Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#11398 confirmed Bug

[IE8] Image2 widget explodes after list type change

Reported by: Piotrek Koszuliński Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.3
Keywords: IE8 Cc:


  1. Open image2 sample.
  2. Focus image.
  3. Press ordered list button.
  4. Press unordered list button.

Image's structure explodes.

<:figure class="caption cke_widget_element" data-widget="image" data-cke-widget-keep-attr="0" data-cke-widget-data='{"hasCaption":true,"src":"assets/image1.jpg","alt":"Saturn V","width":"200","height":"","lock":true,"align":"right"}'><SPAN class=cke_image_resizer_wrapper><IMG alt="Saturn V" src="assets/image1.jpg" width=200 data-cke-saved-src="assets/image1.jpg"><SPAN class="cke_image_resizer cke_image_resizer_left" title="Click and drag to resize" data-cke-expando="138">​</SPAN></SPAN><:figcaption class=cke_widget_editable contentEditable=true data-cke-expando="false" data-cke-display-name="caption" data-cke-filter="107" data-cke-widget-editable="caption" data-cke-enter-mode="2">Roll out of Saturn V on launch pad</:figcaption></:figure>

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed
Version: 4.3

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.3 in IE8 only. In CKEditor 4.3 beta error was thrown on first button press. Currently structure gets broken and when you press source button, error is thrown:

Message: 'editables[...]' jest pusty lub nie jest obiektem
Line: 2321
URI: /ckeditor4/plugins/widget/plugin.js

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