Opened 8 years ago

Closed 8 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#16737 closed Bug (invalid)

Issue in pasting big table from excel document as bitmap image in ck-editor using simplupload.

Reported by: Mubin Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Pasting Version:
Keywords: Cc: sakshi.solanki@…, upchar.kurmi@…, mubin327@…


Steps to reproduce

  1. Create one excel sheet with one big table of 140 rows and few columns data.
  2. Copy that big table image as 'Copy -> Copy as Picture -> Bitmap' from top left menu of excel document.
  3. Paste this copied bitmap image table in ck-editor,then we can see that the image table get flicker's and it reduces in width, height and quality of image.
  4. Paste bitmab big table image in to Microsoft Paint, then we can see that this image is same as like in excel document with same width, height and quality.

Expected result

The pasted big table image in ck-editor should be same as image pasted in paint (refer step 4)

Actual result

pasted image in ck-editor shrinked in width, height and quality(image seems blur or zoom)

Other details (browser, OS, CKEditor version, installed plugins)

  1. I am using Chrome as my browser and Windows 7 64-bit operating system.
  2. I have configured plugin like image2, simplupload.

Attachments (4)

BigTableExcel.xlsx (14.1 KB) - added by Mubin 8 years ago.
In this Excel table to be copied as bitmap image present.
Paint_PastedIamge.PNG (34.7 KB) - added by Mubin 8 years ago.
This is image pasted in paint after copying big table as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap from excel document
Project_PastedImage.PNG (105.6 KB) - added by Mubin 8 years ago.
This is image pasted in My Project after copying from excel document table as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap
CkeditorWebSite_PastedImage.PNG (228.3 KB) - added by Mubin 8 years ago.
This is Image pasted in ckeditor wbsite from excel document bigtable as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (8)

Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

Attachment: BigTableExcel.xlsx added

In this Excel table to be copied as bitmap image present.

Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

Attachment: Paint_PastedIamge.PNG added

This is image pasted in paint after copying big table as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap from excel document

Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

Attachment: Project_PastedImage.PNG added

This is image pasted in My Project after copying from excel document table as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap

Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

This is Image pasted in ckeditor wbsite from excel document bigtable as copy->Copy as Picture->Bitmap

comment:1 Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

Please check this issue. You can perform steps to reproduce from attached document also. In Attached Excel document there is already big table present.You can refer attached excel to reproduce this bug.

comment:2 Changed 8 years ago by Mubin

Cc: mubin327@… added

comment:3 Changed 8 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: big Image pasted from microsoft document like word and excel. removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
Version: 4.5.6

I'm sorry but simpleupload is not our plugin. If image is not being saved with the initial quality, you should report it to plugin author.

If plugin you are talking about is, please go to plugin's page There is max size configuration mentioned. Perhaps this is what you were looking for.

If this is not the plugin you are using, please paste the link to plugin page or simply check if its author is CKSource. If not, please report the problem to plugin author.

comment:4 Changed 8 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Hi mubin327.

This might be just a server configuration that it's scaling down the uploaded image to a maximum size (for example that's the default behavior of CKFinder IIRC)

I've tested the excel with the demo at and the image looks perfect. You can contact me at amla70 - at -

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