have tried to edit the content in our application by integrating the CKEditor. Once we upload the content, the content was not rendered properly. This issue occurs when i have opened the CKEditor application in other than IE browser. It is working fine in IE browser. But the same characters are working fine even they used in the HTML tag, we have verified the same in most of the editors like (Front Page and else) and browsers as well. When we the same content in CKEditor only this issue occurred. Image Tag :: <img src='' height='1' width='1'/" target="_blank"> CKEditor Version : 3.6.2 Integrated Technology : Adobe Flex OS Version : Linux version 2.6.18-308.1.1.el5xen (mockbuild@…) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-52)) #1 SMP Fri Feb 17 17:11:09 EST 2012

Change History (11)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team

Summary: If (/") exists any of the HTML image tag in source content, CKEditor is not rendering the content properlyIf (/") characters exists in the HTML image tag in source content, CKEditor is not rendering the content properly

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team


We are facing this issue when we integrate this with my product. Please provide us the response for this issue ASAP.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This isn't support site but place for reporting bugs and we respond to them as early as possible.

Your code has in fact two invalid characters /". If there is only / then there is no problem. Code is fixed and img tag looks ok, but if you insert something like /" target="_blank" then yes tag is destroyed as CKEditor thinks this orphan " is in fact opening ".

Editor tries to fix many issues in code but it is simply impossible to foresee every strange scenario that users may come up with. The only thing I can recommend here is not inserting orphan " into tags as this definitely isn't what you wanted.

I'm closing this issue as invalid but if you don't agree please leave a comment explaining why do you think such scenario should be fixed? I don't recall this being some common practice so explanation is more than welcome.

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team


I strongly agree with you, but the issue is not getting occured in IE browser, but issue occurred in other browsers. And we have verified the same HTML source in other editors like (Front page and etc.) it is working fine and all the browsers are able to generate the HTML preview with the source. The issue is with, when we try to generate the preview using CKEditor in other than IE browser only. As per your scenario, if it is wrong usage, your product should generate the preview wrongly even in IE browser as well. And as said earlier, there is no issue with other editors and browsers with same HTML source. Hence, please review the issue again and provide us the update.

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team

Version: 3.6.2

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have checked this under CKEditor 4.2, 3.6.6, 3.6.2 and it gets broken under every browser including IE. I have been checking this in default editor not integrated into any product. Perhaps this is the difference.

Yes this is true code gets broken in editor with this scenario and gets handled elsewhere but this doesn't mean that these other tool won't break in other scenarios while editor will work.

IMHO this is just another example of "what strange code I can insert to break online editor" and should not be fixed but this is just my opinion thus I will forward this issue to colleague of mine. Perhaps considering this ticket as "editor should provide better orphan quotation marks handling" would make it valid.

comment:7 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team


Thanks for understanding the problem faced by us. There might be some chances where user's can provide the source data in this way, why because, when the same data is working fine in other editors, they expect us to show the same. Hence, please provide the us the resolution and possible details about this issue.

comment:8 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

I haven't checked this issue, but I want to add a possible explanation. Browsers vendors implemented many mechanisms fixing incorrect HTML. This is a result of a sick period called browsers wars. Every browser was intended to understand even the worst possible pseudo HTML loaded into it. The fact that IE is accepting incorrect quotation mark is most likely caused by this indulgence. However, fortunately browsers are now being cleaned from the results of browsers wars, because such hacks was causing performance, compatibility and security issues. I don't know if any other browser would ever accept quotation mark at that position, but it's not a surprise that this is an "IE only" behaviour.

comment:9 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

PS. CKEditor is supposed to work with correct HTML. It may also try to fix some issues in loaded code, but we'll be rather reducing the number of hacks than introducing new ones. The reason is the same - performance, compatibility, security and also maintainability.

Also note that CKEditor uses browsers to fix incorrect HTML, so this may be the cause why CKEditor itself also behaves differently on every browser. Fortunately, as browsers, lead by the HTML5 and related specs, are getting more and more compatible with each other, CKEditor will behave more and more consistently on them.

comment:10 Changed 11 years ago by Engg Team


Can you please tell us that, is it an issue in CKEditor and providing any resolution in future releases or not? As I said earlier, if i have used this characters in plain HTML page and verified in the browsers, it is working find all the browsers, but when i have used the same content with integrating our application with CKEditor, CKEditor is not rendering the content properly. It working fine only in IE browser.

comment:11 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

There's no issue in CKEditor, so we're not planning to change anything. Issue is in the HTML code which you're trying to load.

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