Opened 13 years ago

Last modified 13 years ago

#8799 confirmed Bug

IE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs

Reported by: hel Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.6
Keywords: Firefox IE Cc:


Assume you have the following content within the ckeditor:

    <p>This is</p>
    <p>[anchor] an anchor</p>

Where [anchor] is the anchor placeholder.

Placing the cursor at the end of the first paragraph and hitting the DELETE key causes the anchor to be removed whereas I would expect that the second paragraph would be merged into the first paragraph and the anchor retained. [IE9 and FF10]

Placing the cursor at the beginning of the second paragraph, and hitting the BACKSPACE key also removes the anchor. [IE9]

This seems to work as expected on Chrome (WebKit).

I tried this on the following nightly build sample, and it still seems to be an issue:

Incidentally, hitting the ENTER key immediately before an anchor on this nightly build seems to cause the anchor to get vertically squished (see screenshot).

Attachments (1)

ie9-Capture1-enter.PNG (1.8 KB) - added by hel 13 years ago.
IE9 Squished Anchor on ENTER key

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (2)

Changed 13 years ago by hel

Attachment: ie9-Capture1-enter.PNG added

IE9 Squished Anchor on ENTER key

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Firefox IE added
Status: newconfirmed
Summary: IE9, FF10: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphsIE, FF: Delete/backspace keys remove anchor instead of joining paragraphs

Sample code:

	This is</p>
	<a name="abc"></a>&nbsp;an anchor</p>

Reproducible form CKEditor 3.6 in Firefox and IE

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