Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#9172 closed Task (invalid)

How to use Advance Link Option in CkEditor

Reported by: vikas sharma Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 3.6
Keywords: Cc: vikas1sharma@…


I want to create a link within webpage, but am not satisfied with normal anchor links, i need to do someting better like below

Create a Heading link on webpage e.g "Location Details",when user clicks the Location Details, the detailed information on location/text should appear just below the heading and should vanish when the heading link is clicked again..

I have no programming experience, please advise, how i can do it using advance link option in CkEditor.

Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 13 years ago by vikas sharma

Cc: vikas1sharma@… added

I want to create a link within webpage, but am not satisfied with normal anchor links, i need to do someting better like below (una-himachal railway station pickup service, amrisar airport pickup service, new delhi airport pickup service etyc)

Similar to above, we need to Create a Heading link on webpage e.g "Location Details",when user clicks the Location Details, the detailed information on location/text should appear just below the heading and should vanish when the heading link is clicked again..

I have no programming experience, please advise, how i can do it using advance link option in CkEditor.

Note :- In the above URL the same facility was created by coding, not through the ckeditor

comment:2 Changed 13 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Example of Advance Link Creation removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

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General scenario is to add onclick event to such link. For such event a function that displays or hides div with detailed information should be defined. Detail information should be fetched from DB probably through some server-side tag.
You can google for examples in JavaScript.

If you want to do it in CKEditor you should write plugin ( that attaches such code. Of course Java Script is not executed in content area so the result will be visible in page preview or saved page only.

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