Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#8557 closed Bug (invalid)

Incorrect bulleted list inside numbered list

Reported by: Larisa Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Any browser 1.In Text's toolbar press "Insert/Remove numbered list" 2.Create the following structure:

  1. Smth
  2. Smth
  3. Smth

3.Set cursor in "2. Smth" row and in text's toolbar press "Insert/Remove bulleted list"

Expected: May be it should work as in MS Word and result should be:

  • Smth
  • Smth
  • Smth

Actual: As a result we have the following: 1.Smth

  • Smth


Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

It all depends on a Word you are using and whether you are using collapsed selection (put cursor) or select whole element.

If you select one element

   1. Smth
   2. ^Smth^
   3. Smth 

All Words and CKEditor will change only second element.

If you select whole list all Words and CKEditor will change the whole list.

The difference is in collapsed selection:
If put cursor in element (collapsed selection)

   1. Smth
   2. ^Smth
   3. Smth 

Word 2003 and CKEditor will change only second element.
Word 2010 Win will change the whole list.
Word 2011 Mac will change second and third element.

In our opinion the behavior from Word 2003 is the most intuitive and this is the approach we have taken.

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