#8034 closed New Feature (invalid)
Fake elements config for "Unknown Object"
Reported by: | datalink | Owned by: | |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | General | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
On my own fake elements it shows "Unknown Object" on mouseover. I want to set my own title for it. Think it should be no problem to set a new parameter for var label in the createFakeElement and createFakeParserElement functions.
Change History (6)
comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by
comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by
Yes, please. Has this been addressed? "Unknown Object" on mouseover is really unprofessional, has anyone any way of changing this yet?
comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by
Resolution: | → invalid |
Status: | new → closed |
Please have a look at files
- _source/plugins/fakeobjects/plugin.js Lines 118-119
- _source/lang/en.js Lines 733-740
Editor looks for the appropriate name in language file and if it can't find this name it sets "Unknown Object" (I would not call it unprofessional). If you want to add some extra label for your custom tag please add it in language files that you and your clients will be using.
comment:4 Changed 10 years ago by
Set this line to your language file:
CKEDITOR.plugins.get( 'fakeobjects' ).langEntries.en['your_fakeobject_var'] = 'Your mouseover text';
This line is for english, use Entries.de[' for german aso.
comment:6 Changed 10 years ago by
This works only with source version of CKE. For optimized version you can simply use:
CKEDITOR.lang['langCode'].fakeobjects['your_fakeobject_var'] = 'Your mouseover text';
I second this motion. I would love to be able to set my own Alt text for this. Please make add this feature!