Opened 17 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#2088 closed Bug (worksforme)

Curly Braces save with tweaking but are lost on next edit.

Reported by: Phillip Davis Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Output Data Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I have an easily reproducible case here where fckeditor will not allow me to use such config settings as:

FCKConfig.ProtectedTags = '{|}'

to protect the raw codes for { and }. This seems to work to allow me to save them in the visible content, but as soon as I reload the editor, they're converted back to literal { and } which immediately dissappear. The steps to reproduce are simple.

  1. Use fckeditor to make something w/ curly braces, example ${SOME_VARIABLE} and want it to display as such, as if showing an example bit of code or required variable. { and } are always lost on save as is the data between them. If instead you use ${SOME_VARIABLE} it saves and is visible, but next edit they show up as { and } and when saved they are again lost as is any data between them. I've tried the above mentioned special config setting so it ignores them, that is, I believe, what allows me to save them but doesn't help upon re-edit.

Is this a valid bug and/or is there a workaround?


Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Krzysztof Studnik

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

WFM with CKE3.6.2, { and } are not lost

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