Opened 14 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#6039 closed Bug (invalid)
FF3: Home page (base href) appearing in text area iframe
Reported by: | Neil | Owned by: | |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | General | Version: | 3.2.2 |
Keywords: | Cc: | nsheth@… |
In some cases, the base href of the domain appears in the textarea iframe. This has been reported in Firefox, versions 3.6.6+.
Unable to reproduce consistently.
Screenshot here:
Originally noticed in ckeditor 3.2.2, but problem persists in 3.3.1.
Change History (4)
comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by
Cc: | nsheth@… added |
comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by
Status: | new → pending |
What do you have in your editor configuration file?
Also, it looks like we would hardly be able to reproduce the problem here. Can you provide us a test page that we can use for that?
comment:3 Changed 14 years ago by
Here's my config.js file:
/* Copyright (c) 2003-2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. For licensing, see LICENSE.html or */ CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Blog = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','TextColor','BGColor','Font','FontSize','-', 'Image','MediaEmbed','Link','Unlink','-','NumberedList','BulletedList', '-','Smiley','-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview','-','Source'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Story = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Image','MediaEmbed', '-','NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Smiley', '-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview','ajaxAutoSave'] ]; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Story_NOAS = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','Strike','-','Image','MediaEmbed', '-','NumberedList','BulletedList','-','Smiley','-', 'SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ]; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Minimal = [ ['Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Basic = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','-', 'OrderedList','UnorderedList','-','Smiley','-', 'SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Basic_No_Smiley = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','-', 'OrderedList','UnorderedList','-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Message = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','-','Image','Link','Unlink', '-','Smiley','-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_PM = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','-','Smiley', '-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.toolbar_Partner = [ ['Bold','Italic','Underline','StrikeThrough','-','Link','Unlink', '-','OrderedList','UnorderedList','-','SpellCheck','Scayt','Preview'] ] ; CKEDITOR.config.resize_enabled = false; CKEDITOR.config.removePlugins = 'elementspath'; CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'MediaEmbed,ajaxAutoSave,aspell'; CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; CKEDITOR.config.scayt_autoStartup = false; CKEDITOR.on( 'dialogDefinition', function( ev ) { // Take the dialog name and its definition from the event // data. var dialogName =; var dialogDefinition =; // Check if the definition is from the dialog we're // interested on (the 'Image' dialog). if ( dialogName == 'image' ) { // Remove the 'Link' and 'Advanced' tabs from the 'Image' dialog. //dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'advanced'); dialogDefinition.removeContents( 'Link'); /* var infoTab = dialogDefinition.getContents( 'info' ); // Remove unnecessary widgets from the 'Image Info' tab. infoTab.remove( 'txtHeight'); infoTab.remove( 'txtWidth' ); infoTab.remove( 'btnLockSizes'); // not working!!! infoTab.remove( 'btnResetSize'); // not working!!! infoTab.remove( 'txtBorder'); infoTab.remove( 'txtHSpace'); infoTab.remove( 'txtVSpace'); infoTab.remove( 'cmbAlign' ); infoTab.remove( 'previewImage'); infoTab.remove( 'ImagePreviewLoader'); // not working!!! infoTab.remove( 'ImagePreviewBox'); // not working!!! */ } }); CKEDITOR.editorConfig = function( config ) { // Define changes to default configuration here. For example: // config.language = 'fr'; // config.uiColor = '#AADC6E'; };
Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to reproduce the error, just relying on user reports.
Note, we've had the problem go away by delaying the loading of ckeditor, perhaps that gives some insight into what the issue is:
<script type="text/javascript"> setTimeout("CKEDITOR.config.toolbar = '<?=$tool_bar?>', CKEDITOR.replace('<?=$textarea_id?>', {<?=$extra_editor_params?>});",1000); </script>
comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by
Resolution: | → invalid |
Status: | pending → closed |
This is not enough to reproduce this issue. I'm closing it, but of course if we'll see that it's still reproducible, we can reopen it.
Additional info -
In terms of when this happens - From reports, the editor loads, then the text area inside the editor flashes white, and then our home page loads into the text area. (When things are correct, the editor has a background color, non-white.) Users can usually reload the page to make things work normally.
We usually don't preload anything into the editor.
Our editor include code looks something like: