Opened 14 years ago

Last modified 14 years ago

#7848 confirmed Bug

Inconsistent cut/copy with relation to new anchor feature

Reported by: Kevin Kamel Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.6
Keywords: Cc:


Load the following content:

<p><img src="" /></p>

Click on the image, then select the anchor item in the menu. Add an anchor with any content. Submit the anchor dialog.

Cut image (only the image, not the attached anchor!) from the document. Paste the image back into the document. Paste it repeatedly.

Expected: Cutting content from the document should remove the content from the document that is moved into the clipboard.

Actual: Content remains within the document but is *also* put into the clipboard.

Ideally this new anchor feature would work in a WYSIWYG type fashion, but in it's current incarnation it's hard to use.

Additionally it's pretty debatable on whether the anchor should be copied at all in the above scenario. Common sense indicates it should not, as I did not select the anchor to be cut, so why is it in my clipboard to begin with?

This test occurred in firefox 4

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newconfirmed
Version: 3.6
  1. Paste the following code in source mode:
    <p><img src="" /></p> 
    1. Switch to wysiwyg and select an image
    2. Select anchor from toolbar
    3. Type any name and save.

Result: Image is placed inside <a> tag in FireFox and IE:

<p><a name="anch_test"><img src="" /></a></p>

In Webkit and Opera such action will has no effect.

I think that it should work like in FF an IE - but there is another problem with these two browsers. If you cut or copy the image from wysiwyg and try to paste it - the whole anchor is pasted.

It has worked that way from CKEditor 3.6 revision [6904]. Before this revision image was replaced by anchor.

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