Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Ticket #9829, comment 10

Jan 11, 2013, 12:08:28 PM (12 years ago)
Piotrek Koszuliński


  • Ticket #9829, comment 10

    initial v1  
    33You can follow current status of implementation on [ t/9829 branch]. There's a new {{{datafilter.html}}} sample which presents this new feature.
     5'''Note:''' This is still kind of prototype, so e.g. code lacks good documentation and some features work only partially.
    57What's already done:
    1517    * This part of feature isn't working well yet. E.g. block elements stripping creates a lot of mess. It's veeery nontrivial and I need more time to polish that.
    1618    * Also, dataFilter is attached to dataProcessor in a little wrong way, because it doesn't really filter the 'data format', but 'internal HTML format' so it may break some things right now.
    17 1. If default allowed content configuration is used (because user hasn't defined his), then buttons and plugins add content allowed by them to the dataFilter. You can see on 4th editors (which has stripped few plugins and buttons) that e.g. strike through, anchors and image disappeared. And when you compare to 1st editor you can see that they are present there. Magic! :)
    18 1. If custom configuration for allowed content was defined (2nd and 3rd editors), then features that aren't allowed are rejected by the editor. Currently only some plugins support data filter. These are:
    19     * basicstyles - see missing buttons in 2nd and 3rd editors,
    20     * ol ul lists - missing in 2nd editor (content and buttons),
     191. If default allowed content configuration is used (because user hasn't defined his), then buttons and plugins add content allowed by them to the dataFilter. You can see on editor 3 (which has stripped few plugins and buttons) that e.g. strike through, anchors and image disappeared '''from the content'''. And when you compare to editor 1 you can see that they are present there, because buttons and plugins are enabled. Magic! :)
     201. If custom configuration for allowed content was defined (editors 2a and 2b), then features that aren't allowed are rejected by the editor. Currently only some plugins support data filter. These are:
     21    * basicstyles - see missing buttons in editors 2a and 2b,
     22    * ol ul lists - missing in editor 2a (content and buttons),
    2123    * blockquote,
    22     * justify - here I had problem how to verify if these buttons are allowed - I'm checking only for 'p{text-align}' - justify is removed in 4th editor, so content footer is aligned to left and as text-align isn't allowed in 2nd editor button is removed and content is filtered,
    23     * link and anchor - anchors and anchor button are removed in 2nd, 3rd and 4th editors,
    24     * table - missing in 3rd editor (content and buttons),
    25     * format combo - in 2nd and 3rd editors stripped down version of formats is available.
     24    * justify - here I had problem how to verify if these buttons are allowed - I'm checking only for 'p{text-align}' - justify is removed in editor 3, so content footer is aligned to left and as text-align isn't allowed in editor 2a button is removed and content is filtered too,
     25    * link and anchor - anchors and anchor button are removed in editors 2a, 2b and 3,
     26    * table - missing in editor 2b (content and buttons),
     27    * format combo - in editors 2a and 2b stripped down version of formats is available.
    26281. This magic behaviour has to be spread to the other editor features. E.g. commands have to be disabled if they aren't allowed, so they can't be triggered by keystrokes. Dialogs' fields have to be removed and so on.
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