Opened 18 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#839 confirmed New Feature

There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL"

Reported by: bngobngo@… Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: SF Cc:



There should be a button that insert BR with CLEAR="ALL", and there should be a placeholder visible in FCKeditor for that tag as well. And eventually possible to use other values as well, such as LEFT or RIGHT instead of ALL.

Let say you insert an image or table and make it either left or right align so text can wrap around the object. Let say you write some text left of inserted object (if you right aligned the object above), but not so much text that the text are continuing below the object.

If you now want to continue writing another section from a place below the inserted object above then you would (today) have to insert multiple normal line-breaks <br /> in order to get to the bottom of the right aligned object. (or have I missed something here? )

IMHO that is not the correct way of doing it. And I think the correct way would be to insert one:

<br clear="all" />

to continue writing after the right aligned object.

( if one use <br /> tags to get below the object then this would not nessesarily look very good if the content is displayed in a container that is wider or narrower than the editor area when writing.... which of course is very likely to happen )

Okay.... writing a plugin that creates the button and the function that insert the needed <br clear="all" /> should not be to hard, but would be nice if FCK could do this as I also want to see a nice placeholder for the new tag... something similar to the placeholder for the Anchor.

Moved from SF:

Change History (4)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Martin Kou

Reporter: changed from Martin Kou to bngobngo@…

Not the way I would like it to work:

Want to be able to be offered a choice of using ALL, LEFT or RIGHT for the CLEAR property when I insert it. Also want to see a placeholder for the BR with CLEAR. And then a context menu and a dialog that allow you right-click the placeholder in order to change between ALL, LEFT and RIGHT.

Can you do that using fckstyles.xml? If so, please post that solution here.

I want this because it will be a lot more intuitive for my users.

And I also want this in core code because there are som issues when I do it this way: oFCK.FCK.InsertHtml("<br clear=\"all\" />"); Issue one: In FF: If there are other text above where I insert it, then some of that text are highlighted and I have to left-click drag that text to get rid of the highlighting. Issue two: In both IE and FF I often experience that inserting the tag does not make FCKeditor position the cursor in right position immediately. Only when I start typing the cursor pops into right position.

Moved from SF. Original poster: bngobngo

Couldn't that be done with the help of fckstyles.xml functionality?

Moved from SF. Original poster: Anonymous

comment:2 Changed 16 years ago by Artur Formella

Keywords: Confirmed added
Priority: NormalLow

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Priority: LowNormal

comment:4 Changed 15 years ago by Ingotian

I have found that if you put a <p> tag directly before <br clear="all" /> the <br clear="all" /> tag does not get removed and works as expected. So a sequence like </p><br clear="all" /><p> gets replaced by <p>&npsb</p> but </p><p><br clear="all" /> does not. I have no real idea why and found this by accident. For formatting graphics this is such a basic requirement I think a button on the tool bar to insert this is very important and should not be very difficult to do (though beyond my capability to do it with confidence :-( ). Now I only need to find out how to keep the raw html text with some formatting ie at least carriage returns so that switching from the WYSIWYG editor doesn't just give a difficult to search amorphous block. (TinyMCE seems better in this respect.) and find a spellchecker for CK editor and all my needs are fulfilled :-)

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