Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#13250 confirmed Bug

Style attribute type gets corrupted when editing source in IE 8

Reported by: styx31 Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: UI : Source View Version: 4.4.6
Keywords: IE8 Cc:


We want to use CKEditor to provide a full html document editor, and we want to use the <style> element in the <head> section.

We found that when using IE 8, the attribute type="text/css" in the <style> element is changed to type="text" when switching from source to visual editor then switch back to source view.

I am using the nightly build in the following steps, but I have used the master and the major branch on github and they all have the same problem.

Here are the step I used to reproduce this bug :

  • Use IE
  • Open the full page editing sample (from plugins\wysiwygarea\samples\fullpage.html)
  • Open the Dev Console (F12), switch to IE 8 rendering mode (instead of edge)
  • Switch the editor to Source mode
  • Add <style type="text/css">body { color:red }</style> into the head element
  • Switch to visual mode, the text is red
  • Switch to Source view, the attribute type has changed to text instead of text/css
  • Switch to visual mode, the text is not red anymore

I have tried to fix the bug by myself, but after 2 hours digging into the parser in the javascript console I surrender. Everything seems fine (the source is well parsed), but at some point when the DOM is inserted the content is modified.

If you have hints about how I should help to fix the problem by myself feel free to point me, or if you have any workaround.

I have tried to use bender but was stuck by a strange error in testbuilder.js on master branch. Anyway it was not related to the debugging of the code.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 10 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE8 added
Status: newconfirmed
Version: 4.4.8 (GitHub - master)4.4.6

Problem can be reproduced in IE8 from CKEditor 4.4.6.

NOTE: Please always reproduce test cases in native IE's. Using IE dev-tools is not the same as using native browsers.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Anup

The problem is also reproducible in 4.5.3.

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