Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#8550 confirmed Bug

[ALL] inconsistent cursor about table

Reported by: yiminghe Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: Core : Selection Version: 3.5.4
Keywords: IE6 IE7 HasPatch Cc:


  1. open ckeditor at trunk in ie (ie6 or native ie8) and switch to source mode
  2. input the following source:
<table border="0" style="width: 100px" title="tbdescguide">

3.switch to wysiwyg mode and click the point in pic1(see attachment) the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) , then click the point in pic1 again (see attachment) the cursor is after table ! (it's always what i want , see pic3)


same click same cursor position (after table , see pic3)

actual result:

first click the cursor is after '8' (see pic2) ,second click the cursor is after table (see pic3)

PS : i also provide a patch in attachment , it will solve this problem , but i do not know its side effect.

Attachments (4)

pic1.png (20.7 KB) - added by yiminghe 13 years ago.
pic2.png (20.6 KB) - added by yiminghe 13 years ago.
pic3.png (20.8 KB) - added by yiminghe 13 years ago.
patch_8550.patch (607 bytes) - added by yiminghe 13 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

Changed 13 years ago by yiminghe

Attachment: pic1.png added

Changed 13 years ago by yiminghe

Attachment: pic2.png added

Changed 13 years ago by yiminghe

Attachment: pic3.png added

Changed 13 years ago by yiminghe

Attachment: patch_8550.patch added

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE HasPatch added; table cursor selection removed
Status: newconfirmed
Version: 3.6.3 (SVN - trunk)3.0

There seem to be two issues with the above code.

In IE8
E.g. select 123^45678^ and press backspace. Text won't get deleted and cursor will end up at the beginning of the selection. 123^45678

In IE6 and IE7
E.g. Click inside 123^45678 and select 123^45678 ^ but don't stop right after 8. Go a little bit farther. You will see that whole td content gets selected ^12345678 ^.
NOTE: When whole text gets selected and you are still holding left mouse button, move the cursor to the left and then to the right again - the selection will get fixed.

Both issues have been reproducible from CKEditor 3.0.

Version 0, edited 13 years ago by Jakub Ś (next)

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE HasPatch removed
Status: confirmednew

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: IE6 IE7 HasPatch added
Status: newconfirmed

I have only managed to reproduce this issue in IE6 and IE7 it works fine in IE8 and IE9.

Bug has been reproducible from CKEditor 3.5.4 rev [6882] - This is when the scenario described above first occurred.

But the first changes in behavior can be observed from rev [6698].
When clicking as indicated on pic1.png

  1. Before [6698], first click placed cursor under the table and the second click placed the cursor for a moment behind the table and then moved it under the table.
    I can only assume that this is ok. (If not then this issue has been reproducible from CKE 3.0)
  2. From rev [6698] first click and second click placed cursor behind 8.
  3. From [6882] the scenario described in post has been applicable
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