Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#11706 closed Bug (invalid)

DropDowns closes immidiately in IE

Reported by: jcheema Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Dialogs Version: 3.6.4
Keywords: Cc: sivamohan1987@…


We have a ckeditor inside a table which is inside a ui-dialog.Jquery-ui.js version is :-1.10.2 Even after giving fix from we are facing issue of drop-downs closes immediately after open in IE. As suggested in above fix i.e

address interaction issues with dialog window

if ( $( ).closest( ".cke_dialog" ).length ) {

return true;

} address interaction issues with iframe based drop downs in IE if ( $( ).closest( ".cke" ).length ) {

return true;


We are getting length as zero in both cases because jquery's closest function doesn't return anything. As tested in Chrome,there is no such ".cke_dialog" present,but ".cke_editor" do exist. So we tried with ".cke_editor",but in that case also IE returns nothing in that if statement. Please respond asap.

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newpending

Please provide reduced sample HTML page that can be put in default CKEditor samples folder and will show this issue (please also include scripts or script links you use e.g. from google api).

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by jcheema

Thanks for your response. Actually I can't provide any html sample at this time.But I did investigation and found out that whenever i click a drop-down you guys have given condition as $( ).closest( ".cke" ).length ) but in our case this "cke" class is missing. Any idea of this ?? Is there anything to do with "allowedContent" for this.I feel my html classes are changing here.

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: pendingclosed

but in our case this "cke" class is missing. Any idea of this ??

We are unaware of such issue and we don't remember anyone reporting it. The only way to check this issue is with HTML sample that is causing this problem in default editor.

If you are unable to provide such sample then I have to close this issue as invalid and assume that this might be your implementation issue. @jcheema please not that if you provide such reduced test case file and issue will confirm I will then reopen this ticket.

comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by Mohan

Cc: sivamohan1987@… added
Component: GeneralUI : Dialogs
Version: 3.6.4
<textarea id="opentexttmp" name="opentexttmp">Some sample content</textarea>

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $('#opentexttmp').ckeditor(function(){}, {
             height: 200, 
             width: 700

I'm having the above inside a html file named "sample.html". In turn, I will access the "sample.html" using jQuery UI dialog. So, whenever I'm opening CKEditor in any UI dialog popup, I'm not able to access the drop-downs of style, font family, font size etc. Can you please tell me now? Also, If I have editor in web page itself, I'm not getting such problem. Getting the problem only when I access editor in popup.

JQuery version is v1.11.0
JQuery UI version is v1.10.4


Last edited 10 years ago by Mohan (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Can you please tell me now? Also, If I have editor in web page itself, I'm not getting such problem.

When I was asking for a sample page I have meant sample HTML page. What you have provided is jQuery CKEditor initialization code that is fired inside some page.
What I'm interested in is whole working page that generates the problem. Sure I can create jQuery dialog and run this code but I want to work with the same example for which this problem has been reported thus if possible please provide reduced HTML page(s) that shows this problem. I will be then able to test it and see if there is problem in implementation or if this is CKEditor issue.

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