Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11381 closed Bug (invalid)

<Title> tag content is missing

Reported by: Subash Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Parser Version: 4.3
Keywords: Cc:


Dear Team,

When i am trying to  get the data from editor for saving purpose, i used below code,


I can get all the data whatever changes made in the editor but <title> tag content is empty.
Actual Content:
<title> Interoduction</title>
While Getting Content:
When getting it shows empty <title> tag in all section Titles.

Note: I am using,
Ckeditor Version: 4.3
Browser :
Google Chrome(Mac OSX 10.9) version: 31.0.1650.63
Google Chrome(Windows 7) version: 32.0.1700.72m
Operating System: Windows 7 & Mac OSX 10.9

Please guide me to resolve this problem.

Thanks in Advance.


Subash Ramadoss

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Section Title is missing removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Title is only available when fullPage mode is used. In other cases what you see in editor is full document for which only body contents are removed.
I have checked (in fullPage mode) title tag modification in source mode and with document properties dialog. Getting new data after such modifications was successful.

  1. Is it possible that you are not using fullPage mode?
  2. "When getting it shows empty <title> tag in all section Titles."
    I'm not sure how to understand this but please note that there is only one title tag allowed in whole page. It has to be used in head of the document and can't be omitted.
    If you are using title tag in more than one place then you should not do that. You should rather replace it with e.g. H2, H3 or some DIV.

Again I'm closing this issue as I think it is invalid but if above is none of your problems please provide detailed description of what you have and what is wrong and then I will consider reopening this ticket.

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