Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#13088 closed Bug (invalid)

Tab Based navigation broken in "html" element in dialog

Reported by: Mariana Baca Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Accessibility Version:
Keywords: Cc: mariana.baca@…


I am trying to create a custom dialog for a plugin. I'm reusing the dialog contents in different parts of my webpage, so I chose to use the "html" element in the dialog and put the contents I wanted in the dialog within the "html" element tag. However, tab based navigation only focuses on the ok and cancel buttons and ignores form fields within the html element unless I explicitly add them using addFocusable. Steps to reproduce -

  1. Create a custom plugin which popus up a dialog on button click.
  2. In the dialog definition, have something like: elements: [{

type: 'html', html: '<div><input id="main" /></div>'

}, ]

  1. Add plugin to editor.
  2. click on new plugin button
  3. Try tabbing to the input field in the dialog -- it will only focus on ok onand cancel.

Browser and OS - Tested on Safari, Firefox, Chrome on Mac (10.7+), Firefox and Chrome on Windows 7

I'll attach a sample plugin.

Attachments (1) (21.2 KB) - added by Mariana Baca 10 years ago.
sample plugin

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 10 years ago by Mariana Baca

Attachment: added

sample plugin

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Version: 4.4.7

I'm sorry but the only way make these elements focusable is doing it with addFocusable. This is why it has been created.

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