Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#12124 closed Bug (invalid)

FCK Editor 2.1 problem with Windows-7

Reported by: Vikas Gupta Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: SVN (FCKeditor) - Retired
Keywords: Cc: johnmcnall@…



This is to seek you support with a problem we are facing using FCK editor(Version 2.1) in our classic ASP application.

FCK editor is implemented on a number of pages on our website (, and is working just fine on all of the operating systems, but on WINDOWS-7. The problem we are facing is, on WINDOWS-7 systems are as below -

  1. Text formating toolbars are not being displayed along with the editor.
  2. Editor window is showing HTML markup, whereas it should show the formatted text.

Attached are the screen shots taken using WINDOWS-XP, WINDOWS-7, and WINDOWS-8 operating systems for your reference.

Below is the details of environment where the application is running -

  1. Application is developed using classic ASP.
  2. Running on IIS 6.0 Version on a Windows Server 2003 (Web Edition Server).
  3. Please note that the problem is not browser specific, it's behaving same on all browsers we tested.

Should you need any other information, kindly let us know.

We can also provide you required credentials, along with the steps to reproduce the issue, if you want to try it yourself.

Kindly suggest a solution ASAP as our clients are facing problems using the website due to this issue.

We would appreciated your suggestions and hope that you have a fix for this issue,

Thank you,



Attachments (3)

EditorWorkingInWINDOWS-XP.pdf (584.2 KB) - added by Vikas Gupta 11 years ago.
EditorWorkingInWindows-7.png (454.9 KB) - added by Vikas Gupta 11 years ago.
EditorWorkingInWindows-8.png (98.6 KB) - added by Vikas Gupta 11 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

Changed 11 years ago by Vikas Gupta

Changed 11 years ago by Vikas Gupta

Changed 11 years ago by Vikas Gupta

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

FCKeditor is no longer maintained (it's more than 5 years old!). You need to upgrade to CKEditor 4.x.

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