Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 11 years ago

#11579 confirmed Bug

Merging of table cells containing an image widget fails in OSX using different browsers

Reported by: Fred-Jan van der Eijken Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Tables Version: 4.3 Beta
Keywords: Blink Webkit Cc: fred-jan@…

Description (last modified by Jakub Ś)


  • OS-X 10.9.1
  • Chrome 32.0.1700.107 or Safari 7.0.1 (9537.73.11)

Steps te reproduce:

  1. Include the image2 plugin in your CKEditor build.
  2. Open /ckeditor/samples/replacebyclass.html
  3. Create a table with 2 rows and 2 columns (2x2).
  4. Put an image widget in the first cell, and some dummy text in the other three cells.
  5. Open a context menu on the first cell (containing the image) and select 'Merge Right'.

The following javascript error occurs:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<error> has no method 'getDocument' plugin.js:402 placeCursorInCell plugin.js:402 createDef.exec plugin.js:767 exec command.js:52 editor.js:822 plugin.js:193 (anonymous function) tools.js:573 (anonymous function) tools.js:573 (anonymous function) plugin.js:361 (anonymous function) tools.js:659 tools.js:687 onclick replacebyclass.html:1

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Fred-Jan van der Eijken

Cc: fred-jan@… added

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Description: modified (diff)
Keywords: table merge getDocument placeCursorInCell removed

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Blink Webkit added
Status: newconfirmed
Version: Beta

Problem can be reproduced from CKEditor 4.3 beta in Blink and Webkit browsers.

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