Opened 18 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#1146 closed New Feature (wontfix)

Create CSS-Style button

Reported by: Aung Khant Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Discussion Cc:


Dear Fred and developers,

As you already know, CSS can do incredible styling that plain HTML cannot.

The newly CSS-Style button is disabled by default. When the user types some text, it becomes enabled.

Click it. The "CSS Properties" dialog will appear. The dialog will have server tabs of CSS categories :-

  1. Text
  2. Background
  3. Box
  4. Block
  5. Border
  6. List
  7. Positioning

Each category will have their respective CSS elements. e.g. For Text, there will be -

  1. font-family
  2. font-size
  3. font-weight
  4. font-variant
  5. color
  6. background-color ....etc

The eraser icon named 'Remove Format' must be able currently applied CSS style.

Thank you so much for your time, consideration and hardwork.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 17 years ago by Wojciech Olchawa

Keywords: Discussion added

Although it's a great idea I don't know if it would be understandable for the end-users. Usually end users are more interested on how the text looks like not on how it had been done. (Of course I'm referring to users with little knowledge about html and css). This option could be only applied for more advanced users which now what power does the css formating bring.

This option good be implemented maybe as plugin but I don't see it as part of whole program. But that's just my personal opinion so I'll open a discussion for your suggestions. Let's see what others think about it.

Thanks for posting.

comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

CKEditor is not a web page editor, but web-based content editor. Therefore this feature does not match it - it's about creating non-semantic content. Of course we have some features creating non-semantic content, but we are avoiding adding more of them.

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