Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#11997 closed Bug (invalid)

In Chrome on paste/click enter button after paste page scrolls to end

Reported by: SRI SANDHYA Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


am using CkEditor4.1.1 which came as out of box feature for AEM5.6.1 . in IE8 browser every thing is working fine with the CKEditor textarea but in Chrome browser if i paste/enter after paste page is scrolling to end .

Attachments (1) (940.7 KB) - added by SRI SANDHYA 11 years ago.

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Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: chrome paste removed
Status: newpending
Version: 4.1.1

I can't reproduce this in CKEditor 4.4.1.

When you paste content into editor cursor is blinking at the end of pasted content and editor content area is already scrolled to the cursor.

  1. Can you reproduce this issue on our demo page or only in your application?
  2. If only in your application, could you prepare simplified test case file which can be put in standalone CKEditor samples folder and will show this issue?

comment:2 Changed 11 years ago by SRI SANDHYA

  1. can't able to reproduce the issue on demo page .
  2. And don't want to update CKEdition to version 4.4.1 as am not sure whether AEM supports CKeditor version to configure
  3. how/where to attach the simplified test cases file ,kindly give me the path of samples folder

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

how/where to attach the simplified test cases file, kindly give me the path of samples folder

What i was talking about is that you should be able to download fresh CKEditor from our page, put it on your server as standalone app, go to ckeditor/samples folder and prepare HTML file with js code (external js or css if needed) that will show this issue.

Please have a look at sample files - if you are able to write such file with minimum code needed to reproduce this problem in default editor, you can then send me this file I will check it on my default instance of CKEditor and decide whether to confirm this issue or not.

Changed 11 years ago by SRI SANDHYA

Attachment: added

comment:4 Changed 11 years ago by SRI SANDHYA

Attached file with name "" contains the CKEditor4.1.1 version which came along with my tool .

  1. i have a form with all text fields with CKEditor .
  2. for first field paste and enter is working fine
  3. from second CKEditor text field on paste/enter page is scrolling down only in chrome

comment:5 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: pendingclosed

I have checked your example and I haven't found any html page that would allow me running this example. I have tried creting html with two editors that refer to your editor folder and no scroll has occurred.

I'm closing this issue as invalid as I'm almost convinced that this is your implementation issue. @srisandhyamaddula if you don't agree, please prepare working and reduced sample files(s) that allow reproducing this problem.

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