Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9047

Jun 19, 2012, 12:19:54 PM (13 years ago)
Jakub Ś


  • Ticket #9047 – Description

    initial v1  
    1 1) Create a link of type url and give it an id and name.
    2 2) Now enter no of lines below this link. These lines are added as spacer.
    3 3) Create another link and select its type as 'Link to anchor in the text' and select the anchor name or id of the link created in step 1.
    4 4) The new link must be created quite some distance from the first link i.e the second link must be at a scrollable distace so that when we click the second link the focus moves up or down the page.
    5 5) Now click the second link. In IE and chrome focus will move to the first link while in firefox instead of the focus getting shifted to the target link the page reloads.
     11. Create a link of type url and give it an id and name.
     22. Now enter no of lines below this link. These lines are added as spacer.
     33. Create another link and select its type as 'Link to anchor in the text' and select the anchor name or id of the link created in step 1.
     44. The new link must be created quite some distance from the first link i.e the second link must be at a scrollable distace so that when we click the second link the focus moves up or down the page.
     55. Now click the second link. In IE and chrome focus will move to the first link while in firefox instead of the focus getting shifted to the target link the page reloads.
    77I have verified that this is not a behaviour intinsic to firefox by creating two such links in a html page without ckeditor and it behaves as expected i.e the focus shifts, just like in IE and firefox. The problem occurs only when ckeditor is loaded.
    99One difference I observed between the source code of the preview page as generated by IE and FF is that FF had this additional line insided the html body
    1213        <link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    1516If this is acknowledged as a bug we will require it to be patch in 3.3.1 and 3.5.3 also as we have customers using these releases and waiting for a fix.
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