Custom Query


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8307 [iOS] Maximize is broken confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#8308 [iOS] There is no scrollbar on toolbar combos confirmed Bug Normal
#8309 [iOS] Selection marker and ballon remain over toolbar panels confirmed Bug Normal
#8310 [iOS] It's not (always) possible to close toolbar combos without selecting one item confirmed Bug Normal
#8311 [iOS] There is no way to open the context menu confirmed Bug Normal
#8312 [iOS] SCAYT blocks typing confirmed Bug Normal
#8313 [iOS] Dialogs in the wrong are not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8314 [iOS] Dialog fields don't get focus when opened confirmed Bug Normal
#8315 [iOS] Editing area grows with no scrollbar confirmed Bug Normal
#8316 [iOS] Resizer is not draggable confirmed Bug Normal
#8317 [iOS] Show "tooltips" for toolbar commands confirmed New Feature Normal
#8318 [iOS] Copy/Paste balloon hide toolbar options confirmed Bug Normal
#8319 [iOS][Android] The divreplace sample doesn't work confirmed Bug Normal
#8320 [iOS] The tableresize plugin is not usable confirmed Bug Normal
#8402 SSI-style HTML comments inside href attributes are broken when Source button is clicked confirmed Bug Normal
#8405 'mode' event documentation needs minor correction assigned Anna Tomanek Bug Normal
#8445 dialog.getSelectedElement() returns wrong element when element selected is within a table for 3.6.2, Firefox confirmed Bug Normal
#8448 CSS errors in FF 7.01 using CKEditor 3.6.2 confirmed Bug Normal
#8574 Change contents of richcombo after init confirmed New Feature Normal
#8597 CKEditor.NET 3.6.2 editor not displayed after postback (RadAjaxPanel) confirmed Task Normal
#8705 [iOS] Caret (cursor) may not appear when typing is enabled new Bug Normal
#8717 Mobile Safari - Cursor remains after switching between wysiwyg mode and text mode confirmed Bug Normal
#8801 IE8 Bug when paste to an exist selection when ENTER_BR mode is on confirmed Bug Normal
#8881 [iOS] Paste images does not work on iOS new Bug Normal
#8947 [iOS] (iPad) copy/pasting formatted text new Bug Normal
#9125 IE8 Quirks - find and replace dialog confirmed Bug Normal
#9637 Scripts can be executed from ckeditor using preview plugin confirmed Bug Normal
#9774 HasPatch adding a body wrapper (usefull for adding (invisible) css wrappers) new New Feature Normal
#10788 [Safari] Pressing ESC when in opened color platte/combo moves focus to editable. confirmed Bug Normal
#12197 dialogadvtab plugin: style field input validation is too restrictive confirmed Bug Normal
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.
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