Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11703 closed Bug (invalid)

CKEditor's editing area doesn't appear

Reported by: Ramil Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Skins Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I've installed CKEditor v.4.3.3 (7.x-1.13) and when I try to edit an article or basic page I see no window on editor's place, switching to a simple editor lets me see a window and text to edit, swiching back to CKEd it disappears again. When I open "Modules" in system menu I see a message: key() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given in function ckeditor_defaul_skin() (string 206 in file d:\xampp\htdocs\mysite\sites\all\modules\ckeditor\includes\ Text is repeated twice in one message (see attached file).

Default skin for editor is "Moonocolor", editor was customized before downloading from your site.

Attachments (1)

ckeditor.png (12.8 KB) - added by Ramil 11 years ago.
error message

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 11 years ago by Ramil

Attachment: ckeditor.png added

error message

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newpending
Version: 4.3.3

editor was customized before downloading from your site

Editor works by default so this must be configuration or third-party plugin issue.
Could you please download CKEditor ( full package without any third-party plugins and then check? If it works you should then check which plugin is causing it and report it to plugin author.

NOTE: You might want to use dev version - it is fully stable and newer e.g. you can configure ACF from Drupal Admin Panel level.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 11 years ago by Ramil

Replying to j.swiderski:

editor was customized before downloading from your site

Editor works by default so this must be configuration or third-party plugin issue.
Could you please download CKEditor ( full package without any third-party plugins and then check? If it works you should then check which plugin is causing it and report it to plugin author.

NOTE: You might want to use dev version - it is fully stable and newer e.g. you can configure ACF from Drupal Admin Panel level.

I've uninstalled Ckeditor and IMCE plugin (latest stable version) and then installed again Ckeditor alone (4.3.3 full version), it worked fine, then I've installed latest IMCE dev.version - now everything works as should. Problem is solved, thank you very much.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: pendingclosed

Thanks for the feedback.

Just to be sure, please clear your browsers cache (drupal cache if needed) and then check if they really work.

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