Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#12375 closed Bug (invalid)

CK editor toolbar not showing

Reported by: Julie Thonnard Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:



The CK editor toolbar isn't showing on my mac. On neighter of the browsers. I've tried Firefox, Chrome and Safari. I went to a friends house and on his laptop it was working...

I've tried desactivating all the plugins, didn't work either... :( :)

Any ideas? I'm using Book your travel team. Thanks

Attachments (3)

Chrome.png (876.3 KB) - added by Julie Thonnard 11 years ago.
Firefox.png (1.1 MB) - added by Julie Thonnard 11 years ago.
Safari.png (978.5 KB) - added by Julie Thonnard 11 years ago.

Change History (4)

Changed 11 years ago by Julie Thonnard

Attachment: Chrome.png added

Changed 11 years ago by Julie Thonnard

Attachment: Firefox.png added

Changed 11 years ago by Julie Thonnard

Attachment: Safari.png added

comment:1 Changed 11 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

If CKEditor works on one computer and doesn't on other then this is cleqarly problem with implementation.

What I can suggest is:

  • disable editor third-party plugins, clear browsers cache (this is not Ctrl+F5) and re-check.
  • disable third-party scripts that might be conflicting with CKEditor, clear browser cache and re-check. If CKEditor works, you can attach plugins one by one to see which one breaks editor.
  • check Firebug or chrome dev-tools console ig there aren't any JS errors reported. You can also check net tabs for HTTP errors (e.g. 404 or 500)
  • One last thing to check, are browser plugins. Some plugins (especially these on Chrome) are poorly written and can break JavaScript application. Please try disabling any third-party plugins you have installed for your browser(s), restart browser if necessary and re-check this issue.

Since I don't see any CKEditor problem here I'm forced to close this issue as invalid. @juthonnard if you find what is wrong with my tips and you are convinced this is editor fault, please comment and I will consider reopening this ticket.

@juthonnard it would be nice if you could extract this issue. You could prepare reduced and working HTML file (with JS) that can be put in samples folder of default editor and will show the problem.

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