Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#4956 closed Bug (invalid)

IE7 chrashes

Reported by: pierre.sermain Owned by:
Priority: Must have (possibly next milestone) Milestone:
Component: Server : ASP.Net Version: FCKeditor 2.6.5
Keywords: Cc:


I have implemented multiple FCKEditor in a page using a .NET control (ascx page) but when the postback occurs, IE7 crashes. I do not have the issue on Firefox but my company only use IE7 so I have to make it work on IE7.

I have the ValidateRequest set to "False" in my page:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="BestPracticesInActionSubmit_Step1.aspx.cs" Inherits="PSAMV3.Modules.PRBestPracticesInAction.BestPracticesInActionSubmit_Step1" ValidateRequest="false"%>

I declare a Rich Text Area control page: <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc4" TagName="RichTextArea" Src="RichTextArea.ascx" %>

And here is the code of the control page: <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="RichTextArea.ascx.cs" Inherits="PSAMV3.Modules.PRBestPracticesInAction.RichTextArea" %> <%@ Register TagPrefix="FCKeditorV2" Namespace="FredCK.FCKeditorV2" Assembly="FredCK.FCKeditorV2" %> <asp:textbox id="TextBox" Cols="52" Rows="15" TextMode="MultiLine" runat="server" Width="500" Height="200"></asp:textbox> <div id="RichTextContainer" runat="server">

<FCKeditorV2:FCKeditor id="RichText" runat="server" height="200" ToolbarSet="PsamToolBar"></FCKeditorV2:FCKeditor>

</div> <script>

function GetValue<%=ClientID%>(){

<% if (IsUseFckEditor())




if(FCKeditorAPI && FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('<%=RichText.ClientID%>')){

return FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('<%=RichText.ClientID%>').GetHTML(); return FCKeditorAPI.GesI


return $('#<%=TextBox.ClientID%>').val();



return $('#<%=TextBox.ClientID%>').val();


<% }else



return $('#<%=TextBox.ClientID%>').val();

<% } %>


function updateEditorField<%=ClientID%>() { 

<% if (IsUseFckEditor())



FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('<%=RichText.ClientID%>').UpdateLinkedField(); $('#<%=TextBox.ClientID%>').val(FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('<%=RichText.ClientID%>').GetHTML());

<% } %>

} </script>

This is the cs code for the control: using System; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

namespace PSAMV3.Modules.PRBestPracticesInAction {

public partial class RichTextArea : System.Web.UI.UserControl {

protected bool IsUseFckEditor() {

string useFckEditorSetting = ConfigurationManager.AppSettingsUseFckEditor?; return !((useFckEditorSetting != null) &&

(String.Compare("false", useFckEditorSetting, true) == 0));


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {

if (IsPostBack) {

RichText.ConfigCustomConfigurationsPath? = ConfigurationManager.AppSettingsFCKeditor:BasePath? + "fckconfig.js?n=" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmss"); RichText.ForcePasteAsPlainText = true; RichText.HtmlEncodeOutput = false;

if (IsUseFckEditor()) {

Use Text Area TextBox.Attributesstyle? = "display:inline"; RichTextContainer.Attributesstyle? = "display:none";

} else {

TextBox.Attributesstyle? = "display:none"; RichTextContainer.Attributesstyle? = "display:inline";




---- Property ---- public string Text {

get {

if (IsUseFckEditor()) {

return TextBox.Text;

} else {

return RichText.Value;



set {

if (IsUseFckEditor()) {

TextBox.Text = value;

} else {

TextBox.Text = value; RichText.Value = value;






and this is the part of the page where I call my control: <tr>

<td class="contenuGras">

<div id="uniquenessDiv">

<table width="100%">


<td width="120"><a class="ToggleElement" id="uniqueness" href="#" detailElementId="uniquenessDetailDiv"

elementId="uniquenessDiv">Uniqueness </a>


</tr> <tr>


<div class="resumeDetailElement" id="uniquenessDetail">

<table width="100%">


<td><span style="width=100%;" class="populatedValue" id="uniquenessDetailValue"></span></td> <td width="30"> </td> <td width="75"><a onclick="return clickOnToggleElement('uniqueness');" href="#"><img src="pt://images/plumtree/portal/private/psam/images/methods/pa/bt_modify.gif" border="0">









</div> <div class="detailElement" id="uniquenessDetailDiv">

<table width="100%">


<td><span class="ToggleElementOpened">Uniqueness</span> </td>

</tr> <tr>


<uc4:RichTextArea id="UniquenessRichTextArea" runat="server"></uc4:RichTextArea>


</tr> <tr>

<td>&nbsp;</td> <td><a onclick="return clickOnOk('uniquenessDetailValue','uniqueness',GetValue<%= UniquenessRichTextArea.ClientID%>(),'uniquenessDetail')"

href="#"><img src="pt://images/plumtree/portal/private/psam/images/methods/pa/bt_ok.gif" border="0"></a></td>






If someone could help me that would be great!


Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by Garry Yao

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

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