Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#801 closed Bug (fixed)

Folder browsing

Reported by: andy_hopkins@… Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: SF Cc: desperidou@…, torwei@…



I have just been testing FCK 2.4. However, when I enter the configs that I had for 2.3.2 for the userfiles settings. FCK now creates it's folders but all in lower case!! So I now get images, flash, media where as before they were Images, Flash and Media This is a major problem. I have check the connector files, they all appear to point to folder with upper case but it creates lower case folders?!

Moved from SF:

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Martin Kou

Reporter: changed from Martin Kou to andy_hopkins@…

the io.php in the connectors/php/ directory lowercases the resouceType (line 34 and/or 45)

This basically sucks because without modding the 2.4 version in more than the simplest places I need to keep track of all sort of subtle changes. But still the benefits rule over the setbacks!

Moved from SF. Original poster: desperidou

Thanks, That fixed the problem, wouldn't have thought to look there. Thanks for the tip.


Moved from SF. Original poster: andy_hopkins

Hy Andyman, the solution to fix the Bug in PHP is to edit the io.php file.

You can found the io.php in fckeditor/editor/filemanager/browser/default/connectors/php

arround line 29 you can found this function function:

GetUrlFromPath( $resourceType, $folderPath )

in this function arround line 35 you found:

return $GLOBALSUserFilesPath? . strtolower( $resourceType ) . $folderPath ;

change it to

return $GLOBALSUserFilesPath? . $resourceType . $folderPath ;

arround line 43 you found this function:

function ServerMapFolder( $resourceType, $folderPath )

in this function arround line 46 you found:

Get the resource type directory. $sResourceTypePath = $GLOBALSUserFilesDirectory? . strtolower( $resourceType ) . '/' ;

change it to:

Get the resource type directory. $sResourceTypePath = $GLOBALSUserFilesDirectory? . $resourceType . '/' ;

Save and FCKeditor would work propperly

Greetings Torsten Weiler

Moved from SF. Original poster: torwei

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Alfonso Martínez de Lizarrondo

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

The changes in #454 now allows to specify exactly how do you want those subfolders or even if you want to use them at all.

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