Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9018 closed Bug (expired)

Unlink button not working

Reported by: bridget Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Hi there,

I am having an issue with using unlink on existing links. When I first enter the page it is greyed out. I then highlight the link and the unlink button still stays greyed out. Any ideas on what's causing this?

I am using version 3.6.1

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Status: newpending
  1. In which browser are you getting this?
  2. Does this problem occurs in sole CKEditor or only when integrated with your application
  3. Have you perhaps made some customizations to the code (unlink plugin perhaps)?
  4. What configuration options have you set for CKEditor?
  5. Does this problem occur in latest CKEditor 3.6.3?

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by bridget

Thank you for your prompt response.

I have had a look and it seems that we don't have the unlink plugin. Can you provide a download link. I tried searching for it on your site.

I did mange to get teh unlink button to become ungreyed out using firefox but am unable to replicate how I got it to work. I had the link highlighted and added in some spaces and it worked. If you enter in a bunch of backspace after the link it becomes unlinked in IE8.

I have tested it in IE8, firefox and chrome. I Have got it working intermittently in IE8 and firefox.

I also tried using your demo version and it didn't occur.

Last edited 13 years ago by bridget (previous) (diff)

comment:3 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

I have had a look and it seems that we don't have the unlink plugin.

There is no separate download link for unlink plugin. You have to either download CKEditor once more and use this new version or copy unlink plugin to correct folder of your current instance. If you have built CKEditor from SVN trunk than please include unlink plugin in your next build.

If you enter in a bunch of backspace after the link it becomes unlinked in IE8.

Backspace removes chars, could you tell me how do you enter backspace keys?

Unlink plugin works by default and is available default download of CKEditor. There is no special action that needs to be taken to get it working.

I also tried using your demo version and it didn't occur.

What do you mean by that does the unlink button work there or not?
If it does not work then is it with default links that occur in demo text or with some special links entered by you - with what link CKEditor does not work?

comment:4 Changed 13 years ago by bridget

Backspace removes chars, could you tell me how do you enter backspace keys?

I am just using the backspace key on the keyboard and keep pressing it until the link become unlinked.

I have also discovered anotehr workaround is that: 1 #: If you view the source of the link you are trying to unlink. 2 #: Wait for the source code to load. 3 #: Click Source again. 4 #: Go back highlight your link and then the unlink button will become available.

This seems like strange page behaviour to me.

I also tried using your demo version and it didn't occur.

Unlink button works as expected when I use the demo version.

Last edited 13 years ago by bridget (previous) (diff)

comment:5 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

  1. >>This seems like strange page behaviour to me.

Yes but it most likely because you have some error in your webapp . Unlink button should work without any weird workarounds where user has to switch to source.

  1. Please try using version 3.6.3 although I don’t think it will resolve problem in your webapp.
  2. If this issue works in demo but does not work only in webapp theb problem is most likely in your webapp or server. Try using first sole and default CKEditor on your server. If it works then then you know it’s not server setting and you can focus on your application. Try disabling modules of your webapp one by one and see when CKEditor starts working - this should give you area where to look.

Could you check send us a comment what was wrong.

comment:6 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Resolution: expired
Status: pendingclosed
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