Opened 18 years ago

Closed 18 years ago

#10 closed Bug (invalid)

SVN version doesn't work

Reported by: Alfonso Owned by:
Priority: Must have (possibly next milestone) Milestone:
Component: General Version:
Keywords: Cc:


Trying to test again the problems that I had with the editor yesterday I've found that the SVN version isn't complete, if I load it just a sample I get an error and then it seems to work, but if I try to use the source files to find the problem with FCKeditor/trunk/_samples/default.html?fcksource=true I've found that the editor/fckeditor.original.html file no longer exists, so I don't know what else is missing or broken.

Change History (3)

comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

You will find out that the development SVN is sightly different from the public SVN version. The development version is always in source mode and there is no fckeditor.original.html.

The public SVN version (or release version) is created by running the "_dev/bin/FCKeditor.Releaser.exe" program.

I think you are in some way mixing both SVNs. We should work with the developers SVN only (the one integrated with Trac).

I still haven't found time to describe the directory and files structure? you will find there, so you still have some info missing. Sorry for that.

I suggest you to checkout the complete development trunk in a clear directory and work in that files only.

Please update this ticket with your results.

comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by Alfonso

I see, I didn't really looked at the loaded files in the editor because I searched for the error in fckxml.js and as it didn't popup my alert I thought that I was working with the compressed sources (and yesterday I wasn't unable to use firebug, now it has been fixed)

I did start this SVN with an empty directory I didn't want to have any problem and there are some code changes in my version that I will have to keep separate, so I knew that that wasn't the problem.

More over, I was searching for the wrong element, instead of the error message I should have looked at the file mentioned: file:///fckeditor.config.js and then I've been able to found it in fckconfig.js:

FCKConfig.CustomConfigurationsPath = '/fckeditor.config.js' ;	// @Packager.RemoveLine 

As I run the samples from the file system (to avoid having to create a new virtual folder in the server) I created an empty file at the root and that fixed the problem in IE, but not for Firefox or Opera.

We are getting closer...

comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by Frederico Caldeira Knabben

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

Yes... the /fckeditor.config.js is used so we don't need to make changes in the official fckconfig.js file for testing configuration options during the development (and maybe forget something there!).

I hope your development environment is ok now. I'm sorry if you are still loosing time with startup things.

I'm closing this one.

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