Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
#10171 closed Bug (expired)
ckeditor disables all jquery dialogs
Reported by: | Liran Fridman | Owned by: | |
Priority: | Normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | General | Version: | |
Keywords: | Cc: |
Description ¶
I have a problem with ckeditor and jquery dialog window.
I have a form in which I'm dragging a div to a sortable table. When dragging I'm cloneing the div and opening a jquery dialog which contains the ckeditor.
The editor is created on the dialog's open method, and is being destroyed on close.
After dragging the edtior for the first time it opens in the dialog, but then all the dialogs in the page are not opening.
I'm getting this error: Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'dialog'
when trying to open another dialog or drag another div with the editor.
My code is:
var CKEditor $("#dialog_editor").dialog({ autoOpen: false, height: 500, width: $("#td_form").width(), modal: true, zIndex: -1, buttons: [ { text: "Save", "class": 'btn btn_content', click: function () { saveEditorContent(); } } ], open: function (type, data) { $(this).parent().appendTo("#form"); CKEditor = CKEditor = CKEDITOR.replace('text_editor', { extraPlugins: 'autogrow', removePlugins: 'resize' }); }, close: function () { CKEditor.destroy(); } });
I have searched all over the web, and still found no answer to that.
I tried adding the adapters/jquery.js
and still the same problem...

Change History (9)
comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by
Status: | new → pending |
Version: | 4.1 (GitHub - major) |
comment:2 Changed 12 years ago by
I'm using Chrome, and this message is from Chrome and Firefox console... I downloaded v.3.6.6 and it is fixed there...
comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by
Could you provide reduced and working sample html page that allows reproducing this problem with default editor?
comment:4 Changed 12 years ago by
I will arrange you a folder with my project and will attach it here. Is it ok ?
comment:5 Changed 12 years ago by
There is no need for the project. Test case should be as simple as possible :).
I was hoping that you will provide sample HTML page that has few jQuery dialogs (js imports can be made from Google) and editor and will show this problem. The reason for this is that I want to check this error with the same code you are using instead of guessing how to reproduce.
If possible please provide REDUCED sample page e.g. something that can be put in samples folder and will show this problem.
comment:7 Changed 12 years ago by
No need to send you any file. The problem is in the "Uploadcare" plugin that can be added in the custom download. I downloaded the new 4.02 version and just started to add each plugin separately and testing it in my project. It crashes when I added the "Uploadcare" plugin...
comment:8 Changed 12 years ago by
No need to send you any file.
I still think it would be nice if you could send us reduced sample page. We could make sure then if any of CKSource plugins doesn't break jQuery.
The problem is in the "Uploadcare"
Please note that this is not CKSource core plugin but third-party plugin provided by one of our users. This can be easily checked by viewing plugin website. In such case this ticket is a “won't fix” issue and should be reported to plugin author.
@frliran I understand that you don't want to spend time on creating sample file but if anyone is going to reproduce that it is a must to work on the same code that you have. Please also note that TC is not whole application but as simple as possible page(s) or folder of files. Hope you will send the file(s).
comment:9 Changed 12 years ago by
Resolution: | → expired |
Status: | pending → closed |

This is probably IE message. Could you please check this in Chrome or Firefox which gives more detailed comments?
Could you provide reduced and working sample html page that allows reproducing this problem with default editor, outside of your application?