Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#10752 confirmed Bug

IE10 crashes using custom bullets

Reported by: Zoltan Koszegi Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.0
Keywords: oracle IE10 Cc:


This is probably an IE10 bug but can be recreated in CK only. STR:

  1. Unpack the attached on a machine with IE10 and IIS into the inetpub\wwwroot folder.
  2. Open IE10 and navigate to http://localhost/ckeditor.

RESULT: The browser loads CKEditor 4.1.1 and then loads a web page with a numbered list that uses a style with custom bullet images. The editor loads the page and then IE crashes probably when it tries to render the style. There must be some subtle timing issue here as well because the next time when the files are loaded from the IE cache, it doesn't crash. It crashes again after you clear the IE cache.

Attachments (2) (622.9 KB) - added by Zoltan Koszegi 11 years ago. (846.5 KB) - added by Tamas Szvitacs 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

Changed 11 years ago by Zoltan Koszegi

Attachment: added

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have tried your code and I was able to reproduce this problem only in IE10 and only in Windows 7 (IE10 on win 8 works fine).

This is in deed weird issue but to workaround it you can just use setTimeout with timeout of 0.

    	    setTimeout(function(){loadPage('http://localhost/doc/WebPage/Parts/index.html', function (data) {
                _editor.setData(data);}, 0);
Last edited 8 years ago by Jakub Ś (previous) (diff)

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś


  1. if you are using _editor = CKEDITOR.replace(... you should use _editor.on('instanceReady', function (ev) {.... This is safer because you will call exactly that instance of editor.
  2. It turns out that HTML4 declaration plus your code from sample is causing this.

After I have changed declaration from HTML4 to HTML5 in index.html and index1.html, files seem to work as expected.

My recommendations:

  1. Please upgrade editor to 4.2 version.
  2. Please use HTML5
  3. Just in case please sue setTimeout with timeout 0 or 10.

This should solve this problem.

Version 0, edited 11 years ago by Jakub Ś (next)

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed

Problem occurs only with HTML4 doc type declaration.

Changed 11 years ago by Tamas Szvitacs

Attachment: added

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by Tamas Szvitacs

Thank you for the response. I tried what you recommended and that indeed resolved the problem of loading the page. However, that's unfortunately not all.

Our application adds a custom plugin that controls the assignment of css classes to the page elements. After the recommended changes a page that references the custom bullet class loads fine. However, if the page doesn't contain the reference to the class initially, and then we apply it later from JavaScript code, IE10 still crashes.

The new test harness IE10Crash2 I just attached demonstrates the issue. It's based upon CK 4.2 and uses the HTML5 doc type. To keep things simple, it overrides the "bold" command, which now applies the "od_my_thing" class to the list. Load the page and then click the Bold button. The addClass method executes without any problem but IE10 still crashes when it re-renders the page.

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have narrowed down the problem - it seems that below selector with background-color:inherit; is causing problems. When background-color:inherit is removed everythinf works fine.

Taken from web.css:

li > ul > li, li > ol > li { color:inherit; background-color:inherit; font-family:inherit; font-size:inherit; font-style:inherit; font-weight:inherit; text-decoration:inherit; text-align:inherit; }

comment:6 Changed 11 years ago by Tamas Szvitacs

Thank you for the investigation. Although that selector is there with reason, we can live without the background-color style in it. It still seems to be worth reporting the issue to Microsoft, but since we (at least myself) were not able to recreate it outside of CK, that's up to you guys.

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