Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#2739 closed Bug (fixed)

Opera 10.0 Alpha Multiple Editors Bug

Reported by: OperaBug Owned by:
Priority: Low Milestone: Opera Compatibility
Component: General Version: FCKeditor 2.6.3
Keywords: Cc:


Opera 10.0 is still in Alpha phase, but I decided to fill these report, because I know that You are now "in touch" with Opera team and maybe You will find where the bug lies.

In Opera 10.0 latest weekly release (build 1219) and also in first weekly there is bug when using multiple FCKEditors. When there is one FCKEditor everything works just fine, but if there are used two or more FCKEditors - all are disabled (can't write, can't click on any button, also all links on page where are editors don't work).

It was tested with two weekly releases of Opera 10.0 and FCKEditor 2.63 + latest nightly (by nightly samples - JavaScript Sample 09).

If it is corresponded to FCKEditor - please fix this, anyway I'm afraid that this is rather some Opera bug because of early stage of Opera 10.0 - just second alpha. If after Your findings it became clear that this is Opera bug - please inform what is the reason for that (Opera JavaScript bug?), eventually contact Opera Team and send them technical information that they will be able to fix bug ;)

Thanks ;)

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by Artur Formella

Keywords: multiple editors opera removed

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by OperaBug

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Good news - bug is fixed by Opera team from build 1345. There are still some glitches (eg. adding <br> by Enter not always working as it should), but this biggest bug is resolved. Other small things I will try to send to Opera team and if they will stay to official release of Opera 10 - give report here. Sorry for bothering ;)

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