Changes between Version 52 and Version 53 of Ticket #9764

Jul 4, 2013, 7:53:16 PM (11 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński
  1. Updated description.
  2. Force-pushed t/9764 branches on latest major.
  3. Two bugs fixed.

Some stats:

  • Dev branch contains more than 200 commits and this is after squashing 100 of them.
  • 6000LOC of tests have been written.
  • It takes more than 20s on FF to run just these tests ;<.


  • Ticket #9764 – Description

    v52 v53  
    4141  * `checkSelection` should be fired after `execCommand` and perhaps `saveSnapshot` too, or better - on new `change` event;
    4242  * better hiding hidden selection container;
    43   * bug: uncool scroll after focusing widget for the first time;
     43  * ~~bug: uncool scroll after focusing widget for the first time;~~
    4444  * automatic cross-editables selection fixing (when selection starts in one editable and ends in another one);
    45   * bug: IE - failing focus test in nested editables;
     45  * ~~bug: IE - failing focus test in nested editables;~~
     46  * bug: FF - fill empty nested editables with bogus br after removing all characters;
     47  * bug: IE - selection can't be moved from nested editable to widget;
    4749=== Drag & drop ===
    5153  * bug: clicking drag handler (without dragging) should focus widget;
    5254  * handler should be invisible when dragging it;
     55  * bug: FF - caret is not visible after drop, though content is editable and selection can be moved around (dialog open&close helps);
     56  * bug: IE - widget is not focused after D&D;
    5458=== Copy & paste ===
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