16 | | TC2 (IE8): |
17 | | * open http://ckeditor.dev/plugins/clipboard/dev/dnd.html |
18 | | * copy text from textarea |
19 | | * paste it... it's underlined :D |
20 | | * it happens only when pasting into the framed editor and it happens also when pasting using button in the toolbar (and allowing clipboard access) |
21 | | * and that happens because our pastebin doesn't grab data at all, but `editor#paste` is fired so... we access clipboard directly :| |
| 16 | Because this issue is not related to changes in #12173 (the same problem occurs on master branch) I moved it to the separate ticket: #12348. |
| 17 | ~~TC2 (IE8):~~ |
| 18 | * ~~open http://ckeditor.dev/plugins/clipboard/dev/dnd.html~~ |
| 19 | * ~~copy text from textarea~~ |
| 20 | * ~~paste it... it's underlined :D~~ |
| 21 | * ~~it happens only when pasting into the framed editor and it happens also when pasting using button in the toolbar (and allowing clipboard access)~~ |
| 22 | * ~~and that happens because our pastebin doesn't grab data at all, but `editor#paste` is fired so... we access clipboard directly :|~~ |