Opened 14 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#7861 closed Bug (wontfix)

IE7 - E-Mail Link Dialog Goes off screen

Reported by: Tim Fluehr Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.0.2
Keywords: IE7 Cc:


When pasting a lot of text into the Message Body of an E-mail Link the dialog will grow and go off the screen so that the buttons are no longer accessible.

I have only been able to reproduce this in IE7 (and IE9 set to IE7 Standards mode, I didn't test IE8 set to IE7).

To reproduce

  1. Go to
    • If using IE9 - Hit F12 to pull up the Developer tools and change the Document mode to "IE7 Standards"
  2. Highlight the third paragraph (A wolf wants ...) and copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Open the link dialog and change the type to e-mail
  4. Paste the clipboard text into the message body
  5. Change the link type to url and then back to e-mail and you should see the issue.
    • If not try dragging the dialog around the screen and it should happen
    • With IE9 set to IE7 mode changing the type worked every time. IE7 itself sometimes required dragging the dialog.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 14 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE7 removed
Status: newconfirmed

This is true for IE7 and IE9, IE8 with document set to "IE7 Standards".

It has worked that way from CKEditor 3.0.2

Before CKEditor 3.0.2, dialog itself was not resized but only it's contents what resulted in scrollbars in dialog window.

comment:2 Changed 14 years ago by Sa'ar Zac Elias

Keywords: IE7 added

comment:3 Changed 11 years ago by Piotrek Koszuliński

Resolution: wontfix
Status: confirmedclosed

Not reproducible on IE8 and we are not supporting IE7 any more.

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