Version 4 (modified by 17 years ago) (diff) | ,
Table of Contents
Ticket Specs
Reporting tickets can be very tricky if you are doing it for the first time. In some cases users unwillingly put to much or to little information about a bug or a new feature and as a result the ticket handling process extends. That is why we have placed some recommendations about every ticket field to help you understand more about ticket reporting.
If you follow these recommendations you will help us to speed up the ticket handling process and in this way your request will be settled faster.
Short summary
In this field the reporter should place a short summary about the ticket. If possible the reporter should put the name of the browser in which a new bug has occurred or in which a new feature is requested, in the beginning of the summary. Of course if the reported problem is found in every browser you don't have to put anything in the beginning of the field.
IE: The sampleposteddata pages are not wrapping the "Value" column
Safari: objects are not selectable
FF3 : Content "flashing" on load
This field is used for choosing the type of the ticket. You can choose from:
- Bug - if you found that something isn't working properly in FCKeditor or in our other projects
- New Feature - when you want to make a request for something new to be added to any of our project
- Task - tasks are usually used by FCKeditor core development team to specify "things that should be done" which aren't related to Bug and New Feature. So generally we don't recommend to use this type by reporters.
Full description
The Full description field is the most important field in creating a new ticket. Its content allows our team to know with what kind of problem the reporter is dealing with. There are a few tips that the reporter should now about when filling this field.
Every bug or a new feature must be confirmed by someone from our core development team. When it comes to confirming new features we just check if the request is valid and possible to be implemented or not. When it comes to bugs the things aren't so easy because we must reproduce the bug. Sometimes it is very hard to be done because of lack of the information that the reporter is providing. So besides the bug description we recommend to write a step by step instruction