Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#5880 confirmed Bug

Undo causes javascript errors

Reported by: Arne Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.1
Keywords: Cc:


  1. Go to CK editor demo page.
  2. Clear editor content
  3. Type a word
  4. Select and copy the word
  5. Paste it several times on the same line.
  6. Hit Ctrl-Z to undo.
  7. Javascript errors should be generated. Probably related to range code.

Tested on Windows, Firefox 3.6.3
Editor version : 3.3.1

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed
Summary: [FF] - Undo causes javascript errorsUndo causes javascript errors
Version: 3.1

Reproducible in Firefox and Webkit from CKEditor 3.1.

FF Error:
Message: Index or size is negative or greater than the allowed amount" code: "1
URI: /3.6.2/ckeditor/_source/core/dom/domobject.js
Line: 209

Webkit Error:
Message:Uncaught Error: INDEX_SIZE_ERR: DOM Exception 1

  1. CKEDITOR.dom.selection.selectRanges:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js:1492
  2. CKEDITOR.dom.selection.selectBookmarks:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/selection/plugin.js:1567
  3. UndoManager.restoreImage:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/undo/plugin.js:416
  4. UndoManager.undo:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/undo/plugin.js:504
  5. CKEDITOR.plugins.add.init.editor.addCommand.exec:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/undo/plugin.js:25
  6. execcommand.js:52
  9. instance.execute:8080/ckeditor_trunk/_source/plugins/button/plugin.js:96
  12. (anonymous function)replacebycode.html:1
  13. onclickreplacebycode.html:2

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

The same result can be achieved with Undo button.

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