Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#10544 closed Bug (invalid)

Use on Mac

Reported by: Warren Eames Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: General Version: 4.0.1
Keywords: Cc:


Hello, I have a Mac OS & Safari 4.1.3. I am using CKEditor in OpenCart On your site the latest version of CKEditor is 4.1.2, [I think] ) I have downloaded & uploaded this to my site twice after renaming the version that was already there and it still is saying that it is version 4.01. I have loaded and unloaded OpenCart & CKEditor 3 times (one earlier version) to get the Text in the "Description" to be still there after adding text, saving going out (of Products or Catalog) then going back in. The Text is on My OpenCart site,but when I go in to modify anything the Text can not be seen. If I cancel and go out, of course it does not change, the Text is still on My OpenCart web page. When I "Refresh" the "Description" page where CKEditor is, I can, (for a fraction of a second), see the Original "Description" Text box with the Text in it. I went to your "Demo" page & I could see the Text you had there. The text box was not empty as on my OpenCart Admin page. I have looked for over a week on the OpenCart site for an answer (as others have the same problem) but no one that I can find has given an answer to this annoying problem. Can you help? P.S I have put version 4.0.1 below as that is what is coming up in CKEditor even though I have loaded the latest version (10 June).

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 12 years ago by Jakub Ś

Keywords: Mac removed
Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

This isn't support site not forum but place for reporting bugs. Anyway I can give you few tips:

Hello, I have a Mac OS & Safari 4.1.3.

Would be nice if you could upgrade to latest Safari (for Safari we support only latest stable -!/guide/dev_browsers)

I have downloaded & uploaded this to my site twice after renaming the version that was already there and it still is saying that it is version 4.01.

Either you have changed wrong folder on your server or you haven't refreshed browsers cache (this isn't Ctrl+F5 or F5). Please make sure you download from and that you download 4.1.2 (Btw. I recommend Full package)

When I "Refresh" the "Description" page where CKEditor is, I can, (for a fraction of a second), see the Original "Description"

  1. Text that is on html page between textarea tags is treated like initial text and will be inserted into editor.
    <textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10">&lt;p&gt;This is initial text&lt;/p&gt;</textarea>
  2. You should use setData (!/api/CKEDITOR.editor-method-setData) to set editor data (To clear data you can use editor.setData() or execute ne page command from code).
  3. You can use setData with instanceReady event to load data when editor is fully initialized.

I'm closing this ticket as invalid as they don't concern editor. This is about properly implementing editor into webapp. @fma1955 if you think there is bug in editor please leave a comment with steps to reproduce in e.g. demo page or standalone editor that hasn't got any server-side code attached.

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