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Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#16994 Support for Clipboard API in Edge assigned Tomasz Jakut Task Must have (possibly next milestone)
#16829 [IE11] Missing text justification in some cases when content is pasted from Word confirmed Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16833 IE11 malformed list pasted from Word assigned Marek Lewandowski Bug Nice to have (we want to work on it)
#16756 Image are inserted as file/link after pasting several images with text in between new Bug Normal
#16841 Optionally display element classes in path to selected item confirmed New Feature Normal
#16852 No carriage returns after images in Edit Draft mode & document is corrupt on saving new Bug Normal
#16859 Not able to Assign Table Elements Contents To CKEDITOR at RunTime new Bug Normal
#16891 Bug in CKEDITOR.htmlParser.fragment.prototype.add new Bug Normal
#16892 Add the ability to bulk edit cell properties new New Feature Normal
#16948 Adding a list removes preceding empty line with enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR new Bug Normal
#16949 dataIndentationChars disregarded if empty string new Bug Normal
#16952 JS error when using div plugin next to a text node new Bug Normal
#16965 MathJax plugin: add support for MathJax.Hub.Config configuration options new New Feature Normal
#16973 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '$' of undefined new Bug Normal
#16985 Bugs with colors new Bug Normal
#16988 Highlighted text is unselected when using Cntrl+Click as Right Click (on Macbooks) new Bug Normal
#16991 readyState of iFrame is "interactive" in FireFox 53.0 while "complete" in Chrome 58.0 new Bug Normal
#16998 CKEditor Style for <img> not working because it is an "image" widget new Bug Normal
#17005 Liststyle adds Bulleted List Properties to context menu for an editor with no content new Bug Normal
#17013 CKEditor on blur event doesnt get fired consistently the first time editor is created new Bug Normal
#17016 Extract colorpicker from colordialog. confirmed Bug Normal CKEditor 4.7.1
#17021 Inline state missing when using inline editing with iframe new Bug Normal
#17035 Inline editor remains active after tabbing off editor - MS Edge new Bug Normal
#17041 CKEDITOR.dom.document.createElement API changes the “href” attribute automatically new Bug Normal
#17044 Font does not hold new Bug Normal
#17045 Font Size not holding new Bug Normal
#17047 [TI] Hovering over table after one selected throws an error. confirmed Bug Normal
#17050 [Opera] Wrong notification for paste as plain text confirmed Bug Normal
#17051 [TI] Select all on only table content creates native selection. confirmed Bug Normal
#17055 Pasting iFrame returns console error in /test /tests/core/manual/src#child new Bug Normal
#17056 Incorrect notification on mobile devices new Bug Normal
#17059 Table cell properties - background color is not kept new Bug Normal
#17060 [Edge] Undo-redo flicker when style applied new Bug Normal
#17062 [Edge] Manual test tests/core/selection/manual/iecontenteditablefalse#child fails on Edge browser new Bug Normal
#17063 Double insertion of table after using enter on Chrome mobile. new Bug Normal
#17064 BBCode: Adds new linefeed each switch from source/preview: [/list] [u][url=http://snap...../]Updates[/url][/u] new Bug Normal
#17067 Can't select cells in tfoot review Tomasz Jakut Bug Normal
#17058 [Edge/IE] Visual selection applies to single table cell selection new Bug Low
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