Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9390, comment 2

Oct 24, 2012, 1:54:10 PM (12 years ago)
Jakub Ś


  • Ticket #9390, comment 2

    initial v1  
    22It has never worked like you have described it.
    4 The only time when unlink button get enabled and it is possible to unlink all links in text after pressing CRTL+A is when selection starts with link (link is at the beginning of selected text). [[BR]]
    5 But this is not a bug but rather accidental extra feature. The main reason for it is performance. Editor can't search whole selection for links, images, form elements etc. because it would simply take too long.[[BR]]
     4The only time when unlink button get enabled and it is possible to unlink all links in text after pressing CRTL+A is when selection starts with link (link is at the beginning of selected text). But this is not a bug but rather accidental extra feature.[[BR]]
     5The main reason for not analysing whole text is performance. Editor can't search whole selection for links, images, form elements etc. because it would simply take too long.[[BR]]
    66So instead, editor is analysing only boundary of selection (beginning in this case) and if there is a link unlink button gets enabled.
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