Opened 15 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#4700 closed Bug (invalid)

code/loader.js dependancy on env.js

Reported by: rmacfadyen Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.0.1
Keywords: Cc:


It looks like the loader.js module depends on env.js... but env.js hasn't been loaded yet. See

For some reason this affects custom skins (take an existing skin, rename it, and try to load... editor fails to load because is undefined.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Milestone: CKEditor 3.x

Milestone CKEditor 3.x deleted

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

I'm trying to create a custom skin with v3.01. To start I just copied the kama skin and renamed all occurrences of kama with "mycustomskin".

I haven't found error you were taliking about so you have probably made a mistake somewhere. Nevertheless I'm providing description explaining how to start with skin modification.

Taking the existing skin and changing all occurrences of old name to new is good technique. You have to change names in skin.js and all css files.

There are two techniques:

  1. Change skin.js and dialog.css, editor.css tamplates.css located in /ckeditor/skins/. This is the minified version so working with it may be hard but you won't have to build new release.
  2. Change skin.js and all css files located in /ckeditor/_source/skins/. In this case you will have nice files to work with but then you will have to minify it (maybe not have to but this is recommended) which means building new release.

Once you got it working, you can start customizing your skin.

To build new release:

Basic actions: You need to have java installed in your computer. For more information please visit:

Building a new release of CKEditor with your modifications: You need to have tortoiseSVN client installed on your computer. If you are not familiar with SVN please visit and for more information.

Once you have installed tortioseSVN you need to download CKEditor repository. Create E.g. C:\ckedtior_trunk, right-click on the folder, choose SVN checkout form menu and paste the into “URL of repository” filed.

Copy your new skin folder into appropriate directory in your local repository E.g. C:\ckedtior_trunk\_source\skins\

Go to ckeditor_trunk\_dev\releaser\ and double-click on release.bat (Win) or (Linux)

New release with your file(s) will be created under C:\ckeditor_trunk\_dev\releaser\release directory.

You can use either use created release or copy the skin files to the release you are using.

More information on CKRelease can be found under:

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